diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/functions/features/fn_chute.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/functions/features/fn_chute.sqf
index 33a532eb..22a7f15a 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/functions/features/fn_chute.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/functions/features/fn_chute.sqf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
// [player,3] spawn Achilles_fnc_chute;
-params ["_unit", "_delay"];
+params ["_unit", ["_delay", 0, [0]]];
sleep _delay;
@@ -38,23 +38,24 @@ if (!isPlayer _unit) then
private _item_cargo = getItemCargo _container;
removeBackpack _unit;
- waitUntil {sleep 1; !alive _unit || getPos _unit select 2 < 150};
+ waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !alive _unit || getPos _unit select 2 < 120};
private _chuteClass = ["b_parachute", _backpackClass] select (getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _backpackClass >> "backpackSimulation") isEqualTo "ParachuteSteerable");
_unit addBackpack _chuteClass;
_unit action ["openParachute"];
_unit addBackpack _backpackClass;
+ clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;
_container = backpackContainer _unit;
{_container addWeaponCargo [_x, (_weapon_cargo select 1) select _forEachIndex]} forEach (_weapon_cargo select 0);
{_container addMagazineCargo [_x, (_magazine_cargo select 1) select _forEachIndex]} forEach (_magazine_cargo select 0);
{_container addItemCargo [_x, (_item_cargo select 1) select _forEachIndex]} forEach (_item_cargo select 0);
} else
- waitUntil {sleep 1; !alive _unit || getPos _unit select 2 < 150};
+ waitUntil {sleep 0.1; !alive _unit || getPos _unit select 2 < 120};
_unit addBackpack "b_parachute";
_unit action ["openParachute"];
// prevent AI to be killed by fall damage
- waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit or (!alive _unit)};
+ waitUntil {sleep 0.1; isTouchingGround _unit or (!alive _unit)};
_unit removeEventHandler ["HandleDamage",_id];
} else
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ if (!isPlayer _unit) then
waitUntil {isTouchingGround _unit or (getPos _unit select 2) < 1 or (!alive _unit)};
deleteVehicle _packHolder;
_unit addBackpack _backpack_class;
+ clearAllItemsFromBackpack _unit;
_container = backpackContainer _unit;
{_container addWeaponCargo [_x, (_weapon_cargo select 1) select _forEachIndex]} forEach (_weapon_cargo select 0);
{_container addMagazineCargo [_x, (_magazine_cargo select 1) select _forEachIndex]} forEach (_magazine_cargo select 0);
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/scripts/fn_wpParadrop.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/scripts/fn_wpParadrop.sqf
index aec0d82d..e23b800f 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/scripts/fn_wpParadrop.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_achilles/scripts/fn_wpParadrop.sqf
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-params [["_group", grpNull, [grpNull]], ["_end_pos", [], [[]], 3], ["_target", objNull, [objNull]]];
+params [["_group", grpNull, [grpNull]], ["_endPos", [], [[]], 3], ["_target", objNull, [objNull]]];
// executed on second script call
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ if (isNil "Achilles_var_eject_init_done") then
publicVariableServer "Achilles_fnc_eject_passengers";
Achilles_var_eject_init_done = true;
-private _wp_index = currentwaypoint _group;
-private _wp = [_group,_wp_index];
+private _wpIndex = currentwaypoint _group;
+private _wp = [_group,_wpIndex];
_wp setwaypointdescription localize "STR_AMAE_PARADROP";
_wp setWaypointName localize "STR_AMAE_PARADROP";
@@ -54,41 +54,65 @@ private _vehsType = "";
// Kex: prevent pilot from being stupid
_group allowFleeing 0;
-_vehsType = typeOf (_vehsGroup select 0);
+_vehsGroup params ["_firstVeh"];
+_vehsType = typeOf _firstVeh;
private _radius = 0;
private _vector = [];
// displace effective target position for flyby
-private _start_pos = position leader _group;
+private _startPos = position leader _group;
if (_vehsType isKindOf "Helicopter") then
- _vector = _end_pos vectorDiff _start_pos;
+ _vector = _endPos vectorDiff _startPos;
_vector set [2,0];
_vector = vectorNormalized _vector;
_vector = _vector vectorMultiply 1000;
- _radius = 1200;
+ _radius = 1000;
} else
_vector = [0,0,0];
