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'Property' object (entity-driven)

The Property object defines an Entity property and its charateristics.


A YAML configuration example is as follows:

properties: [
  { name: Id, type: Guid, text: '{{Employee}} identifier', primaryKey: true, dataName: EmployeeId, dataAutoGenerated: true },
  { name: FirstName, type: string },
  { name: LastName, type: string },
  { name: Gender, type: RefDataNamespace.Gender, dataName: GenderCode },
  { name: Birthday, type: DateTime, dateTimeTransform: DateOnly },
  { name: ETag, type: string },
  { name: ChangeLog, type: ChangeLog }

Property categories

The Property object supports a number of properties that control the generated code output. These properties are separated into a series of logical categories.

Category Description
Key Provides the key configuration.
Property Provides additional Property configuration.
RefData Provides the Reference Data configuration.
Serialization Provides the Serialization configuration.
Data Provides the generic Data-layer configuration.
Database Provides the specific Database (ADO.NET) configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is Database.
EntityFramework Provides the specific Entity Framework (EF) configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is EntityFramework.
Cosmos Provides the specific Cosmos DB configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is Cosmos.
OData Provides the specific OData configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is OData.
HttpAgent Provides the specific HTTP Agent configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is HttpAgent.
Annotation Provides additional property Annotation configuration.
gRPC Provides the gRPC configuration.

The properties with a bold name are those that are more typically used (considered more important).


Provides the key configuration.

Property Description
name The unique property name. [Mandatory]
text The overriding text for use in comments.
† By default the Text will be the Name reformatted as sentence casing. Depending on whether the Type is bool, will appear in one of the two generated sentences. Where not bool it will be: Gets or sets a value indicating whether {text}.'. Otherwise, it will be: Gets or sets the {text}.'. To create a <see cref="XXX"/> within use moustache shorthand (e.g. {{Xxx}}). To have the text used as-is prefix with a + plus-sign character.
modelText The overriding model text for use in comments.
† By default the ModelText will be the Name reformatted as sentence casing. Depending on whether the Type is bool, will appear in one of the two generated sentences. Where not bool it will be: Gets or sets a value indicating whether {text}.'. Otherwise, it will be: Gets or sets the {text}.'. To create a <see cref="XXX"/> within use moustache shorthand (e.g. {{Xxx}}). To have the text used as-is prefix with a + plus-sign character.
type The .NET Type.
† Defaults to string. To reference a Reference Data Type always prefix with RefDataNamespace (e.g. RefDataNamespace.Gender) or shortcut ^ (e.g. ^Gender). This will ensure that the appropriate Reference Data using statement is used. Shortcut: Where the Type starts with (prefix) RefDataNamespace. or ^, and the correspondong RefDataType attribute is not specified it will automatically default the RefDataType to string.
nullable Indicates whether the .NET Type should be declared as nullable; e.g. string?. Will be inferred where the Type is denoted as nullable; i.e. suffixed by a ?.
inherited Indicates whether the property is inherited and therefore should not be output within the generated Entity class.
privateName The overriding private name.
† Overrides the Name to be used for private fields. By default reformatted from Name; e.g. FirstName as _firstName.
argumentName The overriding argument name.
† Overrides the Name to be used for argument parameters. By default reformatted from Name; e.g. FirstName as firstName.


Provides additional Property configuration.

Property Description
primaryKey Indicates whether the property is considered part of the primary (unique) key.
† This is also used to simplify the parameter specification for an Entity Operation by inferrence.
isEntity Indicates that the property Type is another generated entity / collection and therefore specific capabilities can be assumed (e.g. CopyFrom and Clone).
† Will be inferred (default to true) where the Type is ChangeLog or the Type is found as another Entity within the code-generation configuration file.
immutable Indicates that the value is immutable and therefore cannot be changed once set.
dateTimeTransform The DateTime transformation to be performed on Set and CleanUp. Valid options are: UseDefault, None, DateOnly, DateTimeLocal, DateTimeUtc, DateTimeUnspecified.
† Defaults to UseDefault. This is only applied where the Type is DateTime.
stringTrim The string trimming of white space characters to be performed on Set and CleanUp. Valid options are: UseDefault, None, Start, End, Both.
† Defaults to UseDefault. This is only applied where the Type is string.
stringTransform The string transformation to be performed on Set and CleanUp. Valid options are: UseDefault, None, NullToEmpty, EmptyToNull.
† Defaults to UseDefault. This is only applied where the Type is string.
stringCasing The string casing to be performed on Set and CleanUp. Valid options are: UseDefault, None, Lower, Upper, Title.
† Defaults to UseDefault. This is only applied where the Type is string.
autoCreate Indicates whether an instance of the Type is to be automatically created/instantiated when the property is first accessed (i.e. lazy instantiation).
default The C# code to default the value.
† Where the Type is string then the specified default value will need to be delimited. Any valid value assignment C# code can be used.
partitionKey Indicates whether the property is considered part of the Partition Key.
† This will implement IPartitionKey for the generated entity.
cacheKey Indicates whether the property is considered part of the Cache Key.
† This will implement ICacheKey for the generated entity.
internalOnly Indicates whether the property is for internal use only; declared in Business entities only.
† In this instance the Property will be excluded from the Common entity declaration and Business JSON serialization.


