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Releases: Automattic/jetpack

Jetpack 8.8.2

14 Aug 15:51
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  • Release date: August 17, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Infinite Scroll: avoid loading issues with some themes using Infinite Scroll.

Jetpack 8.8.1

10 Aug 16:36
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  • Release date: August 10, 2020

Improved compatibility

  • WordPress 5.5: ensure that Jetpack's Autoupdate feature is fully compatible with the autoupdate feature introduced in the new version of WordPress.

Bug fixes

  • Admin Page: avoid blank dashboard when some specific notices (such as Offline mode) are displayed.
  • Synchronization with resolve errors triggered from not properly sanitizing/verifying inputs.

Jetpack 8.8

04 Aug 10:44
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  • Release date: August 4, 2020
  • Release post: p1moTy-rs2-p2


  • Blocks: update categories to improve discoverability.
  • Connection Flow: improve experience of any additional users of your site that may want to link their account.
  • Dashboard: add Jetpack Anti-spam to the product list in the dashboard.
  • External Media: add ability to show google photos for a specific month or year.
  • Infinite Scroll: improve accessibility of the "Load More" behavior.
  • Instant Search: add support for excluding certain post types from search results.
  • Mailchimp Block: show error message on email validation error.
  • Markdown block: improve handling of long links with custom characters, as well as em- and en- dashes.
  • Payments block: add extra customization options to the Submit button.
  • Performance: use WordPress-provided wp_resource_hints for DNS prefetching.
  • Podcast Player block: start saving content in post content for better compatibility with non-WordPress tools.
  • Sharing: add direct link to share button customization for logged-in admins.
  • Widgets: introduce new Instagram Widget.
  • Widgets: add additional options to the Twitter Timeline widget.
  • Widgets: add the rel attribute to links with target=”_blank” in the Social Icons widget.
  • WordAds: update ad units to be more flexible and dynamic.

Improved compatibility

  • Blocks: add default text color to all buttons in AMP mode.
  • Connection Flow: improve the display of any connection errors, and provide more tools to help fix those connection errors.
  • Contact Form: updates based on language improvements in WordPress 5.5.
  • Deprecated hooks: Use native WordPress functionality for deprecated hooks.
  • Deprecation Notices: provide more information about deprecated files and functions.
  • General: ensure Jetpack's full compatibility with the upcoming WordPress 5.5 release.
  • General: update Jetpack's minimum required WordPress version to 5.4, in anticipation of the upcoming WordPress 5.5 release.
  • General: update Jetpack to support new environment type features introduced in WordPress 5.5.
  • Infinite Scroll: fix layout issue when used with the P2 theme.
  • Latest Instagram Posts block: fix layout when used with the AMP plugin.
  • Synchronization: improve stability of the connection between your site and
  • REST API: adjust API response based on language improvements in WordPress 5.5.

Bug fixes

  • Asset CDN: avoid returning a directory when setting the local path for translation files.
  • Carousel: ensure jQuery is loaded when using the Carousel feature.
  • Contact Form: fix alignment of radio and checkbox items.
  • Connection: ensure the connection flow can be completed when third-party cookies are disabled.
  • External Media: ensure that images inserted from Pexels or Google Photos are attached to the post you're composing.
  • General: avoid issues on sites hosted on a Windows server environment.
  • General: avoid PHP notices when managing your site via the WordPress Desktop app.
  • Gathering Tweetstorms: don't enable the Unroll button until after a Twitter URL has been entered and verified.
  • Latest Instagram Posts block: stop showing cached galleries after the Instagram connection has been deleted.
  • Likes: resolve a potential PHP notice.
  • Media Tools: resolve potential PHP notice.
  • OpenTable block: ensure additional CSS classes are populated correctly.
  • Subscriptions block: Stop saving localized attributes defaults in the block content.
  • Tiled Gallery block: do not load the block when your site is not connected to
  • Twitter Cards: resolve potential PHP notice.

Jetpack 8.8-beta2

30 Jul 15:38
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Jetpack 8.8-beta2 Pre-release
New build

Jetpack 8.8 Beta

28 Jul 16:53
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Jetpack 8.8 Beta Pre-release

You too, can help testing this new release by following the testing list here:

Thank you!

