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title: CAPI Provider Operator
  - "@fabriziopandini"
  - "@wfernandes"
  - "@vincepri"
  - "@ncdc"
  - "@justinsb"
  - "@detiber"
  - "@CecileRobertMichon"
creation-date: 2020-09-14
last-updated: 2021-01-20
status: implementable

CAPI Provider operator

Table of Contents


The lexicon used in this document is described in more detail here. Any discrepancies should be rectified in the main Cluster API glossary.


The clusterctl CLI currently handles the lifecycle of Cluster API providers installed in a management cluster. It provides a great Day 0 and Day 1 experience in getting CAPI up and running. However, clusterctl’s imperative design makes it difficult for cluster admins to stand up and manage CAPI management clusters in their own preferred way.

This proposal provides a solution that leverages a declarative API and an operator to empower admins to handle the lifecycle of providers within the management cluster.


In its current form clusterctl is designed to provide a simple user experience for day 1 operations of a Cluster API management cluster.

However such design is not optimized for supporting declarative approaches when operating Cluster API management clusters.

These declarative approaches are important to enable GitOps workflows in case users don't want to rely solely on the clusterctl CLI.

Providing a declarative API also enables us to leverage controller-runtime's new component config and allow us to configure the controller manager and even the resource limits of the provider's deployment.

Another example is improving cluster upgrades. In order to upgrade a cluster we now need to supply all the information that was provided initially during a clusterctl init which is inconvenient in many cases such as distributed teams and CI pipelines where the configuration needs to be stored and synced externally.

With the management cluster operator, we aim to address these use cases by introducing an operator that handles the lifecycle of providers within the management cluster based on a declarative API.


  • Define an API that enables declarative management of the lifecycle of Cluster API and all of its providers.
  • Support air-gapped environments through sufficient documentation initially.
  • Identify and document differences between clusterctl CLI and the operator in managing the lifecycle of providers, if any.
  • Define how the clusterctl CLI should be changed in order to interact with the management cluster operator in a transparent and effective way.
  • To support the ability to upgrade from a v1alpha3 based version (v0.3.[TBD]) of Cluster API to one managed by the operator.

Non-Goals/Future Work

  • clusterctl will not be deprecated or replaced with another CLI.
  • Implement an operator driven version of clusterctl move.
  • Manage cert-manager using the operator.
  • Support multiple installations of the same provider within a management cluster in light of issue 3042 and issue 3354.
  • Support any template processing engines.
  • Support the installation of v1alpha3 providers using the operator.


User Stories

  1. As an admin, I want to use a declarative style API to operate the Cluster API providers in a management cluster.
  2. As an admin, I would like to have an easy and declarative way to change controller settings (e.g. enabling pprof for debugging).
  3. As an admin, I would like to have an easy and declarative way to change the resource requirements (e.g. such as limits and requests for a provider deployment).
  4. As an admin, I would like to have the option to use clusterctl CLI as of today, without being concerned about the operator.
  5. As an admin, I would like to be able to install the operator using kubectl apply, without being forced to use clusterctl.

Implementation Details/Notes/Constraints


The clusterctl CLI will provide a similar UX to the users whilst leveraging the operator for the functions it can. As stated in the Goals/Non-Goals, the move operation will not be driven by the operator but rather remain within the CLI for now. However, this is an implementation detail and will not affect the users.

Existing API Types Changes

The existing Provider type used by the clusterctl CLI will be deprecated and its instances will be migrated to instances of the new API types as defined in the next section.

The management cluster operator will be responsible for migrating the existing provider types to support GitOps workflows excluding clusterctl.

New API Types

These are the new API types being defined.

There are separate types for each provider type - Core, Bootstrap, ControlPlane, and Infrastructure. However, since each type is similar, their Spec and Status uses the shared types - ProviderSpec, ProviderStatus respectively.

We will scope the CRDs to be namespaced. This will allow us to enforce RBAC restrictions if needed. This also allows us to install multiple versions of the controllers (grouped within namespaces) in the same management cluster although this scenario will not be supported natively in the v1alpha4 iteration.

