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Comparison of big integers

The very first operators that big integers must be able to support are comparison operators: ==, !=, >, >=, <, <= and <=> (since C++20).
All the operators above (and more) rely on a static private method to compare limbs of the big integers to each other. The method is declared with the following signature:

int compare(limbs const&, limbs const&);

The addition and subtraction operators rely on making comparisons when their operands are of opposite signs.


using namespace bigint;
bigint a(123456789), b(987654321);
bool e  = (a == b),
     ne = (a != b),
     gt = (a >  b),
     ge = (a >= b),
     lt = (a <  b),
     le = (a <= b);

#if __cplusplus >= 202002L
std::strong_ordering ss = (a <=> b);


All the functions behind these operators start with comparing the sign of the operands:

  • If signs are unequal, a result can sometimes be returned immediately.
  • Otherwise, limbs must be compared, using the private compare class method.
    Signs determine how the result of compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) must be interpreted for the result.

Sign comparison

a ... b == != > >= < <= <=>
$\text{sign}(a) = \text{sign}(b) = 1$ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
$\text{sign}(a) = \text{sign}(b) = -1$ (1) (2) (6) (5) (4) (3) (8)
$\text{sign}(a) = 1 \text{ and } \text{sign}(b) = -1$ (1) (2) ✔️ ✔️ std::strong_ordering::greater
$\text{sign}(a) = -1 \text{ and } \text{sign}(b) = 1$ (1) (2) ✔️ ✔️ std::strong_ordering::less

The cases that could not be determined from signs alone, as listed above, are determined using the below formulas:

  1. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) == 0
  2. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) != 0
  3. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) > 0
  4. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) >= 0
  5. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) < 0
  6. compare(a.limbs, b.limbs) <= 0
  7. Execute:
    switch (compare(a.limbs, b.limbs)) {
        case -1: return std::strong_order::less;
        case 0 : return std::strong_ordering::equal;
        case 1 : return std:strong_ordering::greater;
  8. Execute:
    switch (compare(a.limbs, b.limbs)) {
        case -1: return std::strong_order::greater;
        case 0 : return std::strong_ordering::equal;
        case 1 : return std:strong_ordering::less;

Limbs comparison

The comparison of the limbs of a and b starts with a size comparison:

  1. For a.limbs and for b.limbs, find the most significant, non-zero limb. Get an iterator, respectively a_effective_end and b_effective_end past that limb (they may be equal to their respective cend() iterator).
  2. Calculate:
    • a_size = std::distance(a.limbs.cbegin(), a_effective_end)
    • b_size = std::distance(b.limbs.cbegin(), b_effective_end)1.
  3. If a_size > b_size, return $1$.
    If a_size < b_size, return $-1$.
  4. From the most to the least significant limb:
    If l_a > l_b, return $1$.
    if l_a < l_b, return $-1$.
  5. Reaching this point, all limbs from the 2 big integers have been compared as equal; return $0$;

Limb comparison is:

  • $\text{O}(1)$ if the operands have a different size, i.e. iif $\exists p / a &lt; 2^{32p} \leq b \text{ or } b &lt; 2^{32p} \leq a$.
  • $\text{O}(\log(a))$ otherwise, $\log(a)$ being proportional to the lengths of the limbs.


  1. As limbs iterators are LegacyRandomAccessIterator, std::distance has constant complexity.