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Releases: AnyRPG/AnyRPGCore

AnyRPG Engine 0.11a

09 Sep 05:14
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from

Unity Compatibility

This package is compatible with Unity 2020.3.17f1 which can be downloaded from

Performance Enhancements

  • An object pooling system is now available that improves performance by reducing the number number of Instantiate() and Destroy() calls at runtime.
  • The minimap and main map now use textures for the map instead of a real-time camera, which should improve frame rates.
  • The number of canvases has been reduced, which results in higher frame rates by reducing the number of graphic raycasters needed.
  • UI Windows are now disabled when not in use, which results in higher frame rates by reducing the number of calls to see if the mouse is intersecting a window every frame.
  • UMA build logic has been improved to use AvatarDefinitions which should result in a single build call instead of multiple build calls during initial character (both player and NPC) building.

Usability Features

  • A new game wizard is available that will create the proper folder structure, scenes, and prefabs to launch a minimal, independent game for your project.
  • A minimap wizard is available that can be used in the editor to take overhead image captures of scenes to be used with the in-game minimap.
  • A welcome window that will pop up when the editor is launched is included with options to open included demo games, launch the new game wizard, and open online support resources.
  • Resource selectors are available beside all text input fields that reference scriptable objects. The selector window allows filtering by resource type and name, similar to the built-in selector window that is used to link to standard project resources.

UI Enhancements

  • Quest indicators now show on the main map to make it easier to find available quests, and turn in completed quests.
  • The minimap and main map now show an arrow for your character, so it's much easier to find your way around a level.
  • An option is available in the settings menu to reset the UI windows to default positions.
  • The UI will now save window positions relative to their anchors, which should result in the UI window positions no longer remaining squished together when switching from a smaller screen or window to larger screen or window.

General Enhancements

  • The music player can now be configured to play audio through the music, ambient, or sound effects channels.
  • The teleport effect can now use location tags and override spawn location and spawn rotations.
  • Portals can now include location and rotation overrides.
  • Weapon damage can now use a base damage and a scaled damage. The option is no longer limited to one or the other.
  • Factions can now have their own default starting locations in a zone
  • Items can no longer be equipped if they are a higher level than the character.
  • Vendor collections can now override item quality to allow for multiple quality versions of items without creating and managing multiple item resources.
  • UMA recipe profiles now include color options, to reduce the number of UMA recipes required for items with the same texture but different colors.

Universal Render Pipeline compatibility

  • The cast target graphic now uses a plane and standard material instead of the projector shader.
  • The unit highlight circles now use a plane instead of the projector shader.
  • All particle based effects now use the standard default-particle.

Included Content

  • New UMA clothing and hair options are available for both male and female characters.
  • The zone collider prefab now includes a net across the bottom which will respawn characters if they fall through the map to prevent endless falling and the need to quit and reload the game.
  • Many visual effects that used to use sprite sheets are now more visually appealing due to being replaced with particle systems.

Bug Fixes

  • When loading from a save file, extra reputation will no longer be accidentally added to the character.
  • You can no longer remove a buff from an NPC by right clicking on it in the status effect bar.
  • Removing or cancelling a mount effect will no longer remove status effect visual effects from the character.
  • Default settings will properly be applied to new installations even if the settings menu is not opened on first play.
  • Better exclusive logic and options have been added to ensure that off-hand items like shields properly unequip two hand weapons when equipped.
  • Closing the character preview panel will properly hide the tooltip if the mouse was over an equipment slot.
  • If the bank or vendor windows are open, an item will not be accidentally used if it is clicked on and cannot be sold or moved to the bank.
  • If more status effects are on the player than can fit on the unit frame status effect bar, the extra status effects will be added to the bar when space becomes available, instead of remaining invisible.
  • The tooltip will be properly hidden when selling an item to a vendor and the slot becomes empty.
  • The glow effect works better with UMA characters and should no longer result in strange materials being applied to the UMA character if the mouse was hovered over the character while it was still rendering.
  • Fixed a race condition where a unit spawner could spawn a unit in the next zone due to the spawn being called while the next scene was loading.

AnyRPG Engine 0.10.1a

23 Feb 03:32
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from

Unity Compatibility

This package is compatible with Unity 2019.4.20f1 which can be downloaded from

Bug Fixes

  • The DefaultSpawnLocation tag will now work properly in zero configuration mode.
  • Equipment and gear should now be properly equipped on the preview unit when switching classes on the new game panel.
  • An appropriate message will be displayed in the Class Specialization display on the new character screen when no specialization is available for the chosen class.