If you prefer to see how the API can be used instead of reading the type definition feel free to jump to the Example API Usage section

// CoreProvider is the Schema for the CoreProviders API
type CoreProvider struct {
   metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
   metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

   Spec   ProviderSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
   Status ProviderStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// BootstrapProvider is the Schema for the BootstrapProviders API
type BootstrapProvider struct {
   metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
   metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

   Spec   ProviderSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
   Status ProviderStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ControlPlaneProvider is the Schema for the ControlPlaneProviders API
type ControlPlaneProvider struct {
   metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
   metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

   Spec   ProviderSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
   Status ProviderStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// InfrastructureProvider is the Schema for the InfrastructureProviders API
type InfrastructureProvider struct {
   metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
   metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

   Spec   ProviderSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
   Status ProviderStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

Below you can find details about ProviderSpec, ProviderStatus, which is shared among all the provider types - Core, Bootstrap, ControlPlane, and Infrastructure.

// ProviderSpec defines the desired state of the Provider.
type ProviderSpec struct {
   // Version indicates the provider version.
   // +optional
   Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"`

   // Manager defines the properties that can be enabled on the controller manager for the provider.
   // +optional
   Manager ManagerSpec `json:"manager,omitempty"`

   // Deployment defines the properties that can be enabled on the deployment for the provider.
   // +optional
   Deployment *DeploymentSpec `json:"deployment,omitempty"`

   // SecretName is the name of the Secret providing the configuration
   // variables for the current provider instance, like e.g. credentials.
   // Such configurations will be used when creating or upgrading provider components.
   // The contents of the secret will be treated as immutable. If changes need
   // to be made, a new object can be created and the name should be updated.
   // The contents should be in the form of key:value. This secret must be in
   // the same namespace as the provider.
   // +optional
   SecretName *string `json:"secretName,omitempty"`

   // FetchConfig determines how the operator will fetch the components and metadata for the provider.
   // If nil, the operator will try to fetch components according to default
   // embedded fetch configuration for the given kind and `ObjectMeta.Name`.
   // For example, the infrastructure name `aws` will fetch artifacts from
   // +optional
   FetchConfig *FetchConfiguration `json:"fetchConfig,omitempty"`

   // Paused prevents the operator from reconciling the provider. This can be
   // used when doing an upgrade or move action manually.
   // +optional
   Paused bool `json:"paused,omitempty"`

// ManagerSpec defines the properties that can be enabled on the controller manager for the provider.
type ManagerSpec struct {
   // ControllerManagerConfigurationSpec defines the desired state of GenericControllerManagerConfiguration.
   ctrlruntime.ControllerManagerConfigurationSpec `json:",inline"`

   // ProfilerAddress defines the bind address to expose the pprof profiler (e.g. localhost:6060).
   // Default empty, meaning the profiler is disabled.
   // Controller Manager flag is --profiler-address.
   // +optional
   ProfilerAddress *string `json:"profilerAddress,omitempty"`

   // MaxConcurrentReconciles is the maximum number of concurrent Reconciles
   // which can be run. Defaults to 10.
   // +optional
   MaxConcurrentReconciles *int `json:"maxConcurrentReconciles,omitempty"`

   // Verbosity set the logs verbosity. Defaults to 1.
   // Controller Manager flag is --verbosity.
   // +optional
   Verbosity int `json:"verbosity,omitempty"`

   // Debug, if set, will override a set of fields with opinionated values for
   // a debugging session. (Verbosity=5, ProfilerAddress=localhost:6060)
   // +optional
   Debug bool `json:"debug,omitempty"`

   // FeatureGates define provider specific feature flags that will be passed
   // in as container args to the provider's controller manager.
   // Controller Manager flag is --feature-gates.
   FeatureGates map[string]bool `json:"featureGates,omitempty"`

// DeploymentSpec defines the properties that can be enabled on the Deployment for the provider.
type DeploymentSpec struct {
   // Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Defaults to 1.
   // +optional
   Replicas *int `json:"replicas,omitempty"`

   // NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node.
   // Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.
   // More info:
   // +optional
   NodeSelector map[string]string `json:"nodeSelector,omitempty"`

   // If specified, the pod's tolerations.
   // +optional
   Tolerations []corev1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`

   // If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints
   // +optional
   Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`

   // List of containers specified in the Deployment
   // +optional
   Containers []ContainerSpec `json:"containers"`

// ContainerSpec defines the properties available to override for each
// container in a provider deployment such as Image and Args to the container’s
// entrypoint.
type ContainerSpec struct {
   // Name of the container. Cannot be updated.
   Name string `json:"name"`

   // Container Image Name
   // +optional
   Image *ImageMeta `json:"image,omitempty"`