- _radius = 100;
+ _radius = 0;
-private _wp_pos = _end_pos vectorAdd _vector;
+private _wpPos = _endPos vectorAdd _vector;
-[_vehsGroup,_wp_pos,_radius] spawn
+// adjust distance for deployment according to crew count and velocity
+private _speed = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehsType >> "maxSpeed");
+private _coefName = ["normalSpeedForwardCoef", "limitedSpeedCoef"] select (speedMode _group == "LIMITED");
+_speed = _speed * getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehsType >> _coefName);
+// every second a unit ejects. We want the middle unit right above the location
+private _crew = crew _firstVeh;
+private _passengerCount = {(assignedVehicleRole _x) select 0 == "CARGO"} count _crew;
+_radius = _radius + _passengerCount/2 * _speed/3.6;
+// account for speed displacement
+if (getPos _firstVeh select 2 > 150) then
+ // fitted function for HALO
+ _radius = _radius + 4.2e-4 * _speed^3 * (1 - 1/(1 + (75/_speed)^2.2));
+ // fitted function for HAHO
+ _radius = _radius + 0.338 * _speed;
+[_vehsGroup,_wpPos,_radius] spawn
+ params ["_vehsGroup", "_wpPos", "_radius"];
+ private _vehsRdy = false;
- params ["_vehsGroup","_wp_pos","_radius"];
- private "_veh";
- private _vehsRdy = false;
+ private _aliveCount = 0;
- _veh = _x;
- if ((position _veh) distance2D _wp_pos < _radius and !_vehsRdy) then
+ private _veh = _x;
+ _aliveCount = _aliveCount + 1;
+ if ((position _veh) distance2D _wpPos < _radius) exitWith
[_vehsGroup] call Achilles_fnc_eject_passengers;
_vehsRdy = true;
} forEach (_vehsGroup select {alive _x});
+ if (_aliveCount == 0) then {_vehsRdy = true};
sleep 1;
@@ -96,8 +120,8 @@ private _wp_pos = _end_pos vectorAdd _vector;
_group setVariable ["Achilles_var_paradrop",true];
-[_group,_wp_index,_wp_pos] spawn
+[_group,_wpIndex,_wpPos] spawn
- params ["_group","_wp_index","_wp_pos"];
- _group addWaypoint [_wp_pos, 100, _wp_index];
+ params ["_group","_wpIndex","_wpPos"];
+ _group addWaypoint [_wpPos, 100, _wpIndex];
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_ares/features/fn_TeleportPlayers.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_ares/features/fn_TeleportPlayers.sqf
index 8a3b57b2..f64080c7 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_ares/features/fn_TeleportPlayers.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/functions_f_ares/features/fn_TeleportPlayers.sqf
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-params[["_playersToTeleport", [objNull]], ["_teleportLocation", [0,0,0]], ["_showTeleportMessage", true], ["_includeVehicles", true]];
+ ["_playersToTeleport", [objNull]],
+ ["_teleportLocation", [0,0,0]],
+ ["_showTeleportMessage", true],
+ ["_additionalOption", 0]
// Show some text to the players that are going to be teleported.
if (_showTeleportMessage) then
@@ -9,19 +15,29 @@ if (_showTeleportMessage) then
[[], {if (player in Ares_playersToShowMessageTo) then { titleText [localize "STR_AMAE_YOU_ARE_BEING_TELEPORTED", "BLACK", 1]; sleep 1; titleFadeOut 2}}] remoteExec ["spawn", -2];
+private _includeVehicles = (_additionalOption == 1);
+private _doHALO = (_additionalOption == 2);
+if (_doHALO) then
+ _teleportLocation set [2, 3000];
while {!(_playersToTeleport isEqualto [])} do
private _unit_to_tp = [_playersToTeleport select 0, vehicle (_playersToTeleport select 0)] select _includeVehicles;
- [_unit_to_tp, _teleportLocation, _showTeleportMessage] spawn
+ [_unit_to_tp, _teleportLocation, _showTeleportMessage, _doHALO] spawn
- params ["_unit", "_teleportLocation", "_showTeleportMessage"];
+ params ["_unit", "_teleportLocation", "_showTeleportMessage", "_doHALO"];
if (_showTeleportMessage) then
sleep 1;
_unit setVehiclePosition [_teleportLocation, [], 0, "FORM"];
+ _unit setPos [getPos _unit select 0, getPos _unit select 1, _teleportLocation select 2];
+ if (_doHALO) then {[_unit] call Achilles_fnc_chute};
_playersToTeleport = [_playersToTeleport - [_unit_to_tp], _playersToTeleport - crew _unit_to_tp] select _includeVehicles;
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/language_f/stringtable.xml b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/language_f/stringtable.xml
index a92c091d..c2046daa 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/language_f/stringtable.xml
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/language_f/stringtable.xml