Jetpack 8.7.1

14 Jul 11:16
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  • Release date: July 14, 2020

Bug fixes

  • Autoloader: avoid PHP warning on sites with an invalid active_plugins option.
  • Backwards Compatibility: Prevent fatal errors on themes relying on a deprecated static method.
  • Blocks: show a loading spinner when unrolling Twitter threads on WordPress 5.3.
  • General: prevent PHP notices with the Contact Form feature, Sharing feature, and the Latest Instagram Galleries block.
  • Sharing: create proper Open Graph Description tag when a post starts with an image.

Jetpack 8.7

07 Jul 08:47
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Major Enhancements

  • When inserting images into your posts, you can now choose images from your Google Photos account, or from the Pexels Free Photos library.
  • WhatsApp block: this new block adds a button so your site's visitors can contact you via WhatsApp with the tap of a button.
  • You can now import Twitter threads into a post with the click of a button.
  • Jetpack Search now includes more options to customize the look of the Search overlay: you can choose between minimal and expanded results, you can hide the Sort option, or change the default sorting option.
  • Jetpack Ads: you can now enable a "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link as specified in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) for California site visitors to opt-out of targeted advertising.


  • Blocks: add more options to customize the look of the Payments block.
  • Blocks: allowing playing a Jetpack video in the block editor.
  • Blocks: add episode link and improve the look of the Podcast player when displaying only one episode.
  • Blocks: add more customization options to the buttons offered by the following blocks: Calendly, Mailchimp, Eventbrite.
  • Blocks: rename "Earn" blocks: "Simple Payments" becomes "Pay with Paypal"; "Recurring Payments" becomes "Payments".
  • Connection Flow: improve the display of connection errors when a site cannot be connected to
  • Contact Form: improve the "Empty Spam" process to better handle large amount of Spam.
  • Jetpack Search: use the full width of the browser when the site does not use any Jetpack Search Sidebar.
  • Performance: switch from JavaScript library to CSS animations to display loading spinners.
  • Related Posts: improve accessibility of the titles of each Related Post.
  • Site Stats: improve accessibility of the Stats dashboard.
  • Social Logos: update Facebook Logo design.
  • Widgets: improve accessibility of the Contact Info Widget as well as the Blog Stats Widget.
  • Widgets: improve performance of the Display Posts widget by fetching less data.

Improved compatibility

  • Autoloader: improve the way Jetpack librairies are loaded when used in multiple plugins.
  • Blocks: improve the display of the Tiled Gallery block when used with the AMP plugin.
  • Custom Content Types: ensure that the Comic Post Type is compatible with the AMP plugin.
  • Custom Content Types: allow third-party themes to enqueue their own Portfolio styles.
  • Gravatar Hovercards: avoid validation errors when used with the AMP plugin.
  • Open Graph Meta Tags: avoid displaying Jetpack's Tags when the Rank Math plugin is active.
  • Shortcodes / Embeds: ensure better compatibility of multiple embeds with the AMP plugin.
  • Sharing: ensure that all button styles can be used with the AMP plugin.
  • Sitemaps: avoid conflicts with the Sitemap option that will be available in the upcoming version of WordPress.
  • Toolbar: ensure it is accessible when using the Twenty Twenty theme.
  • WooCommerce: avoid broken resources when using the WooCommerce plugin alongside Jetpack.

Bug fixes

  • Blocks: avoid layout issues when using the Image Compare block alongside older themes.
  • Blocks: ensure the Eventbrite button can be centered.
  • Blocks: ensure the Podcast block can be loaded when the page is loaded via Infinite Scroll.
  • Blocks: do not render the Slideshow block's markup when no images have been added to the block.
  • Blocks: avoid errors when one adds and edits 2 Image Compare Blocks in a single post.
  • Blocks: fix Form block issues with checkbox fields not being checked by default when the option is selected.
  • Blocks: add missing "Required" option to the Form block's Checkbox field settings.
  • Blocks: avoid caching results from the Latest Instagram Posts block when there are errors with the fetched data.
  • Forms: improve accessibility of the "Required" text used in form fields.
  • Image CDN: avoid using CDN image URL when inserting an image using the image block.
  • Jetpack Search: load translations in the Search overlay on International sites.
  • Publicize: avoid layout issues when displaying broken connections in the Publicize block toolbar.
  • Sharing: avoid relying on jQuery for the official Facebook button.
  • Shortcodes / Embeds: fix the Twitch embed according to new Twitch embed requirements.
  • SEO Tools / Open Graph: improve cleaning up of description meta tags.