   // Args represents extra provider specific flags that are not encoded as fields in this API.
   // Explicit controller manager properties defined in the `Provider.ManagerSpec`
   // will have higher precedence than those defined in `ContainerSpec.Args`.
   // For example, `ManagerSpec.SyncPeriod` will be used instead of the
   // container arg `--sync-period` if both are defined.
   // The same holds for `ManagerSpec.FeatureGates` and `--feature-gates`.
   // +optional
   Args map[string]string `json:"args,omitempty"`

   // List of environment variables to set in the container.
   // +optional
   Env []corev1.EnvVar `json:"env,omitempty"`

   // Compute resources required by this container.
   // +optional
   Resources *corev1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`

// ImageMeta allows to customize the image used
type ImageMeta struct {
    // Repository sets the container registry to pull images from.
    // +optional
    Repository *string `json:"repository,omitempty`

    // Name allows to specify a name for the image.
    // +optional
    Name *string `json:"name,omitempty`

    // Tag allows to specify a tag for the image.
    // +optional
    Tag *string `json:"tag,omitempty`

// FetchConfiguration determines the way to fetch the components and metadata for the provider.
type FetchConfiguration struct {
   // URL to be used for fetching the provider’s components and metadata from a remote Github repository.
   // For example,{owner}/{repository}/releases
   // The version of the release will be `ProviderSpec.Version` if defined
   // otherwise the `latest` version will be computed and used.
   // +optional
   URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"`

   // Selector to be used for fetching provider’s components and metadata from
   // ConfigMaps stored inside the cluster. Each ConfigMap is expected to contain
   // components and metadata for a specific version only.
   // +optional
   Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector,omitempty"`

// ProviderStatus defines the observed state of the Provider.
type ProviderStatus struct {
   // Contract will contain the core provider contract that the provider is
   // abiding by, like e.g. v1alpha3.
   // +optional
   Contract *string `json:"contract,omitempty"`

   // Conditions define the current service state of the cluster.
   // +optional
   Conditions Conditions `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

   // ObservedGeneration is the latest generation observed by the controller.
   // +optional
   ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`

Validation and defaulting rules for Provider and ProviderSpec

  • The Name field within metav1.ObjectMeta could be any valid Kubernetes name; however, it is recommended to use Cluster API provider names. For example, aws, vsphere, kubeadm. These names will be used to fetch the default configurations in case there is no specific FetchConfiguration defined.
  • ProviderSpec.Version should be a valid default version with the "v" prefix as commonly used in the Kubernetes ecosystem; if this value is nil when a new provider is created, the operator will determine the version to use applying the same rules implemented in clusterctl (latest). Once the latest version is calculated it will be set in ProviderSpec.Version.
  • Note: As per discussion in the CAEP PR, we will keep the SecretName field to allow the provider authors ample time to implement their own credential management to support multiple workload clusters. [See this thread for more info][secret-name-discussion].

Validation rules for ProviderSpec.FetchConfiguration

  • If the FetchConfiguration is empty and not defined, then the operator will apply the embedded fetch configuration for the given kind and ObjectMeta.Name. For example, the infrastructure name aws will fetch artifacts from
  • If FetchConfiguration is not nil, exactly one of URL or Selector must be specified.
  • FetchConfiguration.Selector is used to fetch provider’s components and metadata from ConfigMaps stored inside the cluster. Each ConfigMap is expected to contain components and metadata for a specific version only. So if multiple versions of the providers need to be specified, they can be added as separate ConfigMaps and labeled with the same selector. This provides the same behavior as the “local” provider repositories but now from within the management cluster.
  • FetchConfiguration is used only during init and upgrade operations. Changes made to the contents of FetchConfiguration will not trigger a reconciliation. This is similar behavior to ProviderSpec.SecretName.

Validation Rules for ProviderSpec.ManagerSpec

  • The ControllerManagerConfigurationSpec is a type from controller-runtime/pkg/config and is an embedded into the ManagerSpec. This type will expose LeaderElection, SyncPeriod, Webhook, Health and Metrics configurations.
  • If ManagerSpec.Debug is set to true, the operator will not allow changes to other properties since it is in Debug mode.
  • If you need to set specific concurrency values for each reconcile loop (e.g. awscluster-concurrency), you can leave ManagerSpec.MaxConcurrentReconciles nil and use Container.Args.
  • If ManagerSpec.MaxConcurrentReconciles is set and a specific concurrency flag such as awscluster-concurrency is set on the Container.Args, then the more specific concurrency flag will have higher precedence.

