All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- The possibility to know if the imports are located inside inner scope ex.
, etc. - Attribute
in every concrete class (AbsoluteImportStatement
) to identify import inside a inner scope - Attribute
that will contain theAST
node referencing the structure that is around the import located in an inner scope.
Add new classifiers in order to index the pypi package
Topic :: Utilities
Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows
Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X
Operating System :: POSIX
Feature examples in documentation in order to show the assumptions taken to build the util and how to use it
- CHANGELOG to track notable changes
- Metadata about unused imports in the concrete implementations (
- Avoid silencing exceptions in
context manager
- Collector object
to abstract the information about imports in the file AbsoluteImportStatement
concrete classes to describe each of the import typesAstImportAnalyzer
to traverse the abstract syntax tree python code- Context manager
to introspect imports in a file | directory