aws-fuzzy was previously developed in Python, old code is available here
aws-fuzzy is a tool to retrieve information from multiple AWS services.
- AWS Config: Retrieve inventory information from AWS Config
- Chart: Plot the connection between different AWS components (e.g. VPC Peering)
- SSH: Search EC2 instances using fuzzy finder
- SSO: Login and export AWS credentials as environment variables
- Cache: all results can be optionally cached to improve performance
Check the releases page here
aws-fuzzy will query AWS services using the profile specified from environment variable AWS_PROFILE
or from a runtime parameter -p
, the credentials are retrieved from environment variables or from ~/.aws/credentials
Each option can be specified via environment variables.
aws-fuzzy [OPTIONS] <command>
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
chart Chart
config Interact with AWS Config inventory
ssh SSH to EC2 instances
sso SSO Utilities
The config
module queries AWS Config service (with an optional aggregator
aws-config [OPTIONS] config <command>
Interact with AWS Config inventory
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
acm Query ACM resources in AWS Config inventory
apigw Query ApiGateway resources in AWS Config inventory
apigwv2 Query ApiGatewayV2 resources in AWS Config inventory
asg Query AutoScaling resources in AWS Config inventory
cb Query CodeBuild resources in AWS Config inventory
cf Query CloudFront resources in AWS Config inventory
cfn Query CloudFormation resources in AWS Config inventory
config Query Config resources in AWS Config inventory
cp Query CodePipeline resources in AWS Config inventory
ct Query CloudTrail resources in AWS Config inventory
cw Query CloudWatch resources in AWS Config inventory
dynamo Query DynamoDB resources in AWS Config inventory
eb Query ElasticBeanstalk resources in AWS Config inventory
ec2 Query EC2 resources in AWS Config inventory
elb Query ElasticLoadBalancing resources in AWS Config inventory
elbv2 Query ElasticLoadBalancingV2 resources in AWS Config inventory
es Query Elasticsearch resources in AWS Config inventory
iam Query IAM resources in AWS Config inventory
kms Query KMS resources in AWS Config inventory
lambda Query Lambda resources in AWS Config inventory
qldb Query QLDB resources in AWS Config inventory
rds Query RDS resources in AWS Config inventory
redshift Query Redshift resources in AWS Config inventory
s3 Query S3 resources in AWS Config inventory
servicecatalog Query ServiceCatalog resources in AWS Config inventory
shield Query Shield resources in AWS Config inventory
shieldreg Query ShieldRegional resources in AWS Config inventory
sns Query SNS resources in AWS Config inventory
sqs Query SQS resources in AWS Config inventory
ssm Query SSM resources in AWS Config inventory
waf Query WAF resources in AWS Config inventory
wafreg Query WAFRegional resources in AWS Config inventory
wafv2 Query WAFv2 resources in AWS Config inventory
xray Query XRay resources in AWS Config inventory
Each module can have different options, ec2
for example have additional options due to its large number of resources
aws-fuzzy [OPTIONS] config ec2 [ec2-OPTIONS]
Query EC2 resources in AWS Config inventory
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[ec2 command options]
-t, --type= Filter by EC2 resource (case sensitive):
CustomerGateway, EgressOnlyInternetGateway, EIP, FlowLog, Host, Instance, InternetGateway, NatGateway, NetworkAcl,
NetworkInterface, RegisteredHAInstance, RouteTable, SecurityGroup, Subnet, Volume, VPCEndpoint, VPCEndpointService,
VPCPeeringConnection, VPC, VPNConnection, VPNGateway (default: Instance)
-p, --profile= What profile to use (default: default) [$AWS_PROFILE]
--pager Pipe output to less
-a, --account= Filter Config resources to this account
-s, --select= Custom select to filter results (default: resourceId, accountId, awsRegion, configuration, tags)
-f, --filter= Use a custom query to filter results
-l, --limit= Limit the number of results (default: 0)
It can also plot a graph of the relationship between resources.
main [OPTIONS] chart peering
Chart relationship between resources
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
nm Chart NetworkManager topology
peering Chart peering relationship
tgroutes Chart TransitGateway route tables
A graph is generated in HTML format, with account name based on profiles defined AWS config file. The HTML file containing the graph is saved in the current directory.
Use fuzzy finder to select and SSH to instances.
aws-fuzzy [OPTIONS] ssh [ssh-OPTIONS]
SSH to EC2 instances
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[ssh command options]
-p, --profile= What profile to use (default: default) [$AWS_PROFILE]
-u, --user= Username to use with SSH (default: $USER) [$AWSFUZZY_SSH_USER]
-k, --key= Key to use with SSH (default: ~/.ssh/id_rsa) [$AWSFUZZY_SSH_KEY]
Configure and login to AWS SSO and export session credentials. This feature uses the awesome Granted under the hood.
aws-fuzzy [OPTIONS] sso <command>
Utilities developed to ease operation and configuration of AWS SSO.
This is mostly imported from common-fate/granted so some log messages may display 'granted' as the application name
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
browser Configure default browser
configure Configure AWS SSO
console Open AWS Console
login Login to AWS