Validation Rules for ContainerSpec

  • The ContainerSpec.Args will ignore the key namespace since the operator enforces a deployment model where all the providers should be configured to watch all the namespaces.
  • Explicit controller manager properties defined in the Provider.ManagerSpec will have higher precedence than those defined in ContainerSpec.Args. That is, if ManagerSpec.SyncPeriod is defined it will be used instead of the container arg sync-period. This is true also for ManagerSpec.FeatureGates, that is, it will have higher precedence to the container arg feature-gates.
  • If no ContainerSpec.Resources are defined, the defaults on the Deployment object within the provider’s components yaml will be used.

Example API Usage

  1. As an admin, I want to install the aws infrastructure provider with specific controller flags.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
 name: aws-variables
 namespace: capa-system
type: Opaque
kind: InfrastructureProvider
 name: aws
 namespace: capa-system
 version: v0.6.0
 secretName: aws-variables
   # These top level controller manager flags, supported by all the providers.
   # These flags come with sensible defaults, thus requiring no or minimal
   # changes for the most common scenarios.
   metricsAddress: ":8181"
   syncPeriod: 660
   - name: manager
         # These are controller flags that are specific to a provider; usage
         # is reserved for advanced scenarios only.
         awscluster-concurrency: 12
         awsmachine-concurrency: 11
  1. As an admin, I want to install aws infrastructure provider but override the container image of the CAPA deployment.
kind: InfrastructureProvider
 name: aws
 namespace: capa-system
 version: v0.6.0
 secretName: aws-variables
   - name: manager
  1. As an admin, I want to change the resource limits for the manager pod in my control plane provider deployment.
kind: ControlPlaneProvider
 name: kubeadm
 namespace: capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system
 version: v0.3.10
 secretName: capi-variables
   - name: manager
         cpu: 100m
         memory: 30Mi
         cpu: 100m
         memory: 20Mi
  1. As an admin, I would like to fetch my azure provider components from a specific repository which is not the default.
kind: InfrastructureProvider
 name: myazure
 namespace: capz-system
 version: v0.4.9
 secretName: azure-variables
  1. As an admin, I would like to use the default fetch configurations by simply specifying the expected Cluster API provider names such as 'aws', 'vsphere', 'azure', 'kubeadm', 'talos', or 'cluster-api' instead of having to explicitly specify the fetch configuration. In the example below, since we are using 'vsphere' as the name of the InfrastructureProvider the operator will fetch it's configuration from url: by default.

See more examples in the air-gapped environment section

kind: InfrastructureProvider
 name: vsphere
 namespace: capv-system
 version: v0.4.9
 secretName: vsphere-variables

Operator Behaviors

Installing a provider

In order to install a new Cluster API provider with the management cluster operator you have to create a provider as shown above. See the first example API usage to create the secret with variables and the provider itself.

When processing a Provider object the operator will apply the following rules.

  • Providers with spec.Type == CoreProvider will be installed first; the other providers will be requeued until the core provider exists.
  • Before installing any provider following preflight checks will be executed :
    • There should not be another instance of the same provider (same Kind, same name) in any namespace.
    • The Cluster API contract the provider is abiding by, e.g. v1alpha4, must match the contract of the core provider.
  • The operator will set conditions on the Provider object to surface any installation issues such as pre-flight checks and/or order of installation to accurately inform the user.
  • Since the FetchConfiguration is empty and not defined, the operator will apply the embedded fetch configuration for the given kind and ObjectMeta.Name. In this case, the operator will fetch artifacts from

The installation process managed by the operator is consistent with the implementation underlying the clusterctl init command and includes the following steps:

  • Fetching the provider artifacts (the components yaml and the metadata.yaml file).
  • Applying image overrides, if any.
  • Replacing variables in the infrastructure-components from EnvVar and Secret.
  • Applying the resulting yaml to the cluster.

As a final consideration, please note that

  • The operator executes installation for 1 provider at time, while clusterctl init manages installation of a group of providers with a single operation.
  • clusterctl init uses environment variables and a local configuration file, while the operator uses a Secret; given that we want the users to preserve current behaviour in clusterctl, the init operation should be modified to transfer local configuration to the cluster. As part of clusterctl init, it will obtain the list of variables required by the provider components and read the corresponding values from the config or environment variables and build the secret. Any image overrides defined in the clusterctl config will also be applied to the provider's components.