  • The Ground Slam ability power and area effect size have both been reduced in the Core Game.

AnyRPG Engine 0.10a

22 Feb 01:12
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from

Unity Compatibility

This package is compatible with Unity 2019.4.20f1 which can be downloaded from


New Features

  • A small Core Game is now included that has simple, minimal implementations of every feature the engine supports.  It is designed to be used as a quick and easy reference for how to implement features in games you create.
  • The github source code for the project is now a complete Unity project that includes the Core Game.  There is no longer a need to wait for full Unity package releases to try out the latest features.  The Core Game can be used by project contributors for testing new features before sending pull requests.
  • A new game character creator is now available that allows players to customize the name, faction, class, specialization, and appearance as part of the new game launch process.  It is no longer necessary to launch the game with a generic character and customize later (although that is still an option).
  • The AnyRPG GameManager can now be operated in zero configuration mode.  This means you can just pull it into a scene and as long as that scene has a terrain with a solid surface, you can press play with no configuration and run around using a default character model to explore the map.


  • The character gameobject composition has been greatly simplified.  All character customization can now be done through the CharacterUnit scriptableObject by setting preferred options and linking to the character model and a new generic character unit template.
  • Many types of scriptable objects that used to have to be created independently can now be includes as inline properties on other scriptable objects.
  • The visual casting circles for ground target spells, and the highlight circles for character units are now using quads instead of projects, so they will work with URP.
  • Players can now be attacked while mounted.
  • Spell effects other than projectiles can now spawn at the caster location without being parented to the caster (so they don't move with the caster).
  • AI units can now get default equipment from UnitProfile providers (previously only players could get this).
  • Combat text and nameplates are now now synchronized with character position and camera position so they should appear much smoother now.  The distance traveled and fade time are also frame rate independent now so should be consistent across computer types and screen sizes.
  • Pets no longer have an agro range (will no agro things as you walk by them)
  • You can no longer save the game inside a boss trigger area.
  • You can now disable mounting in any zone (such as dungeons).
  • Certain actions that are not available will now show a partially blacked out action button.  Examples include if there is not enough rage to cast, or a mount cannot be called due to being in a dungeon.
  • Prefabs can now be destroyed when a cast ends.
  • Action buttons can now save and load items with zero count in the inventory (for example, a potion will stay on the bars, and just be disabled until you get more of them).
  • Tooltips that go outside the window boundaries will be moved up or down to keep the entire tip visible.
  • Moving the mouse from a unit to its nameplate will no longer stop the glow effect improperly.
  • Missing prefab detector and missing reference detector scripts have been added to the Tools->AnyRPG menu in Unity to help with project consistency.
  • Third party camera (Invector) can now be instantiated at run-time so configuration is easier and it is no longer necessary to alter the GameManager and have permanent copy in the scene.
  • The class change panel will now show faction specific abilities that the character will learn when changing class.
  • Third party cameras will be pre-positioned on level load to avoid a frame (or several) at
  • Nav Mesh agents will be stopped when they reach attack range instead of sliding through the target.
  • Several types of helpful messages are now displayed to characters when an action cannot be performed, such as when they try to open the inventory with no bags equipped or start a quest they have already completed from a quest start item.
  • Several types of interactables now have default window titles and no longer need to be manually configured.
  • When gaining a resource, the combat text will now show the resource name, in addition the amount.
  • Weapon hit effects can no longer trigger themselves (windfury style).
  • Status effects are cleared on class change to prevent classes keeping an effect that is only valid for the previous class.
  • Ability effect prefabs can now use the universal attachment system so they don't need to be hard coded to a specific bone structure.
  • Interactables now have a maximum range (no longer infinite) and will show an out of range message if interacted with from too far away.
  • Spell effects can now have a chance to cast instead of casting 100% of the time.
  • Weapons will remain sheathed when pulled into combat while mounted.

