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Asmenys (Persons)
pumba-lt edited this page Jan 20, 2013
11 revisions
Savybė (LT) | Savybė (EN) | Property | Datatype | URI type |
Tipas | Type | rdf:type | foaf:Person | |
Vardas | Given name | foaf:givenName | string | |
Pavardė | Family name | foaf:familyName | string | |
Gimimo data | Birth date | dbpedia-owl:birthDate | xsd:date | |
Gimimo vieta | Birth place | dbpedia-owl:birthPlace | URI | dbpedia-owl:Place |
Nuotrauka | Image | foaf:img | URI | foaf:Image |
Dabartinės pareigos | Holds post | org:holds | URI | org:Post |
WWW svetainė | Homepage | foaf:homepage | URI | foaf:Document |
Atitinkantis puslapis | Is topic of | foaf:ifPrimaryTopicOf | URI | foaf:Document |
Tas pats resursas | Same resource as | owl:sameAs | URI |
<persons/Algirdas%20Butkevi%C4%8Dius#this> a foaf:Person ;
foaf:givenName "Algirdas" ;
foaf:familyName "Butkevičius" ;
dbpedia-owl:birthDate "1958-11-19"^^xsd:date ;
dbpedia-owl:birthPlace <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Radvili%C5%A1kis_district_municipality> ;
foaf:img <http://www.algirdasbutkevicius.lt/images/biografija_00.jpg> ;
org:holds <posts/Lietuvos%20Respublikos%20Ministras%20Pirmininkas#this> ;
foaf:homepage <http://www.algirdasbutkevicius.lt> ;
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf <persons/Algirdas%20Butkevi%C4%8Dius> ;
owl:sameAs <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Algirdas_Butkevi%C4%8Dius> .