Similar to static provisioning example. A sub directory of EFS can be mounted inside container. This gives cluster operator the flexibility to restrict the amount of data being accessed from different containers on EFS.
Note: this feature requires the sub directory to mount precreated on EFS before consuming the volume from pod.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: efs-pv1
storage: 5Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storageClassName: efs-sc
volumeHandle: [FileSystemId]:[Path]
Replace FileSystemId
of the EFS filesystem ID that needs to be mounted. And replace Path
with a existing path on the filesystem.
You can find it using AWS CLI:
>> aws efs describe-file-systems --query "FileSystems[*].FileSystemId"
Create PV, persistence volume claim (PVC) and storage class:
>> kubectl apply -f examples/kubernetes/volume_path/specs/example.yaml
After the objects are created, verify that pod is running:
>> kubectl get pods
Also you can verify that data is written onto EFS filesystem:
>> kubectl exec -ti efs-app -- tail -f /data-dir1/out.txt
>> kubectl exec -ti efs-app -- ls /data-dir2