@@ -2266,6 +2266,13 @@
+ Additional option
+ Additional option
+ Option supplémentaire
+ Zusatzoption
All objects in mission
All objects in mission
@@ -5168,6 +5175,12 @@
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Player/functions/fn_PlayerTeleport.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Player/functions/fn_PlayerTeleport.sqf
index 4fe057d9..798e521a 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Player/functions/fn_PlayerTeleport.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Player/functions/fn_PlayerTeleport.sqf
@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ private _dialogResult = [
[localize "STR_AMAE_MODE",[localize "STR_AMAE_ZEUS", localize "STR_AMAE_ALL",localize "STR_AMAE_SELECTION",localize "STR_AMAE_SIDE", localize "STR_AMAE_PLAYERS", localize "STR_AMAE_GROUP"]],
["", [""]],
[localize "STR_AMAE_SIDE","ALLSIDE"],
- [localize "STR_AMAE_INCLUDE_VEHICLES",[localize "STR_AMAE_FALSE",localize "STR_AMAE_TRUE"]]
+ [localize "STR_ADDITIONAL_OPTION",[localize "STR_AMAE_NONE", localize "STR_AMAE_INCLUDE_VEHICLES", localize "STR_AMAE_HALO"]]
] call Ares_fnc_ShowChooseDialog;
if (_dialogResult isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
-private _playersToTeleport = switch (_dialogResult select 0) do
+_dialogResult params ["_mode", "", "_side_index", "_additionalOption"];
+private _playersToTeleport = switch (_mode) do
case 0:
@@ -41,7 +43,6 @@ private _playersToTeleport = switch (_dialogResult select 0) do
case 3:
- private _side_index = _dialogResult select 2;
if (_side_index == 0) exitWith {[player]};
private _side = [east,west,independent,civilian] select (_side_index - 1);
allPlayers select {(alive _x) and (side _x == _side)};
@@ -63,10 +64,9 @@ if (_playersToTeleport isEqualTo []) exitWith
["No players in selection!"] call Ares_fnc_ShowZeusMessage;
playSound "FD_Start_F";
-private _includeVehicles = if ((_dialogResult select 3) == 0) then {false} else {true};
// Call the teleport function.
-[_playersToTeleport, _tp_pos, true, _includeVehicles] call Ares_fnc_TeleportPlayers;
+[_playersToTeleport, _tp_pos, true, _additionalOption] call Ares_fnc_TeleportPlayers;
[objNull, format["Teleported %1 players to %2", (count _playersToTeleport), _tp_pos]] call bis_fnc_showCuratorFeedbackMessage;
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Reinforcements/functions/fn_ReinforcementsCreateUnits.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Reinforcements/functions/fn_ReinforcementsCreateUnits.sqf
index 09e284ce..3a959f6c 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Reinforcements/functions/fn_ReinforcementsCreateUnits.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/modules_f_ares/Reinforcements/functions/fn_ReinforcementsCreateUnits.sqf
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-private _spawn_position = position _logic;
+private _spawnPosition = position _logic;
// options for selecting positions
private _extraOptions = [localize "STR_AMAE_RANDOM", localize "STR_AMAE_NEAREST", localize "STR_AMAE_FARTHEST"];
@@ -151,67 +151,44 @@ private _dialogResult =
// Get dialog results
if (_dialogResult isEqualTo []) exitWith {};
-_dialogResult params ["_side_id","_vehicle_faction_id","_vehicle_category_id","_vehicle_id","_vehicle_behaviour","_lzdz_algorithm","_lzdz_type","_group_faction_id","_group_id","_rp_algorithm","_group_behaviour"];
+_dialogResult params ["_side_id","_vehicle_faction_id","_vehicle_category_id","_vehicle_id","_vehicle_behaviour","_lzdz_algorithm","_lzdzType","_group_faction_id","_group_id","_rp_algorithm","_group_behaviour"];
private _side = SIDES select _side_id;
-private _vehicle_type = (uiNamespace getVariable "Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicles") select _side_id select _vehicle_faction_id select _vehicle_category_id select _vehicle_id;
+private _vehicleType = (uiNamespace getVariable "Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicles") select _side_id select _vehicle_faction_id select _vehicle_category_id select _vehicle_id;
private _grp_cfg = (uiNamespace getVariable "Achilles_var_nestedList_groups") select _side_id select _group_faction_id select _group_id;
private _lzSize = 20; // TODO make this a dialog parameter?
private _rpSize = 20; // TODO make this a dialog parameters?
