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Homography Estimation

Problem 1: Homography estimation


Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png)

sample 4 correspondeces 0-1-4 sample 8 correspondeces 0-1-8 sample 20 correspondeces 0-1-20 all correspondences 0-1-all

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) removing outliers (matching 6 and 15) after ratio test

sample 4 correspondeces 0-2-4 sample 8 correspondeces (outliers removed) 0-2-4 sample 20 correspondeces (outliers removed) 0-2-20 outliers before 20 correspondences (matching 6 and matching 15) outlier all correspondences 0-2-all

Compare the errors

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png)

k = 4 k = 8 k = 20
DLT 138.817 1.502 0.288
Normalized DLT 138.817 1.437 0.280

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) removing outliers (matching 6 and 15) after ratio test

k = 4 k = 8 k = 20
DLT 344.971 12.681 5.713
Normalized DLT 344.971 29.617 3.914

Other works to improve result(RANSAC)

RANSAC: an algorithm to fit model to inliers while ignoring outliers

Screenshots (it may change for every execution):

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png)

4 correspondeces 0-1-4

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png)

4 correspondeces 0-2-4

Result of using RANSAC (running 10 times)

d is the threshold used to identify a point that fit well

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png) d = 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.522 0.543 0.623 0.447 0.627 0.520 0.668 0.416 0.784 0.541 0.569

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png) d = 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.220 0.164 0.438 0.382 0.492 0.342 0.320 0.571 0.314 0.252 0.350

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) d = 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.939 1.148 2.247 0.930 2.023 1.566 1.494 0.688 2.263 1.948 1.525

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) d = 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.869 0.886 2.163 1.444 1.817 1.218 0.907 1.418 1.244 2.353 1.432

Other works to improve result(Deep Learning)

LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers (CVPR 2021)

LoFTR architecture


LoFTR is a detector-free model which removes the feature detector phase and directly produce dense descriptors or dense feature matches

Network flow
  1. Use CNN with FPN to extract multi-level features from both images to get coarse-level features and fine-level features.

  2. Coarse-level features are passed through LoFTR modules to extract position and context dependent local features. LoFTR modules contains several times of self-attention and cross-attention layer.

  3. After getting two transformed features from LoFTR module, do coarse matching to get matching between two transformed features.

  4. Pass fine-level features and matchings received by previous step through coarse-to-fine module to get more precise matching, this module also uses transformer.


Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png)

sample 4 correspondeces 0-1-4 sample 8 correspondeces 0-1-8 sample 20 correspondeces 0-1-20 all correspondences 0-1-all

Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png)

sample 4 correspondeces 0-2-4 sample 8 correspondeces 0-2-8 sample 20 correspondeces 0-2-20 all correspondences 0-2-all

Resul of using Deep Learning
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png)
k = 4 k = 8 k = 20
DLT 8.252 0.915 0.517
Normalized DLT 8.252 0.917 0.520
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png)
k = 4 k = 8 k = 20
DLT 32.104 35.475 1.037
Normalized DLT 32.104 23.209 0.437
Result of using Deep Learning + RANSAC(running 10 times)
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png) threshold d = 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.931 0.920 0.806 1.157 0.997 0.442 0.652 0.762 0.543 0.622 0.783
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-1.png) threshold d = 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 0.399 0.335 0.387 0.465 0.415 0.467 0.430 0.361 0.371 0.364 0.399
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) threshold d = 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 1.692 0.709 3.216 2.014 1.546 2.157 0.977 3.911 1.261 2.823 2.031
Image pair (1-0.png, 1-2.png) d = 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 average
error 1.173 1.303 0.727 1.467 1.132 0.980 1.191 0.751 1.190 0.624 1.05


DLT and normalized DLT

The result of using normalized or not shows that with more pairs of matching, normalize operation can often get a lower reprojection error


The result shows that the 4 pairs of matching we get from RANSAC can have a great improvement(e.g., 344.971 to 1.525 in image pair 1-0.png 1-2.png with threshold d=1). So it shows that RANSAC can effectively remove outliers that may influence the result.

In Image pair 1-0.png 1-2.png, we need to see the connections and remove outlier manually without using RANSAC, but with RANSAC, we don't have to do this work anymore.

Feature matching from Deep Learning

The result shows that the 4 pairs of matching we get from Deep Learning model can have a great improvement(e.g., 344.971 to 32.104 in image pair 1-0.png 1-2.png). So it shows that LoFTR can work better than using ratio test after SIFT

Deep Learning + RANSAC

With setting threshold d=2, it shows that the result of using Deep learning + RANSAC is worse than using RANSAC. But when threshold d=1, Deep learning + RANSAC is nearly or better than using RANSAC. The reason I considered is that the matchings we get from Deep Learning is so good that we need a more strictly threshold to find good inliers in matchings.

Build environment

Experiment Environment
OS: Windows 10
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

conda create --name homography python=3.8 
conda activate homography
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch-lts 
pip install -r requirements.txt 

How to run code

output of program

There will be three outputs, allpairs.png(in result folder), pairsforhomography.png(in result folder), and reprojection errors of DLT and normalized DLT. allpairs.png is the images that shows all correspondences. pairsforhomography.png is the images that shows correspondences for calculating homography. Reprojection errors is showed on terminal


python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file]
Example: Use 4 pairs of points
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy

Use more than 4 pairs

python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --pair [number of pairs] 
Example: Use 8 pairs of points
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy --pair 8

Remove outlier manually(for image pair 1-0.png 1-2.png)

python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --pair [number of pairs] --outlier [point of outliers]
Example: Use 20 pairs of points, the 6 and 15 matching in good_matches are removed
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-2.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_02.npy --pair 20 --outlier 6 15


python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --ransac
Example: Use 4 pairs of points selected by RANSAC after ratio test, the result may not be same from every execution
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy --ransac

Use deep learning

python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --dl
Example: Use 4 pairs of points selected by deep learning
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy --dl

Use more than 4 pairs with deep learning

python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --pair [number of pairs] --dl
Example: Use 8 pairs of points selected by deep learning
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy --pair 8 --dl

Use deep learning + RANSAC

python --img1 [path to image1] --img2 [path to image2] --correspondence [path to correspondence file] --dl --ransac
Example: Use 4 pairs of points selected by RANSAC after getting matching from deep learning, the result may not be same from every execution
python --img1 ./images/1-0.png --img2 ./images/1-1.png  --correspondence ./groundtruth_correspondences/correspondence_01.npy --dl --ransac

Problem 2: Document rectification

Input document image


Rectified result


Method explanation

How to choose corners

the order of choosing corners is left-up, left down, right down, right up choose

Step of Document Rectification

  1. Choose the corners by user
  2. Calculate homography between corner points gotten by previos step and the corner of output image(640x480).
  3. Do backward warping, from every pixel of output image, use homography to find mapping point in input image. Then using bilinear interpolation to get the pixel value.
  4. Store the image as book.png

time complexity of bilinear interpolation

Because we need to traverse all the pixels in output image, and the computation time of every pixel is same, so the time complexity is O(width_of_output*height_of_output)

How to run code

  1. Running the code
python --img ./images/book.png
  1. Choose corners(left-up -> left down -> right down -> right up) and then press esc
  2. Result will be showed and store in result folder named book.png


LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers (CVPR 2021)

LoFTR's github