Python bindings are currently limited to what we or Luma Pictures have implemented internally based on our needs, and are by no means comprehensive
Currently all bindings are under the AL.usdmaya module
from AL import usdmaya
the "StageCache" Singleton class allows python access to the set of in-memory stages
Example: getting the USD stage (once you've created a proxy shape)
from AL import usdmaya
stageCache = usdmaya.StageCache.Get()
stages = stageCache.GetAllStages()
if stages:
print stages[0]
Method list is:
- Get()
- Clear()
The ProxyShape class wraps an instance of a maya proxy shape
You can get a specific shape in the scene with:
- getByName
from AL import usdmaya
myShape = usdmaya.ProxyShape.getByName('name_of_my_Proxy_Shape')
theStage = myShape.getUsdStage()
Search for associated types:
- getMayaPathFromUsdPrim
- getUsdPrimFromMayaPath
from maya import cmds
from AL import usdmaya
# Prim for Maya path
prim = usdmaya.ProxyShape.getUsdPrimFromMayaPath(, long=True)[0])
# Maya path for Prim
proxy = usdmaya.ProxyShape.getByName("AL_usdmaya_ProxyShape")
assert proxy is not None
node = proxy.getMayaPathFromUsdPrim(prim)
# Compare
assert cmds.getAttr("{}.primPath".format(node)) == str(prim.GetPath())
As well as a number of methods to manipulate a shape instance:
- boundingBox
- destroyTransformReferences
- findRequiredPath
- getUsdStage
- isRequiredPath
- makeUsdTransformChain
- makeUsdTransforms
- removeUsdTransformChain
- removeUsdTransforms
- resync
Is a singleton which reflects the Layer Manager node in the maya scene. Once you've created or referenced the node via:
- find
- findOrCreate
there are number of methods for manipulating the manager:
- addLayer
- findLayer
- getLayerIdentifiers
- removeLayer
from AL import usdmaya
theLayerMan = usdmaya.LayerManager.findOrCreate()
print theLayerMan.getLayerIdentifiers()