// Choose the LZ based on what the user indicated
-private _lzLogic = [_spawn_position, _allLzLogics, _lzdz_algorithm] call Achilles_fnc_logicSelector;
+private _lzLogic = [_spawnPosition, _allLzLogics, _lzdz_algorithm] call Achilles_fnc_logicSelector;
private _lzPos = position _lzLogic;
// create the transport vehicle
-private _vehicleInfo = [_spawn_position, _spawn_position getDir _lzPos, _vehicle_type, _side] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
-_vehicleInfo params ["_vehicle", "_", "_vehicleGroup"];
-private _vehicleUnloadWp = _vehicleGroup addWaypoint [_lzPos, _lzSize];
-if (_vehicle isKindOf "Air" and (_dialogResult select 6 > 0)) then
- _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointType "SCRIPTED";
- private _script = ["\achilles\functions_f_achilles\scripts\fn_wpParadrop.sqf", "\achilles\functions_f_achilles\scripts\fn_wpFastrope.sqf"] select (_dialogResult select 6 == 1);
- _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointScript _script;
-} else
- _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
+private _vehicleInfo = [_spawnPosition, _spawnPosition getDir _lzPos, _vehicleType, _side] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
+_vehicleInfo params ["_vehicle", "", "_vehicleGroup"];
-// Make the driver full skill. This makes him less likely to do dumb things
-// when they take contact.
-(driver (vehicle (leader _vehicleGroup))) setSkill 1;
-if (_vehicle_type isKindOf "Air") then
+if (_vehicle isKindOf "Plane") then
- // Special settings for helicopters. Otherwise they tend to run away instead of land
- // if the LZ is hot.
- {
- _x allowFleeing 0; // Especially for helos... They're very cowardly.
- } forEach (crew (vehicle (leader _vehicleGroup)));
- _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointTimeout [0,0,0];
- _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointTimeout [5,10,20]; // Give the units some time to get away from truck
-// Generate the waypoints for after the transport drops off the troops.
-if (_vehicle_behaviour == 0) then
- // RTB and despawn.
- private _vehicleReturnWp = _vehicleGroup addWaypoint [_spawn_position, 0];
- _vehicleReturnWp setWaypointTimeout [2,2,2]; // Let the unit stop before being despawned.
- _vehicleReturnWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); {deleteVehicle _x} foreach thisList;"];
+ // Adjust spawn and flight altitude
+ private _height = [80, 3000] select (_lzdzType isEqualTo 3);
+ _vehicle flyInHeight _height;
+ _vehicle setPos (_spawnPosition vectorAdd [0, 0, _height]);
+ // Fix for CUP planes (somehow they don't have a start velocity despite using BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle)
+ private _speed = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleType >> "maxSpeed");
+ private _coefName = ["normalSpeedForwardCoef", "limitedSpeedCoef"] select (speedMode _vehicleGroup == "LIMITED");
+ _speed = _speed * getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleType >> _coefName);
+ _vehicle setVelocityModelSpace [0, _speed/3.6, 0];
// Add vehicle to curator
[[_vehicle]] call Ares_fnc_AddUnitsToCurator;
-private _CrewTara = [_vehicle_type,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;
-private _CrewBrutto = [_vehicle_type,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;
+private _CrewTara = [_vehicleType,false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;
+private _CrewBrutto = [_vehicleType,true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount;
private _CrewNetto = _CrewBrutto - _CrewTara;
// create infantry group and resize it to the given cargo space if needed
-private _infantry_group = [_spawn_position, _side, _grp_cfg] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
+private _infantry_group = [_spawnPosition, _side, _grp_cfg] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
// delete remaining units if vehicle is overcrouded
private _infantry_list = units _infantry_group;
if (count _infantry_list > _CrewNetto) then
@@ -248,7 +225,7 @@ _infantry_group addWaypoint [_rpPos, _rpSize];
// Load the units into the vehicle.