In the following figure, the controllers for the providers are installed in the namespaces that are defined by default.

Figure 1

Installing providers in defined namespaces

In the following figure, the controllers for the providers are all installed in the same namespace as configured by the user.

Figure 2

Installing all providers in the same namespace

Upgrading a provider

In order to trigger an upgrade of a new Cluster API provider you have to change the spec.Version field.

Upgrading a provider in the management cluster must abide by the golden rule that all the providers should respect the same Cluster API contract supported by the core provider.

Upgrades providers without changing contract

If the new version of the provider does abide by the same version of the Cluster API contract, the operator will execute the upgrade by performing:

  • Delete of the current instance of the provider components, while preserving CRDs, namespace and user objects.
  • Install the new version of the provider components

Please note that:

  • The operator executes upgrades 1 provider at time, while clusterctl upgrade apply manages upgrading a group of providers with a single operation.
  • clusterctl upgrade apply --contract automatically determines the latest versions available for each provider, while with the Declarative approach the user is responsible for manually editing Provider objects yaml.
  • clusterctl upgrade apply currently uses environment variables and a local configuration file; this should be changed in order to use in cluster provider configurations.

Figure 3

Upgrading providers without changing contract

Upgrades providers and changing contract

If the new version of the provider does abide by a new version of the Cluster API contract, it is required to ensure all the other providers in the management cluster should get the new version too.

Figure 4

Upgrading providers and changing contract

As a first step, it is required to pause all the providers by setting the spec.Paused field to true for each provider; the operator will block any contract upgrade until all the providers are paused.

After all the providers are in paused state, you can proceed with the upgrade as described in the previous paragraph (change the spec.Version field).

When a provider is paused the number of replicas will be scaled to 0; the operator will add a new annotation to store the original replica count.

Once all the providers are upgraded to a version that abides to the new contract, it is possible for the operator to unpause providers; the operator does not allow to unpause providers if there are still providers abiding to the old contract.

Please note that we are planning to embed this sequence (pause - upgrade - unpause) as a part of clusterctl upgrade apply command when there is a contract change.

Changing a provider

On top of changing a provider version (upgrades), the operator supports also changing other provider fields, most notably controller flags and variables. This can be achieved by either kubectl edit or kubectl apply to the provider object.

The operation internally works like upgrades: The current instance of the provider is deleted, while preserving CRDs, namespaced and user objects A new instance of the provider is installed with the new set of flags/variables.

Please note that clusterctl currently does not support this operation.

See Example 1 in Example API Usage

Deleting a provider

In order to delete a provider you have to delete the corresponding provider object.

Deletion of the provider will be blocked if any workload cluster using the provider still exists.

Additionally, deletion of a core provider should be blocked if there are still other providers in the management cluster.

Upgrade from v1alpha3 management cluster to v1alpha4 cluster

Cluster API will provide instructions on how to upgrade from a v1alpha3 management cluster, created by clusterctl to the new v1alpha4 management cluster. These operations could require manual actions.

Some of the actions are described below:

  • Run webhooks as part of the main manager. See [issue 3822].

More details will be added as we better understand what a v1alpha4 cluster will look like.

Operator Lifecycle Management

Operator Installation
  • clusterctl init will install the operator and its corresponding CRDs as a pre-requisite if the operator doesn’t already exist. Please note that this command will consider image overrides defined in the local clusterctl config file.
  • If the admin does not want to use clusterctl to install the operator, it is possible to kubectl apply the operator yaml that will be published in the cluster-api release artifacts.
Operator Upgrade
  • The admin can use clusterctl upgrade operator to upgrade the operator components. Please note that this command will consider image overrides defined in the local clusterctl config file. Other commands such as clusterctl upgrade apply will also allow to upgrade the operator.
  • clusterctl upgrade plan will identify when the operator can be upgraded by checking the cluster-api release artifacts.
  • If the admin doesn’t want to use clusterctl, they can use kubectl apply with the latest version of the operator yaml that will be published in the cluster-api release artifacts.
  • clusterctl will require a matching operator version. In the future, when clusterctl move to beta/GA, we will reconsider supporting version skew between clusterctl and the operator.
Operator Delete
  • clusterctl will delete the operator as part of the clusterctl delete --all command.
  • If the admin doesn’t want to use clusterctl, they can use kubectl delete. However, it’s the admin’s responsibility to verify that there are no providers running in the management cluster.

