Subscribablez(initState) .subscribe() .emitUpdate(newState) //.getState()
var initState = fromDisk() ReduxStore(reducer, initState) .reduce(action) -> .emitUpdate()
keychains: []
getAllKeychainViewStates(cb) -> returns [ KeyChainViewState]
- init(configManager)
- setStore(ethStore)
- getState()
- getSelectedAddres()
- setSelectedAddress()
- createNewVault()
- recoverFromSeed()
- submitPassword()
- approveTransaction()
- cancelTransaction()
- addUnconfirmedMessage(msgParams, cb)
- signMessage()
- cancelMessage()
- setLocked()
- clearSeedWordCache()
- exportAccount()
- revealAccount()
- saveAccountLabel()
- tryPassword()
- recoverSeed()
- getNetwork()
Where they should end up:
- getNetwork()
- init(configManager)
- setStore(ethStore)
- getState() // Deprecate for unidirectional flow
- on('update', cb)
- createNewVault(password)
- getSelectedAddres()
- setSelectedAddress()
- submitPassword()
- tryPassword()
- approveTransaction()
- cancelTransaction()
- signMessage()
- cancelMessage()
- setLocked()
- exportAccount()
- getState() // Deprecate for unidirectional flow
- on('update', cb)
If we adopt a ReactStore style unidirectional action dispatching data flow, these methods will be unified under a dispatch
method, and rather than having a cb will emit an update to the UI:
- createNewKeyChain(entropy)
- recoverFromSeed()
- approveTransaction()
- signMessage()
- clearSeedWordCache()
- exportAccount()
- revealAccount()
- saveAccountLabel()
- recoverSeed()
Additional methods, new to this:
- serialize()
- Returns pojo with optional
key whose contents will be encrypted with the users' password and salt when written to disk. - The isolation of secrets is to preserve performance when decrypting user data.
- Returns pojo with optional
- deserialize(pojo)
// attributes
signTx(txParams, cb)
signMsg(msg, cb)
getViewState(cb) -> returns KeyChainViewState
serialize(cb) -> obj
dispatch({ type: , value: })
// The serialized, renderable keychain data
accountList: [],
typeName: 'uPort',
iconAddress: 'uport.gif',
internal: {} // Subclass-defined metadata
// takes a KeyChainViewState
// Subclasses of this:
- KeyChainListItemComponent
- KeyChainInitComponent - Maybe part of the List Item
- KeyChainAccountHeaderComponent
- KeyChainConfirmationComponent
// Account list item, tx confirmation extra data (like a QR code),
// Maybe an options screen, init screen,
how to send actions?
gimmeRemoteKeychain((err, remoteKeychain)=>
KeyChainReactComponent({ keychain })
Keychain: methods:{}, cachedAccountList: [], name: '',
CoinbaseKeychain getAccountList
CoinbaseKeychainComponent isLoading = true keychain.getAccountList(()=>{ isLoading=false accountList=accounts })
KeyChainViewState { attributes: { //mandatory: accountList: [], typeName: 'uPort', iconAddress: 'uport.gif',
internal: {
// keychain-specific metadata
proxyAddresses: {
0xReal: '0xProxy'
methods: {
// arbitrary, internal
Since keychains will be dispatching actions that are then passed through the background process to be routed, we should not trust or require them to include their own keychain ID as a prefix to their action, but we should tack it on ourselves, so that no action dispatched by a KeyChainComponent ever reaches any KeyChain other than its own.