This file defines basic api usage case for OCAP JS SDK
- GraphQL Schema should be bundled with the sdk, schema changes cause new releases
- User do not need to manage authentication and authorization details
- User do not need to assemble raw query
- User do not need to manage socket connection to use subscription feature
const OcapSDK = require('@arcblock/node-ocap');
// init client
const client = new OcapSDK({
dataSource: 'btc', // btc, eth
const queries = client.getQueries(); // list all queries, name, fields, args
const subscriptions = client.getSubscriptions(); // list all subscriptions, name, fields, args
const mutations = client.getMutations(); // list all mutations, name, fields, args
// BTC
const result = await client.accountByAddress({ address: '1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa' });
const result = await client.blockByHash({
hash: '00000000000000000029e8e5da267d2dbdf4e614dc6971451fcc570e897fbddf',
const result = await client.blockByHeight({ height: 526162 });
const result = await client.blocksByHeight({ fromHeight: 526162 });
const result = await client.emptyBlocks({ fromHeight: 526162 });
const result = await client.genesisBlock();
const result = await client.richestAccounts({});
const result = await client.transactionByHash({
hash: '256add784c8975fb357010b1b21539a5e55c25af231870616675ff757c5a64f5',
const result = await client.transactionsByAddress({ sender: '1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa' });
// ETH
const result = await client.accountByAddress({
address: '0xe65d3128feafd14d472442608daf94bceb91e333',
const result = await client.blockByHash({
hash: '0x7f0d8308de939bca7f7bba4691df7c2602f3a11629d5251b0ea7e66023246254',
const result = await client.blockByHeight({ height: 6139002 });
const result = await client.blocksByHeight({ fromHeight: 6139002 });
const result = await client.transactionByHash({
hash: '0x378ded8e76724b2a6d97a16909b307d1d8cf791fd8cbf4f024e5c4dfc5310fd7',
const result = await client.doRawQuery(`
blockByHeight(height:5027689) {
Developers can listen to subscription types for real-time data
const subscription = client.newBlockMined(); // EventEmitter ?
subscription.on('data', block => console.log);
subscription.on('error', err => console.log);
TODO: not supported now
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wangshijun | |