diff --git a/docs/migrating_to_5.pug b/docs/migrating_to_5.pug
index 01471324a00..f2f46790ded 100644
--- a/docs/migrating_to_5.pug
+++ b/docs/migrating_to_5.pug
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ block content
* [debug output defaults to stdout instead of stderr](#debug-output)
* [Overwriting filter properties](#overwrite-filter)
* [`bulkWrite()` results](#bulkwrite-results)
+ * [Strict SSL validation](#strict-ssl-validation)
@@ -555,4 +556,17 @@ block content
upsertedIds: {},
insertedIds: { '0': 5be9a1c87decfc6443dd9f18 },
n: 1 }
+ ```
+ The most recent versions of the [MongoDB Node.js driver use strict SSL validation by default](http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.5/tutorials/connect/tls/),
+ which may lead to errors if you're using [self-signed certificates](https://github.com/Automattic/mongoose/issues/9147).
+ If this is blocking you from upgrading, you can set the `tlsInsecure` option to `true`.
+ ```javascript
+ mongoose.connect(uri, { tlsInsecure: false }); // Opt out of additional SSL validation
\ No newline at end of file