- _x moveInCargo (vehicle (leader _vehicleGroup));
+ _x moveInCargo _vehicle;
} forEach _infantry_list;
// Add infantry to curator
@@ -260,6 +237,51 @@ if (_vehicle getVariable ["Achilles_var_noFastrope", false]) exitWith
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _infantry_list;
+// create a waypoint for deploying the units
+private _vehicleUnloadWp = _vehicleGroup addWaypoint [_lzPos, _lzSize];
+if (_vehicle isKindOf "Air" and (_lzdzType > 0)) then
+ _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointType "SCRIPTED";
+ private _script =
+ [
+ "\achilles\functions_f_achilles\scripts\fn_wpParadrop.sqf",
+ "\achilles\functions_f_achilles\scripts\fn_wpFastrope.sqf"
+ ] select (_lzdzType isEqualTo 1);
+ _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointScript _script;
+} else
+ _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
+// Make the driver full skill. This makes him less likely to do dumb things
+// when they take contact.
+(driver _vehicle) setSkill 1;
+if (_vehicleType isKindOf "Air") then
+ // Special settings for helicopters. Otherwise they tend to run away instead of land
+ // if the LZ is hot.
+ {
+ _x allowFleeing 0; // Especially for helos... They're very cowardly.
+ } forEach (crew _vehicle);
+ // armed aircrafts are unreliable when they are not CARELESS
+ _vehicleGroup setBehaviour "CARELESS";
+ _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointTimeout [0,0,0];
+ _vehicleUnloadWp setWaypointTimeout [5,10,20]; // Give the units some time to get away from truck
+// Generate the waypoints for after the transport drops off the troops.
+if (_vehicle_behaviour == 0) then
+ // RTB and despawn.
+ private _vehicleReturnWp = _vehicleGroup addWaypoint [_spawnPosition, 0];
+ _vehicleReturnWp setWaypointTimeout [2,2,2]; // Let the unit stop before being despawned.
+ _vehicleReturnWp setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle (vehicle this); {deleteVehicle _x} foreach thisList;"];
// print a confirmation
[localize "STR_AMAE_REINFORCEMENT_DISPATCHED"] call Ares_fnc_showZeusMessage;
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/ui_f/functions/dialogs/fn_RscDisplayAttributes_CreateReinforcement.sqf b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/ui_f/functions/dialogs/fn_RscDisplayAttributes_CreateReinforcement.sqf
index a2e3aece..c505e5b3 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/ui_f/functions/dialogs/fn_RscDisplayAttributes_CreateReinforcement.sqf
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/addons/ui_f/functions/dialogs/fn_RscDisplayAttributes_CreateReinforcement.sqf
@@ -18,131 +18,142 @@ switch (_mode) do
case "LOADED":
- private _ctrl_side = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
- _ctrl_side lbSetCurSel lbCurSel _ctrl_side;
+ private _ctrlSide = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
+ _ctrlSide lbSetCurSel lbCurSel _ctrlSide;
case "SIDE":
- private _ctrl_veh_fac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
+ private _ctrlVehFac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
- lbClear _ctrl_veh_fac;
+ lbClear _ctrlVehFac;
- _ctrl_veh_fac lbAdd _x;
+ _ctrlVehFac lbAdd _x;
} forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicleFactions select _comboIndex);
- private _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_1", 0];
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl_veh_fac) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl_veh_fac);
- _last_choice = [0,_last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
- _ctrl_veh_fac lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ private _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_1", 0];
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlVehFac) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlVehFac);
+ _lastChoice = [0,_lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
+ _ctrlVehFac lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
- private _ctrl_side = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
- private _side_id = lbCurSel _ctrl_side;
- private _ctrl_veh_cat = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_CATEGORY;
- private _ctrl_veh_fac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
- private _ctrl_grp_fac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_GROUP_FACTION;
+ private _ctrlSide = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
+ private _sideId = lbCurSel _ctrlSide;
+ private _ctrlVehCat = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_CATEGORY;
+ private _ctrlVehFac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
+ private _ctrlGrpFac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_GROUP_FACTION;
- lbClear _ctrl_veh_cat;
+ lbClear _ctrlVehCat;
- _ctrl_veh_cat lbAdd _x;
- } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicleCategories select _side_id select _comboIndex);
- private _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_2", 0];
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl_veh_cat) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl_veh_cat);