Air gapped environment

In order to install Cluster API providers in an air-gapped environment using the operator, it is required to address the following issues.

  1. Make the operator work in air-gapped environment
    • To provide image overrides for the operator itself in order to pull the images from an accessible image repository. Please note that the overrides will be considered from the image overrides defined in the local clusterctl config file.
    • TBD if operator yaml will be embedded in clusterctl or if it should be a special artifact within the core provider repository.
  2. Make the providers work in air-gapped environment
    • To provide fetch configuration for each provider reading from an accessible location (e.g. an internal github repository) or from ConfigMaps pre-created inside the cluster.
    • To provide image overrides for each provider in order to pull the images from an accessible image repository.

Example Usage

As an admin, I would like to fetch my azure provider components from within the cluster because I’m working within an air-gapped environment.

In this example, we have two config maps that define the components and metadata of the provider. They each share the label provider-components: azure and are within the capz-system namespace.

The azure InfrastructureProvider has a fetchConfig which specifies the label selector. This way the operator knows which versions of the azure provider are available. Since the provider’s version is marked as v0.4.9, it uses the components information from the config map to install the azure provider.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
   provider-components: azure
 name: v0.4.9
 namespace: capz-system
 components: |
 # components for v0.4.9 yaml goes here
 metadata: |
 # metadata information goes here
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
   provider-components: azure
 name: v0.4.8
 namespace: capz-system
 components: |
 # components for v0.4.8 yaml goes here
 metadata: |
 # metadata information goes here
kind: InfrastructureProvider
 name: azure
 namespace: capz-system
 version: v0.4.9
 secretName: azure-variables
       provider-components: azure

Risks and Mitigation

Error Handling & Logging

Currently, clusterctl provides quick feedback regarding required variables etc. With the operator in place we’ll need to ensure that the error messages and logs are easily available to the user to verify progress.

Extensibility Options

Currently, clusterctl has a few extensibility options. For example, clusterctl is built on-top of a library that can be leveraged to build other tools.

It also exposes an interface for template processing if we choose to go a different route from envsubst. This may prove to be challenging in the context of the operator as this would mean a change to the operator binary/image. We could introduce a new behavior or communication protocol or hooks for the operator to interact with the custom template processor. This could be configured similarly to the fetch config, with multiple options built in.

We have decided that supporting multiple template processors is a non-goal for this implementation of the proposal and we will rely on using the default envsubst template processor.

Upgrade from v1alpha3 management cluster to v1alpha4/operator cluster

As of today, this is hard to define as have yet to understand the definition of what a v1alpha4 cluster will be. Once we better understand what a v1alpha4 cluster will look like, we will then be able to determine the upgrade sequence from v1alpha3.

Cluster API will provide instructions on how to upgrade from a v1alpha3 management cluster, created by clusterctl to the new v1alpha4 management cluster. These operations could require manual actions.

Some of the actions are described below:

  • Run webhooks as part of the main manager. See issue 3822

Additional Details

Test Plan

The operator will be written with unit and integration tests using envtest and existing patterns as defined under the Developer Guide/Testing section in the Cluster API book.

Existing E2E tests will verify that existing clusterctl commands such as init and upgrade will work as expected. Any necessary changes will be made in order to make it configurable.

New E2E tests verifying the operator lifecycle itself will be added.

New E2E tests verifying the upgrade from a v1alpha3 to v1alpha4 cluster will be added.

Version Skew Strategy

  • clusterctl will require a matching operator version. In the future, when clusterctl move to beta/GA, we will reconsider supporting version skew between clusterctl and the operator.

Implementation History

Controller Runtime Types

These types are pulled from controller-runtime and component-base. They are used as part of the ManagerSpec. They are duplicated here for convenience sake.

