This is a repo of our following paper,
Singh, Arshdeep, and Mark D. Plumbley. "Efficient Similarity-Based Passive Filter Pruning for Compressing CNNS." ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2023.
This is a repository containing scripts to prune CNNs using similarity-based pruning algorithm in a fast manner.
- To compute indexes of important filters for a given convolution layer in an efficient way by approximating the distance matrix or using complete distance matrix. The input to the script is the pre-trained weights.
- : To generate Figures in the result and analysis section.
- Given important filter indexes for all layers, Obtaining a pruned network and peforming fine-tuning.
- important_filter_indexes for VGGish_Net and DCASE21_Net: The important set of filters obtained using "", l1-norm based method and GM pruning method..
DCASE2018 dataset and VGGish_Net baseline (pre-trained weights, model with 64.69% accuracy):
DCASE2021 dataset and DCASE21_Net baseline (pre-trained weights, model with 48.58% accuracy):
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