- _last_choice = [0,_last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
- _ctrl_veh_cat lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ _ctrlVehCat lbAdd _x;
+ } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicleCategories select _sideId select _comboIndex);
+ private _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_2", 0];
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlVehCat) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlVehCat);
+ _lastChoice = [0,_lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
+ _ctrlVehCat lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
- if (_ctrl_grp_fac getVariable ["first_time", true]) then
+ if (_ctrlGrpFac getVariable ["first_time", true]) then
- _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_7", ""];
- _ctrl_grp_fac setVariable ["first_time", false];
+ _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_7", ""];
+ _ctrlGrpFac setVariable ["first_time", false];
} else
- _last_choice = "";
+ _lastChoice = "";
- lbClear _ctrl_grp_fac;
- if (_last_choice isEqualTo "") then
+ lbClear _ctrlGrpFac;
+ if (_lastChoice isEqualTo "") then
- private _ref_name = _ctrl_veh_fac lbText _comboIndex;
- _last_choice = 0;
+ private _ref_name = _ctrlVehFac lbText _comboIndex;
+ _lastChoice = 0;
- _ctrl_grp_fac lbAdd _x;
+ _ctrlGrpFac lbAdd _x;
if (_ref_name == _x) then
- _last_choice = _forEachIndex;
+ _lastChoice = _forEachIndex;
- } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groupFactions select _side_id);
+ } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groupFactions select _sideId);
} else
- _ctrl_grp_fac lbAdd _x;
- } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groupFactions select _side_id);
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl_grp_fac) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl_grp_fac);
- _last_choice = [0,_last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
+ _ctrlGrpFac lbAdd _x;
+ } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groupFactions select _sideId);
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlGrpFac) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlGrpFac);
+ _lastChoice = [0,_lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
- _ctrl_grp_fac lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ _ctrlGrpFac lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
- private _ctrl_side = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
- private _side_id = lbCurSel _ctrl_side;
- private _ctrl_veh_fac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
- private _faction_id = lbCurSel _ctrl_veh_fac;
+ private _ctrlSide = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
+ private _sideId = lbCurSel _ctrlSide;
+ private _ctrlVehFac = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE_FACTION;
+ private _faction_id = lbCurSel _ctrlVehFac;
- private _ctrl_veh = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE;
- lbClear _ctrl_veh;
+ private _ctrlVeh = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_VEHICLE;
+ lbClear _ctrlVeh;
- private _lb_id = _ctrl_veh lbAdd getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
- _ctrl_veh lbSetData [_lb_id, _x];
- _ctrl_veh lbSetTextRight [_lb_id, ["(", (([_x, true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount) - ([_x, false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount)), ") "] joinString ""];
- } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicles select _side_id select _faction_id select _comboIndex);
- private _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_3", ""];
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl_veh) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl_veh);
- _last_choice = [0,_last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
- _ctrl_veh lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ private _lb_id = _ctrlVeh lbAdd getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _x >> "displayName");
+ _ctrlVeh lbSetData [_lb_id, _x];
+ _ctrlVeh lbSetTextRight [_lb_id, ["(", (([_x, true] call BIS_fnc_crewCount) - ([_x, false] call BIS_fnc_crewCount)), ") "] joinString ""];
+ } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_vehicles select _sideId select _faction_id select _comboIndex);
+ private _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_3", ""];
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlVeh) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlVeh);
+ _lastChoice = [0,_lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
+ _ctrlVeh lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
case "VEHICLE":
- if ((_ctrl lbData _comboIndex) isKindOf "Air") then
+ private _vehicleClass = _ctrl lbData _comboIndex;
+ if (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Air") then
- _ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_WP_TYPE;
- _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
- _ctrl ctrlEnable true;
- _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
- _ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_WP_TYPE_LABEL;
- _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;
