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  1. Labeled and Non-Labeled TextFields
  2. Assistive elements like Helper Text and Character Counter
  3. Leading and Trailing Icons to help user to understand the type of input expected
  4. Error Message assistance to check and verify the type of input required

Exemplary Images

Defocused Textfields:

Alt text Alt text

Focused TextFields:

Alt text Alt text
Alt text Alt text


  Add following to the dependencies in package.json file of your project: "@ohos/MaterialTextField": "file:../MaterialTextField"
  "dependencies": {
        "@ohos/materialtextfield": "file:../materialtextfield"

Import and install







Parameter type Remarks
label string label of textfield
leadingIcon Resource leading icon to be used
trailing icon Resource trailing icon to be used
characterCounter boolean characterCounter enabled when true
maxCharacters number max number of characters allowed
helperText string used as a hint for input text
textInputOptions Object{} text input options
margin Length or Padding -
padding Length or Padding -
border BorderOptions -

Note: Parameters marked with '*' are mandatory.


1. Filled
2. Outlined


Options type Remarks
id string id of textfield
input string input
placeholderText string placeholder of input field
inputType InputType select one of InputType
placeholderFont { size?: Length, weight?:FontWeight, family?: string, style?: FontStyle} Font of placeholder
placeholderColor Color -
fontColor Color color of input text
fontSize number -
fontStyle FontStyle -
fontWeight FontWeight -
fontFamily string -
enterKeyType EnterKeyType enter key functionality
caretColor Color color of cursor when input is being edited


The following attributes are supported for TextFieldOptions:

Attribute Description
setTextFIeldType(type:MaterialTextFieldType) sets textfield type
setLabel(label:string,labelWidth:number) sets the label for textfield
setHelperText(text:string) setsthe helper text
setCharacterCounter(enable:boolean,maxCharacters:number) enables character counter and maximum allowed characters
setIcons(leadingIcon:Resource,trailingIcon:Resource) sets leading and trailing icons
setTextInputOptions(textInputOptions:TextInputOptions) sets the input text options
setMargin(margin:Length or Padding) sets the margin for textfield
setPadding(padding:Length or Padding) sets the padding for textfield
setBorder(options:BorderOptions) sets the border parameters for textfield


Event Description
onLeadingIconClick(callBack:(event:ClickEvent)=>void) triggered when leading icon is being clicked
onTrailingIconClick(callBack:(event:ClickEvent)=>void) triggered when trailing icon is being clicked
onChange(callBack:(event:value?:string=>void triggered when textfield input changes
onSubmit(callBack:(enterKey?:EnterKeyType)=>void triggered when input of textfield is submitted
onEditChange(callBack:(isEditing:boolean)=>void) triggered when user stops editing
isValid(callback:(value?:string)=>{}) triggered when user stops editing, should return an object of type: { valid:boolean,errorMessage:string}


  import { MaterialTextField, MaterialTextFieldOptions, MaterialTextFieldType } from "@ohos/MaterialTextField"

  struct Outlined_sample {
    textFieldOptions: MaterialTextFieldOptions = new MaterialTextFieldOptions()
      .setIcons($r(''), $r(''))
      .onTrailingIconClick((event) => {
        console.log("Trailing icon click:" + JSON.stringify(event))
      .onLeadingIconClick((event) => {
        console.log("Leading icon click:" + event)
      .isValid((value) => {
        if (value.charAt(4) == 'd') {
          return { valid: true, errorMessage: '' }
        else return { valid: false, errorMessage: 'd should be at 5th position' }
        placeholderText: 'mail or phone',
        input: 'Harold',
        caretColor: Color.Blue,
        fontFamily: 'cursive'

    aboutToAppear() {


    build() {
      Flex({ direction: FlexDirection.Column, justifyContent: FlexAlign.SpaceAround, alignItems: ItemAlign.Center }) {
        MaterialTextField({ textFieldParameters: this.textFieldOptions, textFieldType: MaterialTextFieldType.Outlined })
        TextInput({ placeholder: 'he', text: 'ger' }).width('200vp').height('100vp').fontFamily('cursive')

Alt text Alt text


Supports OpenHarmony API version 8 and above

Code Contribution

If you find any problems during usage, you can submit an Issue to us. Of course, we also welcome you to send us PR.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0