Bug Fixes

  • Characters that die and have no interactions (such as loot) will now revert their material color immediately.
  • Tooltips will now be properly hidden when a unit despawns while the mouse is over it.
  • The "I" keybind will properly open the currency window.
  • UMA characters can now properly have their material changed for spell effects like ice that make the character look frozen.
  • NPCs that are revived and made into pets will wait until they finish reviving to leash.
  • Quest collection objectives will now properly count all equipped equipment.
  • Pooled combat text will properly reset size when re-used.
  • Crafting and gathering can now only be performed when a valid target is selected.
  • Line of sight logic is fixed so other characters will not block it.
  • Pets will stay by their master after combat instead of running back to where the combat started.
  • Potions and other consumables will not be removed from the inventory if you click on them and they are not castable (due to being on cooldown, etc).
  • The player will properly have their casts stopped and not be able to start new casts while stunned.
  • Items dropped back in the same slot in the bag will no longer keep the icon disabled.
  • Action buttons will properly update their graphics under several circumstances where they did not used to, such as when no target is selected.
  • Tab target will no longer clear the current target if no alternative target is found.
  • Completed quests can no longer be started by clicking on an item.
  • You can no longer interact with enemy questgivers.
  • If you exit to the main menu while dead, the revive window will properly close.
  • Message feed is no longer a raycast target and won't interfere with player turning.
  • Several fixes to the pet system have been made, including only being able to capture valid pet types, highlight circles and unit frames changing color on capture, pets now despawn on mount, proper dismissal of pets on player death, and the pet journal only showing valid pets for the current class if a class change is performed.
  • If a cutscene is playing, no other cutscenes can attempt to start.
  • Shields will no longer remove active on-hit effects from a sword when unequipped.
  • Unit Model ready events (mostly for UMA) will properly cause the character to show up in unit frame and dialog previews if the character is selected before their model is ready.

New Content

Visual Effects

  • Loot Sparkle Effect
  • 5 New fire, flame, and explosion effects
  • New tornado, meteor, fireball, green energy, and ice bolt projectiles
  • New ground effects: 9 casting circles plus ice spikes
  • 8 new hit effects including a new blood effect
  • 9 particle glow and pulse effects for hands, body, and head

AnyRPG Engine 0.9a

12 Oct 08:04
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from


  • New universal attachment system allows users to define attachments for ability prefabs and weapons such as 'Right Hand' and have that looked up in a table that translates to the actual bone, allowing all weapons and effects to be re-used among characters with different bone structures.


  • Patrols can now use tags instead of direct vectors.  This make it easy to assign objects in the scene and use Unity's color tagging system to see if patrol points are on a NavMesh or not.  It also means patrols can be re-used across different scenes if necessary.
  • Chat text from dialogs that NPCs are playing can now be limited by distance to not appear in the chat log if they are far away.
  • Credits can now have separate URL links for the author and item values.

Bug Fixes

  • Rotation of spawned objects is now properly local
  • Several null reference checks have been added to prevent crashes
  • Unit toughness resource multipliers (direct multiplication of health etc without increasing base stat such as stamina) now work properly again.
  • Boss fight music will end properly in scenes without background music now.
  • Fixed a targeting bug that prevented life drain heal effects from properly targeting the original caster.
  • Incorrectly configured UMA recipe profiles will no longer crash the game when an item with a null UMA recipe link is unequipped.
  • Abilities that belong to another class will properly be hidden from the action bars and spellbook when a class change occurs.  They will return if the character changes back to the original class.  This prevents abilities acquired from item drops from needing to be manually re-acquired after a class change.

AnyRPG Engine 0.8.2a

30 Aug 11:17
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from


  • PrefabProfile ScriptableObjects now include a pickup option, allowing a single PrefabProfile to be used for all weapons, regardless if they are also used as pickups or not.

AnyRPG Engine 0.8.1a

21 Aug 04:03
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from

Bug Fixes

  • Updated save system to no longer store properties on ScriptableObjects.  This fixes an issue where ScriptableObjects required replacement between game loads and certain events would remain subscribed to invalid objects, causing issues like quest objectives not properly being marked as complete.

AnyRPG Engine 0.8a

18 Aug 05:13
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A Unity package of this release can be downloaded from



  • Added prefab templates for most common weapon types to make importing weapon models easier.
  • Most Scriptable Objects and their serialized properties now have headers and tooltips in the Unity editor.
  • Nameplate position can now be controlled easily through a gameobject anchor.
  • Portals can now use location tags to easily control spawn locations by looking for tagged objects instead of requiring exact vector3 co-ordinates.

Third Party Package Support

  • Added support for using a third party camera and motion controller. This includes an ObjectMessageContoller Monobehavior that be configured to interface with any third party component using reflection, events, property manipulation, and message sending.
  • Invector controller message template to interface with an Invector movement controller is included in the engine.
  • Invector UMA template that contains all the AnyRPG player components for quick creation of Invector integrated UMA models is included in the engine.

Custom Stat System

  • Primary stats (such as wisdom, spirit, intellect etc) are now completely user definable through ScriptableObjects.
  • The relationship between primary stats and secondary stats is also user defined now.
  • Power Resources (like health / mana / rage / energy) can now be configured or added to games through ScriptableObjects.
  • Stats and Power resources can be defined system wide, per unit profile, per unit type, and per character class, or any combination.
  • Random item quality and random secondary stats are now available on dropped items.