// ControllerManagerConfigurationSpec defines the desired state of GenericControllerManagerConfiguration
type ControllerManagerConfigurationSpec struct {
	// SyncPeriod determines the minimum frequency at which watched resources are
	// reconciled. A lower period will correct entropy more quickly, but reduce
	// responsiveness to change if there are many watched resources. Change this
	// value only if you know what you are doing. Defaults to 10 hours if unset.
	// there will a 10 percent jitter between the SyncPeriod of all controllers
	// so that all controllers will not send list requests simultaneously.
	// +optional
	SyncPeriod *metav1.Duration `json:"syncPeriod,omitempty"`

	// LeaderElection is the LeaderElection config to be used when configuring
	// the manager.Manager leader election
	// +optional
	LeaderElection *configv1alpha1.LeaderElectionConfiguration `json:"leaderElection,omitempty"`

	// CacheNamespace if specified restricts the manager's cache to watch objects in
	// the desired namespace Defaults to all namespaces
	// Note: If a namespace is specified, controllers can still Watch for a
	// cluster-scoped resource (e.g Node).  For namespaced resources the cache
	// will only hold objects from the desired namespace.
	// +optional
	CacheNamespace string `json:"cacheNamespace,omitempty"`

	// GracefulShutdownTimeout is the duration given to runnable to stop before the manager actually returns on stop.
	// To disable graceful shutdown, set to time.Duration(0)
	// To use graceful shutdown without timeout, set to a negative duration, e.G. time.Duration(-1)
	// The graceful shutdown is skipped for safety reasons in case the leader election lease is lost.
	GracefulShutdownTimeout *metav1.Duration `json:"gracefulShutDown,omitempty"`

	// Metrics contains thw controller metrics configuration
	// +optional
	Metrics ControllerMetrics `json:"metrics,omitempty"`

	// Health contains the controller health configuration
	// +optional
	Health ControllerHealth `json:"health,omitempty"`

	// Webhook contains the controllers webhook configuration
	// +optional
	Webhook ControllerWebhook `json:"webhook,omitempty"`

// ControllerMetrics defines the metrics configs
type ControllerMetrics struct {
	// BindAddress is the TCP address that the controller should bind to
	// for serving prometheus metrics.
	// It can be set to "0" to disable the metrics serving.
	// +optional
	BindAddress string `json:"bindAddress,omitempty"`

// ControllerHealth defines the health configs
type ControllerHealth struct {
	// HealthProbeBindAddress is the TCP address that the controller should bind to
	// for serving health probes
	// +optional
	HealthProbeBindAddress string `json:"healthProbeBindAddress,omitempty"`

	// ReadinessEndpointName, defaults to "readyz"
	// +optional
	ReadinessEndpointName string `json:"readinessEndpointName,omitempty"`

	// LivenessEndpointName, defaults to "healthz"
	// +optional
	LivenessEndpointName string `json:"livenessEndpointName,omitempty"`

// ControllerWebhook defines the webhook server for the controller
type ControllerWebhook struct {
	// Port is the port that the webhook server serves at.
	// It is used to set webhook.Server.Port.
	// +optional
	Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"`

	// Host is the hostname that the webhook server binds to.
	// It is used to set webhook.Server.Host.
	// +optional
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`

	// CertDir is the directory that contains the server key and certificate.
	// if not set, webhook server would look up the server key and certificate in
	// {TempDir}/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs. The server key and certificate
	// must be named tls.key and tls.crt, respectively.
	// +optional
	CertDir string `json:"certDir,omitempty"`

// LeaderElectionConfiguration defines the configuration of leader election
// clients for components that can run with leader election enabled.
type LeaderElectionConfiguration struct {
	// leaderElect enables a leader election client to gain leadership
	// before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated
	// components for high availability.
	LeaderElect *bool `json:"leaderElect"`
	// leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait
	// after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire
	// leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the
	// maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced
	// by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is
	// enabled.
	LeaseDuration metav1.Duration `json:"leaseDuration"`
	// renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to
	// renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less
	// than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader
	// election is enabled.
	RenewDeadline metav1.Duration `json:"renewDeadline"`
	// retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting
	// acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if
	// leader election is enabled.
	RetryPeriod metav1.Duration `json:"retryPeriod"`
	// resourceLock indicates the resource object type that will be used to lock
	// during leader election cycles.
	ResourceLock string `json:"resourceLock"`
	// resourceName indicates the name of resource object that will be used to lock
	// during leader election cycles.
	ResourceName string `json:"resourceName"`
	// resourceName indicates the namespace of resource object that will be used to lock
	// during leader election cycles.
	ResourceNamespace string `json:"resourceNamespace"`

[issue 3822]: kubernetes-sigs#3822) [secret-name-discussion]: kubernetes-sigs#3833 (comment)