Jetpack 8.7 Beta

30 Jun 14:10
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Jetpack 8.7 Beta Pre-release

You too, can help testing this new release by following the testing list here:

Thank you!

Jetpack 8.6.1

02 Jun 21:53
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= 8.6.1 =

  • Release date: June 2, 2020

Bug Fixes

  • Resolves PHP notice when generating Twitter Cards for posts with images without saved size information.
  • Resolves an issue that can lead to excessive SQL queries.

Jetpack 8.6

02 Jun 12:52
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Major Enhancements

  • Image Compare Block: show off your before / after pictures! This new block allows you to easily compare two images with a slider.
  • Latest Instagram Posts Block: this new block allows you to insert lists of the latest posts from your Instagram feed, on any post or page of your site.


  • Blocks: add new RSVP, Registration, Appointment, and Feedback form options to the existing Form block.
  • Blocks: add new width option to Form block fields.
  • Blocks: add more customization options to the Subscriptions block.
  • Blocks: use the Mailchimp logo for the Mailchimp block icon.
  • Blocks: add metadata to the Star Rating block.
  • Blocks: add alignment options to the Revue block's button.
  • Blocks: add an example usage of the Podcast Player Block.
  • Carousel: new option to remove the Comment form area from the Carousel view.
  • Connection Flow: add new tools allowing for a better Jetpack onboarding for new Jetpack site owners.
  • Connection Flow: ensure connection can happen on sites that can be a bit slower.
  • Dashboard: add new sections for the upcoming Scan feature.
  • Dashboard: allow for easy copying of Sitemap URLs from within the dashboard.
  • Infinite Scroll: add support for running inline scripts.
  • Performance: improve autoloading of Jetpack options.
  • Twitter Cards: use additional post-specific media for Twitter card tags.
  • Synchronization: new experimental feature aiming to minimize the impact of Sync on servers, by having Synchronization actions processed by asynchronously.
  • Toolbar: remove retired "Recommendations" link.
  • Block Editor: offer an option to "Switch to Classic Editor".

Improved compatibility

  • Blocks: ensure that the Video block can still be used to upload videos with the latest version of the Gutenberg plugin.
  • Connection tools: ensure better compatibility with other plugins that may rely on a Jetpack connection.
  • Contact Form: improve compatibility with the Akismet service.
  • Google Analytics: ensure compatibility with the AMP plugin.
  • Shortcodes & Embeds: ensure that the slideshow and TED shortcodes are compatible with the AMP plugin.
  • SSO: allow third-party plugins to hook into Jetpack's Secure Sign On login form.
  • Widgets: ensure that the Cookies & Consent widget is compatible with the AMP plugin.
  • REST API: improve compatibility with the block editor.

Bug fixes

  • Blocks: avoid layout issues with the OpenTable block's button.
  • Blocks: fix SVG attributes naming.
  • Blocks: fix infinite scroll compatibility.
  • Blocks: improve the display of currencies in Recurring Payments block.
  • Blocks: ensure Podcast Player icons are always visible, even on sites where WordPress lives in a subdirectory.
  • Dashboard: avoid broken profile image in the Jetpack Dashboard.
  • Embeds: stop using deprecated WordPress option.
  • Embeds: ensure that all valid Spotify embeds are being rendered.
  • Infinite Scroll: fix issues with sites that may customize post queries.
  • Related posts: avoid making requests for Related posts in embedded posts.
  • Search: fix issues with the Instant Search layout when the number of posts per page is set to more than 20.
  • Site Accelerator: avoid breaking links when linking to Wikimedia images.
  • Site Health Tools: correct issue that prevented the WordPress Site Health area from completing all checks.
  • Synchronization: ensure data is properly handled when customizing the Sync experience.
  • Theme Tools: add correct value for Jetpack Breadcrumbs.