Provides the Reference Data configuration.

Property Description
refDataType The underlying Reference Data Type that is also used as the Reference Data serialization identifier (SID). Valid options are: string, int, Guid.
† Defaults to string (being the ReferenceDataBase.Code) where not specified and the corresponding Type starts with (prefix) RefDataNamespace. or ^. Note: an Id of type string is currently not supported; the use of the Code is the recommended approach.
refDataList Indicates that the Reference Data property is to be a serializable list (ReferenceDataSidList).
† This is required to enable a list of Reference Data values (as per RefDataType) to be passed as an argument for example.
refDataText Indicates whether a corresponding Text property is added when generating a Reference Data property, overriding the Entity.RefDataText selection. Valid options are: Optional, Always, Never.
† This is used where serializing within the Web API Controller and the ExecutionContext.IsRefDataTextSerializationEnabled is set to true (which is automatically set where the url contains $text=true).Optional indicates when ExecutionContext.IsRefDataTextSerializationEnabled is set to true then a value is output, Always indicates that the value is always output, and Never indicates that feature is turned off.
refDataTextName The corresponding reference data Text property name; defaults to Name + 'Text'.
refDataMapping Indicates whether the property should use the underlying Reference Data mapping capabilities.
† Mapped properties are a special Reference Data property type that ensure value uniqueness; this allows the likes of additional to/from mappings to occur between systems where applicable.


Provides the Serialization configuration.

Property Description
jsonName The JSON property name.
† Defaults to ArgumentName where not specified (i.e. camelCase); however, where the property is ETag it will default to the Config.ETagJsonName.
jsonDataModelName The JSON property name for the corresponding data model (see Entity.DataModel).
† Defaults to JsonName where not specified.
serializationIgnore Indicates whether the property is not to be serialized.
† All properties are serialized by default.
serializationAlwaysInclude Indicates whether to include the value (default or otherwise) when serializing.
dataModelIgnore Indicates whether the property is to be included within the data model.
† All properties are included in the data model by default.
dataModelSerializationIgnore Indicates whether the property is not to be serialized where outputting as a data model.
† All properties are included in the data model by default.


Provides the generic Data-layer configuration.

Property Description
dataName The data name where Entity.AutoImplement is selected.
† Defaults to the property Name. Represents the column name for a Database, or the correspinding property name for the other options.
dataConverter The data Converter class name where Entity.AutoImplement is selected.
† A Converter is used to convert a data source value to/from a .NET Type where no standard data conversion can be applied. Where this value is suffixed by <T> or {T} this will automatically set Type.
dataMapperIgnore Indicates whether the property should be ignored (excluded) from the Data-layer / data Mapper generated output.
† All properties are included by default.
dataAutoGenerated Indicates whether the PrimaryKey property value is automatically generated by the data source on Create.
dataOperationTypes The operations types (ExecutionContext.OperationType) selection to enable inclusion and exclusion of property mapping. Valid options are: Any, AnyExceptCreate, AnyExceptUpdate, AnyExceptGet, Get, Create, Update, Delete.
† Defaults to Any.


Provides the specific Database (ADO.NET) configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is Database.

Property Description
databaseMapper The database property Mapper class name where Entity.AutoImplement is selected.
† A Mapper is used to map a data source value to/from a .NET complex Type (i.e. class with one or more properties).
databaseIgnore Indicates whether the property should be ignored (excluded) from the database Mapper generated output.
databaseDbType The database DbType override (versus inferring from the corresponding .NET Type).
† Overrides the inferred database type; i.e. can specify Date or DateTime2, for .NET Type System.DateTime.


Provides the specific Entity Framework (EF) configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is EntityFramework.

Property Description
entityFrameworkMapper The Entity Framework Mapper approach for the property. Valid options are: Set, Ignore, Map, Flatten.
† Defaults to Set.


Provides the specific Cosmos DB configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is Cosmos.

Property Description
cosmosMapper The Cosmos Mapper approach for the property. Valid options are: Set, Ignore, Map, Flatten.
† Defaults to Set.


Provides the specific OData configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is OData.

Property Description
odataMapper The OData Mapper approach for the property. Valid options are: Map, Ignore, Skip.
† Defaults to Map which indicates the property will be explicitly mapped. A value of Ignore will explicitly Ignore, whilst a value of Skip will skip code-generated mapping altogether.


Provides the specific HTTP Agent configuration where Entity.AutoImplement or Operation.AutoImplement is HttpAgent.

Property Description
httpAgentMapper The HttpAgent Mapper approach for the property. Valid options are: Set, Ignore, Map, Flatten.
† Defaults to Set.


Provides additional property Annotation configuration.

Property Description
displayName The display name used in the likes of error messages for the property.
† Defaults to the Name as sentence case.
annotation1 The property annotation (e.g. attribute) declaration code.
annotation2 The property annotation (e.g. attribute) declaration code.
annotation3 The property annotation (e.g. attribute) declaration code.


Provides the gRPC configuration.

Property Description
grpcFieldNo The unique (immutable) field number required to enable gRPC support.
grpcType The underlying gRPC data type; will be inferred where not specified.