Unity Timeline

  • Added capability to control skybox through Unity timeline.
  • Cutscene dialog can now be advanced by the Unity timeline.
  • Cutscenes can be ended by the Unity Timeline.

UI and Sound

  • Separate controls are now available for voice, UI, and sound effect volumes.
  • Action bars now show their keybind button in red if the target is out of range or not valid.
  • Many fullscreen UI panels now resize to any screen resolution.
  • Footstep sounds (looping or using animation events) can now be configured.
  • Footstep areas have been added to allow footstep sounds to change for an entire zone or localized areas.
  • A selection of basic sound effects are now included in the engine, and most abilities, and some UI actions have been configured to use them.
  • Item icons can now have their background color and / or icon changed depending on the item quality.
  • Several sample icon backgrounds are now included in the engine.
  • Faction can be suppressed on nameplates.
  • Nameplates can now include custom titles along with the faction.
  • A new current target projector has been added that will show a circle around the target on the ground. It can be configured to show different colors and types of circles depending on the unit difficulty.
  • Change all UI text to TextMeshPro for improved performance and flexibility.
  • In game credits has been added to the UI, along with ScriptableObjects to support it.
  • Nameplates can be completely suppressed on units.
  • Added a pet control panel to summon and dismiss captured pets.
  • Units now have chat bubbles on their nameplates to allow for visible dialog above the unit instead of requiring an open dialog box.
  • Quest objectives can now have their display names manually overridden in the quest log.
  • Text dialogs can now have audio associated with them.
  • Cutscenes now use dialogs for subtitles and can have specific text appear and disappear at certain timestamps.

Ability System

  • AOE functionality has been upgraded to allow random spawn locations. This enables things like meteor showers.
  • AI now auto-targets ground spells at target foot location.
  • Characters can now learn abilities from their unit profile instead of needing weapons.
  • AOE abilities can now prefer the closest targets.
  • Animated abilities can now use auto-attack animations, allowing abilities that can be used with multiple weapon types.
  • Environmental area effects such as poison, lava, etc are now possible with the addition of a more generic ability casting base class.
  • Ability targeting logic is more consistent and now includes separate settings for casting on neutral units and casting on non-self units.
  • Explosions have been added to the knockback options in the ability system.
  • Status effects can now be assigned types, and other status effects can remove them based on their type. Eg, a poison type can be defined for a status effect and a remove ability that can remove status effects of that type.
  • Line of sight requirement can now be enabled for abilities.


  • Added animated interactable objects to enable things like doors and elevators.
  • Pressure plates have been added that are only triggered when a rigidbody with the correct mass is colliding with them.
  • Control switches and switch groups have been added that function like buttons and logic gates for activating other interactables.
  • Portals to other zones can be made more easily with the new load scene interactable component.


  • Items can now use UMA recipe profiles that will properly equip models for both male and female (different UMA race) characters.
  • Equipment sets have been added to the game, and can grant bonuses when any defined number of set pieces are worn.
  • Item level scaling has been introduced, and includes scaling caps, and item level freezing up drop.
  • Many enhancements to the loot system have been made, including weighted drops, drop groups, and drop limits.
  • Currency scaling has been introduced for item buy and sell price based on item level. Currency scaling is also available for currency drops from mobs.


  • Crafting recipes can now have individual holdables while crafting on a per recipe basis.
  • Recipes for skills can now be learned automatically at a certain level, or from item drops.


  • Most properties for character related components have been moved from monobehaviors to the UnitProfile scriptableObject.
  • Objects (both inanimate and characters) can be made persistent through the use of components and will keep their position between level loads.
  • Unit spawn node logic has been improved to allow respawn on death, loot, despawn, or never.
  • XP scaling is now available for quests based on quest level and mob kills based on mob level.
  • Visiting a zone can now be used as a quest objective and prerequisite for anything that uses the prerequisite system.
  • Cutscenes can now be repeatable.
  • A behavior component has been added that can send user defined messages to gameObjects, to allow for scripted actions using built-in or user-supplied components. The behaviors can be timed to function like a character local timeline.
  • Units can now spawn dead.
  • Unit toughness ScriptableObject is available that allows independent tuning of resources and stats for creating boss type units.

AnyRPG Engine 0.7a

02 Jan 06:47
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Full release notes for this version can be found at

AnyRPG Alpha 0.6a

08 Nov 08:44
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Full release notes for this version can be found at

AnyRPG Alpha 0.5.1a

18 Oct 08:55
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Information about this release can be found at: