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Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\OpenAdsV2ApiXmlRpc

A library class to provide XML-RPC routines on a web server to enable it to manipulate objects in OpenX using the web services API.

Visibility Function
public __construct(string/array $host_config=null, string $basepath=null, string $username=null, string $password=null, int $port=null, bool $ssl=null, int $timeout=null) : void
pass array as first parameter to load it as the config if any parameter is not set, the config method will be used to try to use config from file
public _callStatisticsMethod(string $methodName, int $entityId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns statistics for an entity.
public _getClient() : \PhpXmlRpc\Client
A private method to return an Client to the API service
public _logon() : boolean "Was the remote logon() call successful?"
This method logs on to web services.
public _send(string $method, mixed $data) : mixed The response from the server or false in the event of failure.
This function sends a method call to a specified service.
public _sendWithSession(string $method, array/mixed $data=array()) : mixed The response from the server or false in the event of failure.
This private function sends a method call and $data to a specified service and automatically adds the value of the sessionID.
public addAdvertiser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo $oAdvertiserInfo) : mixed result
This method adds an advertiser.
public addAgency(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo $oAgencyInfo) : mixed result
This method sends a call to the AgencyXmlRpcService and passes the AgencyInfo with the session to add an agency.
public addBanner(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo $oBannerInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a banner to the banner object.
public addCampaign(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo $oCampaignInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a campaign to the campaign object.
public addChannel(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ChannelInfo $oChannelInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a channel to the channel object.
public addPublisher(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo $oPublisherInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a publisher to the publisher object.
public addUser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo $oUserInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a user to the user object.
public addVariable(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\VariableInfo $oVariableInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a variable to the variable object.
public addZone(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo $oZoneInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a zone to the zone object.
public advertiserBannerStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserCampaignStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserDailyStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserPublisherStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserZoneStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public agencyAdvertiserStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the advertiser statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyBannerStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the banner statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyCampaignStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the campaign statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyDailyStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the daily statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyPublisherStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the publisher statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyZoneStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns the zone statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public bannerDailyStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public bannerPublisherStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public bannerZoneStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public campaignBannerStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignDailyStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignPublisherStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignZoneStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public config(mixed $key, null $default=null) : mixed/null
get variable from config
public deleteAdvertiser(int $advertiserId) : mixed result
This method deletes an advertiser.
public deleteAgency(int $agencyId) : mixed result
This method deletes a specified agency.
public deleteBanner(int $bannerId) : mixed result
This method deletes a banner from the banner object.
public deleteCampaign(int $campaignId) : mixed result
This method deletes a campaign from the campaign object.
public deleteChannel(int $channelId) : mixed result
This method deletes a Channel from the channel object.
public deletePublisher(int $publisherId) : mixed result
This method deletes a publisher from the publisher object.
public deleteUser(int $userId) : mixed result
This method deletes a user from the user object.
public deleteZone(int $zoneId) : mixed result
This method deletes a zone from the zone object.
public generateTags(int $zoneId, string $codeType, array $aParams=null) : bool
A method to generate tags for a zone invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:adframe invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:adjs invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:adlayer invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:adview invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:adviewnocookies invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:local invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:popup invocationTags:oxInvocationTags:xmlrpc
public getAdvertiser(int $advertiserId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo
This method returns AdvertiserInfo for a specified advertiser.
public getAdvertiserListByAgencyId(int $agencyId) : array array AgencyInfo objects
This method returns a list of advertisers by Agency ID.
public getAgency(int $agencyId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo
This method returns the AgencyInfo for a specified agency.
public getAgencyList() : array array AgencyInfo objects
This method returns AgencyInfo for all agencies.
public getBanner(int $bannerId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo
This method returns BannerInfo for a specified banner.
public getBannerListByCampaignId(int $campaignId) : array array CampaignInfo objects
This method returns a list of banners for a specified campaign.
public getBannerTargeting(int $bannerId) : array
This method returns TargetingInfo for a specified banner.
public getCampaign(int $campaignId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo
This method returns CampaignInfo for a specified campaign.
public getCampaignListByAdvertiserId(int $advertiserId) : array array CampaignInfo objects
This method returns a list of campaigns for an advertiser.
public getChannel(int $channelId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ChannelInfo
This method returns ChannelInfo for a specified channel.
public getChannelListByAgencyId(int $agencyId) : array array ChannelInfo objects
This method returns a list of channels by Agency ID.
public getChannelListByWebsiteId(int $websiteId) : array array ChannelInfo objects
This method returns a list of channels by Website ID.
public getChannelTargeting(int $channelId) : array
This method returns TargetingInfo for a specified channel.
public getPublisher(int $publisherId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo
This method returns PublisherInfo for a specified publisher.
public getPublisherListByAgencyId(int $agencyId) : array array PublisherInfo objects
This method returns a list of publishers for a specified agency.
public getUser(int $userId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo
This method returns UserInfo for a specified user.
public getUserListByAccountId(int $accountId) : array array UserInfo objects
This method returns a list of users by Account ID.
public getVariable(int $variableId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\VariableInfo
This method returns VariableInfo for a specified variable.
public getZone(int $zoneId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo
This method returns ZoneInfo for a specified zone.
public getZoneListByPublisherId(int $publisherId) : array array ZoneInfo objects
This method returns a list of zones for a specified publisher.
public linkBanner(int $zoneId, int $bannerId) : bool
A method to link a banner to a zone
public linkCampaign(int $zoneId, int $campaignId) : bool
A method to link a campaign to a zone
public load_config(mixed $config) : mixed
pass a configuration array to the class directory
public logoff() : boolean "Was the remote logoff() call successful?"
This method logs off from web wervices.
public modifyAdvertiser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo $oAdvertiserInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies an advertiser.
public modifyAgency(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo $oAgencyInfo) : mixed result
This method sends a call to the AgencyXmlRpcService and passes the AgencyInfo object with the session to modify an agency.
public modifyBanner(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo $oBannerInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a banner.
public modifyCampaign(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo $oCampaignInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a campaign.
public modifyChannel(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ChannelInfo $oChannelInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a channel.
public modifyPublisher(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo $oPublisherInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a publisher.
public modifyUser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo $oUserInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a user.
public modifyVariable(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\VariableInfo $oVariableInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a variable.
public modifyZone(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo $oZoneInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a zone.
public publisherAdvertiserStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns advertiser statistics for a specified period.
public publisherBannerStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherCampaignStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherDailyStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherZoneStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public setBannerTargeting(integer $bannerId, array $aTargeting) : bool
This method takes an array of targeting info objects and a banner id and sets the targeting for the banner to the values passed in
public setChannelTargeting(integer $channelId, array $aTargeting) : bool
This method takes an array of targeting info objects and a channel id and sets the targeting for the channel to the values passed in
public unlinkBanner(int $zoneId, int $bannerId) : bool
A method to unlink a banner from a zone
public unlinkCampaign(int $zoneId, int $campaignId) : bool
A method to unlink a campaign from a zone
public updateSsoChannelId(int $oldSsoChannelId, int $newSsoChannelId) : bool
This method updates channels SSO Channel Id
public updateSsoUserId(int $oldSsoUserId, int $newSsoUserId) : bool
This method updates users SSO User Id
public updateUserEmailBySsoId(int $ssoUserId, string $email) : bool
This method updates users email by his SSO User Id
public zoneAdvertiserStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns advertiser statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneBannerStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneCampaignStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneDailyStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null, bool/boolean $useManagerTimezone=false) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a zone for a specified period.

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info (abstract)

Visibility Function
public __construct(array $aEntityData=array()) : void
public getFieldType(mixed $fieldName) : mixed
get RPCdataType for field
public abstract getFieldsTypes() : array ['fieldName' +> 'RPCdataType', ...]
get field type definition
public readDataFromArray(array $aEntityData) : void
create/build $this from array data
public toArray() : array

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo

The ZoneInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the zone.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.
public setDefaultForAdd() : void
This method sets all default values when adding a new zone.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo

The BannerInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the banner.

Visibility Function
public encodeImage(mixed $aImage) : void
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.
public setDefaultForAdd() : void
This method sets all default values when adding a new banner.
public toArray() : void

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\TrackerInfo

The TrackerInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about tracker

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\VariableInfo

The VariableInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about variable

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo

The agencyInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the agency.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\XmlRpcUtils

The XmlRpcUtils class contains various XmlRpc methods.

Visibility Function
public static dateObject(mixed $date) : \Carbon\Carbon/null
public static getEntityWithNotNullFields(mixed $oInfoObject) : \PhpXmlRpc\Value
This method converts the Info object into an Value and deletes null fields.
public static getRPCTypeForField(string $type, mixed $variable) : \PhpXmlRpc\Value or false
This method sets the RPC type for variables.

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\TargetingOptions

The TargetingOptions class contains options information about targeting

Visibility Function
public static clientType(mixed $data) : bool/string
get client type key
public static comparison(string $data='') : mixed/string
get comparison key returns the default value if no match
public static continent(string $data='') : mixed/string
get continent key returns the empty value if no match
public static country(string $data='') : mixed/string
get country key returns the empty value if no match
public static geoType(mixed $data) : bool/string
get geo type key
public static getDeliveryType(mixed $type, mixed $data) : bool/string
get site type key
public static logical(string $data='') : mixed/string
get logical key returns the default value if no match
public static siteType(mixed $data) : bool/string
get site type key

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\TargetingInfo

The TargetingInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about targeting

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.
public static getSettings(string $csvFilter='EU', string $delivery_data='Continent', string $delivery_type='Geo', string $comparison='=~', string $logical='and') : array
quick settings for channel targeting
Examples of TargetingInfo::getSettings()
$targeting[] = TargetingInfo::getSettings();
$targeting[] = TargetingInfo::getSettings('US','Country');
$targeting[] = TargetingInfo::getSettings('KeyHere','Source','Site','==','or');

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ChannelInfo

The channelInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the channel.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo

The UserInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the user.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo

The campaignInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the campaign.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.
public setDefaultForAdd() : void
This function sets all default values when adding new campaign.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo

The PublisherInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about the publisher.

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo

The AdvertiserInfo class extends the base Info class and contains information about advertisers. Advertiser is the

Visibility Function
public getFieldsTypes() : array
This method returns an array of fields with their corresponding types.

This class extends \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Info

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\OpenAdsV1ApiXmlRpc

A library class to provide XML-RPC routines on a web server to enable it to manipulate objects in OpenX using the web services API.

Visibility Function
public __construct(string $host, string $basepath, string $username, string $password, int $port, bool $ssl=false, int $timeout=15) : void
are port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.
public _callStatisticsMethod(string $serviceFileName, string $methodName, int $entityId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns statistics for an entity.
public _getClient(string $service) : \PhpXmlRpc\Client
A private method to return an Client to the API service
public _logon() : boolean "Was the remote logon() call successful?"
This method logs on to web services.
public _send(string $service, string $method, mixed $data) : mixed The response from the server or false in the event of failure.
This function sends a method call to a specified service.
public _sendWithSession(string $service, string $method, array/mixed $data=array()) : mixed The response from the server or false in the event of failure.
This private function sends a method call and $data to a specified service and automatically adds the value of the sessionID.
public addAdvertiser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo $oAdvertiserInfo) : mixed result
This method adds an advertiser.
public addAgency(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo $oAgencyInfo) : mixed result
This method sends a call to the AgencyXmlRpcService and passes the AgencyInfo with the session to add an agency.
public addBanner(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo $oBannerInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a banner to the banner object.
public addCampaign(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo $oCampaignInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a campaign to the campaign object.
public addPublisher(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo $oPublisherInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a publisher to the publisher object.
public addUser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo $oUserInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a user to the user object.
public addZone(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo $oZoneInfo) : mixed result
This method adds a zone to the zone object.
public advertiserBannerStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserCampaignStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserDailyStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserPublisherStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public advertiserZoneStatistics(int $advertiserId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for an advertiser for a specified period.
public agencyAdvertiserStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the advertiser statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyBannerStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the banner statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyCampaignStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the campaign statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyDailyStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the daily statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyPublisherStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the publisher statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public agencyZoneStatistics(int $agencyId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns the zone statistics for an agency for a specified time period.
public bannerDailyStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public bannerPublisherStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public bannerZoneStatistics(int $bannerId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a banner for a specified period.
public campaignBannerStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignDailyStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignPublisherStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public campaignZoneStatistics(int $campaignId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a campaign for a specified period.
public deleteAdvertiser(int $advertiserId) : mixed result
This method deletes an advertiser.
public deleteAgency(int $agencyId) : mixed result
This method deletes a specified agency.
public deleteBanner(int $bannerId) : mixed result
This method deletes a banner from the banner object.
public deleteCampaign(int $campaignId) : mixed result
This method deletes a campaign from the campaign object.
public deletePublisher(int $publisherId) : mixed result
This method deletes a publisher from the publisher object.
public deleteUser(int $userId) : mixed result
This method deletes a user from the user object.
public deleteZone(int $zoneId) : mixed result
This method deletes a zone from the zone object.
public generateTags(int $zoneId, string $codeType, array/null $aParams=null) : boolean result
This method unlinks a campaign from a zone.
public getAdvertiser(int $advertiserId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo
This method returns AdvertiserInfo for a specified advertiser.
public getAdvertiserListByAgencyId(int $agencyId) : array array AgencyInfo objects
This method returns a list of advertisers by Agency ID.
public getAgency(int $agencyId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo
This method returns the AgencyInfo for a specified agency.
public getAgencyList() : array array AgencyInfo objects
This method returns AgencyInfo for all agencies.
public getBanner(int $bannerId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo
This method returns BannerInfo for a specified banner.
public getBannerListByCampaignId(int $campaignId) : array array BannerInfo objects
This method returns a list of banners for a specified campaign.
public getBannerTargeting(int $bannerId) : array
This method returns TargetingInfo for a specified banner.
public getCampaign(int $campaignId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo
This method returns CampaignInfo for a specified campaign.
public getCampaignListByAdvertiserId(int $advertiserId) : array array CampaignInfo objects
This method returns a list of campaigns for an advertiser.
public getPublisher(int $publisherId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo
This method returns PublisherInfo for a specified publisher.
public getPublisherListByAgencyId(int $agencyId) : array array PublisherInfo objects
This method returns a list of publishers for a specified agency.
public getUser(int $userId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo
This method returns UserInfo for a specified user.
public getUserListByAccountId(int $accountId) : array array UserInfo objects
This method returns a list of users by Account ID.
public getZone(int $zoneId) : \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo
This method returns ZoneInfo for a specified zone.
public getZoneListByPublisherId(int $publisherId) : array array ZoneInfo objects
This method returns a list of zones for a specified publisher.
public linkBanner(int $zoneId, int $bannerId) : boolean result
This method links a banner to a zone.
public linkCampaign(int $zoneId, int $campaignId) : boolean result
This method links a campaign to a zone.
public logoff() : boolean "Was the remote logoff() call successful?"
This method logs off from web wervices.
public modifyAdvertiser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AdvertiserInfo $oAdvertiserInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies an advertiser.
public modifyAgency(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\AgencyInfo $oAgencyInfo) : mixed result
This method sends a call to the AgencyXmlRpcService and passes the AgencyInfo object with the session to modify an agency.
public modifyBanner(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\BannerInfo $oBannerInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a banner.
public modifyCampaign(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\CampaignInfo $oCampaignInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a campaign.
public modifyPublisher(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\PublisherInfo $oPublisherInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a publisher.
public modifyUser(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\UserInfo $oUserInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a user.
public modifyZone(\Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\ZoneInfo $oZoneInfo) : mixed result
This method modifies a zone.
public publisherAdvertiserStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns advertiser statistics for a specified period.
public publisherBannerStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns banner statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherCampaignStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherDailyStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public publisherZoneStatistics(int $publisherId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns zone statistics for a publisher for a specified period.
public setBannerTargeting(integer $bannerId, array $aTargeting) : bool
This method takes an array of targeting info objects and a banner id and sets the targeting for the banner to the values passed in
public unlinkBanner(int $zoneId, int $bannerId) : boolean result
This method unlinks a banner from a zone.
public unlinkCampaign(int $zoneId, int $campaignId) : boolean result
This method unlinks a campaign from a zone.
public updateSsoUserId(int $oldSsoUserId, int $newSsoUserId) : bool
This method updates users SSO User Id
public updateUserEmailBySsoId(int $ssoUserId, string $email) : bool
This method updates users email by his SSO User Id
public zoneAdvertiserStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns advertiser statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneBannerStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns publisher statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneCampaignStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns campaign statistics for a zone for a specified period.
public zoneDailyStatistics(int $zoneId, \Carbon\Carbon $oStartDate=null, \Carbon\Carbon $oEndDate=null) : array result data
This method returns daily statistics for a zone for a specified period.

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\Provider

Class Provider

Visibility Function
public boot() : void
Alias the services in the boot.
public register() : void
Register the services.

This class extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider

Class: \Artistan\ReviveXmlRpc\OpenAdsDisplayXmlRpc

A library class to provide XML-RPC routines to display ads on pages on a web server where OpenX is not installed but is installed on a remote server. For use with OpenX PHP-based XML-RPC invocation tags.

Visibility Function
public __construct(string $host, string $path, int $port, bool $ssl=false, int $timeout=15) : void
PHP5 style constructor port 80 for HTTP and port 443 for HTTPS.
public _convertEncoding(mixed $content, string $toEncoding, string $fromEncoding='UTF-8', string $aExtensions=null) : mixed The converted string, or converted string within array.
A function to convert a string from one encoding to another using any available extensions returns the string unchanged if no suitable libraries are available The function will recursively walk arrays.
public setRemoteInfo(mixed $key, mixed $value) : void
public spc(mixed $what, string $target='', string $source='', mixed $withtext, mixed $block, mixed $blockcampaign, string $charset='') : void
public view(string $what='', int $campaignid, string $target='', string $source='', bool $withText=false, array $context=array(), string $charset='') : array
This method retrieves a banner from a remote OpenX installation using XML-RPC.