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81 lines (58 loc) · 2.23 KB


C++/Qt5 starter project with cmake build system, QtQuick, QtWidgets, AppIcon, macOS bundle and macdeployqt support.


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Add the path of your Qt installation to your ~/.bash_profile:

# there should be an entry like this:
export PATH="$PATH:~/sourcecode/sdk/QtLatest/5.12.0/clang_64/"
  1. Add the bin path of your CMake installation to your ~/.bash_profile:
# there should be an entry like this:
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/"
  1. If you want to make a QtQuick app use the quick_app folder. For a QtWidgets app use the widgets_app folder.

  2. Edit the CMakeLists.txt file and set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable to your Qt bin path as described in 2.

Build a debug version

Just run ./ in your app root directory. It will create a build directory and compile the app. On every run the script removes the build directory entirely. To prevent this, go to the build directory and run make.

Build a release version and deploy

  1. Check that the program macdeployqt is within your PATH variable.
$ which macdeployqt
$ ~/sourcecode/sdk/QtLatest/5.13.0/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt
  1. In the folder res/ there is a file AppIcon.icns and AppIcon.png. Replace these files with your AppIcon.

  2. In CMakeLists.txt on line 4-9 set the variables to your needs.

  3. Again run ./ in your app root directory but with parameter release:

$ ./ release

When finished there is a bundle and a AppName.dmg in the build folder ready to ship.

CLI / GUI Mode

You can run the app in cli or gui mode by using command line parameters:

$ ./quickapp -h
Usage: ./quickapp [options]

  -h, --help     Displays this help.
  -v, --version  Displays version information.
  -c, --cli      Run in cli mode only.

Or in the release bundle:

$ ./ -h
Usage: ./ [options]

  -h, --help     Displays this help.
  -v, --version  Displays version information.
  -c, --cli      Run in cli mode only.


Tested with the following environment:

  • macOS Mojave 10.14.3
  • CLion 2019.2
  • Qt 5.13 clang_64
  • CMake 3.13.3