- _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
+ private _ctrlWpTypeLabel = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_WP_TYPE_LABEL;
+ _ctrlWpTypeLabel ctrlSetFade 0;
+ _ctrlWpTypeLabel ctrlCommit 0;
+ private _ctrlWpType = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_WP_TYPE;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlSetFade 0;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlEnable true;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlCommit 0;
+ // Add/remove HALO option
+ if (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Plane") then
+ {
+ if (lbSize _ctrlWpType == 3) then {_ctrlWpType lbAdd localize "STR_AMAE_HALO"};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (lbSize _ctrlWpType == 4) then {_ctrlWpType lbDelete 3};
+ };
- _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_6", 0];
- _last_choice = [0, _last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl);
- _ctrl lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_6", 0];
+ _lastChoice = [0, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlWpType) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlWpType);
+ _ctrlWpType lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
} else
- _ctrl = _dialog displayCtrl _x;
- _ctrl ctrlSetFade 0.8;
- _ctrl ctrlEnable false;
- _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
+ private _ctrlWpType = _dialog displayCtrl _x;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlSetFade 0.8;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlEnable false;
+ _ctrlWpType ctrlCommit 0;
- private _ctrl_side = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
- private _side_id = lbCurSel _ctrl_side;
- private _ctrl_grp = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_GROUP;
+ private _ctrlSide = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_SIDE;
+ private _sideId = lbCurSel _ctrlSide;
+ private _ctrlGrp = _dialog displayCtrl IDC_COMBO_GROUP;
- lbClear _ctrl_grp;
+ lbClear _ctrlGrp;
- private _lb_id = _ctrl_grp lbAdd getText (_x >> "Name");
- _ctrl_grp lbSetTextRight [_lb_id, "(" + str count (_x call Achilles_fnc_returnChildren) + ") "];
- } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groups select _side_id select _comboIndex);
- private _last_choice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_8", 0];
- _last_choice = [(lbSize _ctrl_grp) - 1, _last_choice] select (_last_choice < lbSize _ctrl_grp);
- _last_choice = [0,_last_choice] select (_last_choice isEqualType 0);
- _ctrl_grp lbSetCurSel _last_choice;
+ private _lb_id = _ctrlGrp lbAdd getText (_x >> "Name");
+ _ctrlGrp lbSetTextRight [_lb_id, "(" + str count (_x call Achilles_fnc_returnChildren) + ") "];
+ } forEach (Achilles_var_nestedList_groups select _sideId select _comboIndex);
+ private _lastChoice = uiNamespace getVariable ["Ares_ChooseDialog_ReturnValue_8", 0];
+ _lastChoice = [(lbSize _ctrlGrp) - 1, _lastChoice] select (_lastChoice < lbSize _ctrlGrp);
+ _lastChoice = [0,_lastChoice] select (_lastChoice isEqualType 0);
+ _ctrlGrp lbSetCurSel _lastChoice;
case "GROUP":
diff --git a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/changelog.md b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/changelog.md
index 34303491..ab9d0bd3 100644
--- a/@AresModAchillesExpansion/changelog.md
+++ b/@AresModAchillesExpansion/changelog.md
@@ -15,13 +15,20 @@ Our versioning follows the guidelines set by [Semantic Versioning 2.0](https://s
##### New
* Advanced Hint (= readded vanilla training hint module). #294
##### Revised
-* Artillery Fire Mission
+* Artillery Fire Mission:
- Feature: Precision option. #321
* CAS - Bomb Strike
- Fix: Was terribly inaccurate even for vanilla planes. #314
-* Damage Buildings
+* Damage Buildings:
- Fix: Did not work on certain dedicated servers. #303
-* Copy Mission SQF
+* Spawn units (reinforcement):
+ - Fix: Armed aircrafts were distracted by enemies.
+ - Fix: Some CUP planes did not work (started on the floor rather than in air).
+ - Feature: HALO option for planes.
+* Teleport Player:
+ - Feature: Additional Option: none, include vehicle or HALO (new).
+ - Note: HALO will move the player 3000 m above the location, move his backpack ventral and add a chute.
+* Copy Mission SQF:
- Fix: Minor script error. #185
#### Attribute windows
##### Revised
@@ -30,9 +37,10 @@ Our versioning follows the guidelines set by [Semantic Versioning 2.0](https://s
- Fix: Undefined variable error (by @DeliciousJaffa). #311
#### Waypoints
##### Revised
-* Paradrop (also applies to the key-binding)
+* Paradrop (also applies to the key-binding and reinforcement module)
- Fix: Chute openning animation is smoother. #321
- - Change: Paradroopers won't open their chute immediately at high altitude (>150 m) => HALO. #321
+ - Feature: AI accounts to a certain extend for paradrop displacment according to [fitted functions](https://gyazo.com/32afcfefef24ba2cdc36eaa4c0467147).
+ - Change: Paradroopers won't open their chute immediately at high altitude (>120 m) => HALO. #321
#### Settings
##### Revised
* Faction filter