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Azure Docker Registry Template

Deprecated: since Azure Container Registry is already available in China North region, following manual steps are not necessary now.

This is a Azure ARM template to deploy Docker registry on Azure China. Some urls are hard coded to Azure China now, so this template is NOT workable on Global Azure.


This template deploy a simple Docker registry cluster based on Swarm Mode with TLS. The following is the architecture of the resources:


The default VM node is 2 and this value can be set when deploying.


  • Azure China Cloud subscription
  • Linux dev machine with Azure CLI 2.0 installed
  • Login into the subscription with commands below
$ az cloud set -n AzureChinaCloud
$ az login -u <username>
  • Clone the repo to dev machine with commands below
$ mkdir -p /path/to/project
$ cd /path/to/project
$ git clone
$ cd /path/to/project/devops-sample-solution-for-azure-china/private-docker-registry

Parameters in azuredeploy.parameters.json

Parameter Descrption Default Value
adminUsername Admin username azureuser
adminPassword Password for the Virtual Machine
dnsNameforLBIP DNS for Load Balancer IP myhub01
registryPort Port of registry 5000
numberOfInstances Number of Virtual Machine instances 2
vmSize The size of the Virtual Machine Standard_D2_v2
sshRSAPublicKey SSH public key used for auth to all Linux machines

A. Deploy a plain HTTP registry

For test purpose, you can deploy a plain HTTP registry. Notice that this is very insecure and not recommended.

  1. Edit azuredeploy.parameters.json, and run command below
$ bash ./ -n <resource_group_name> -l <location> -m
  1. Once deployment completed, on each machine that wants to access the registry, following the instruction to configure client. E.g. for linux, edit /etc/docker/daemon.json with
  "insecure-registries" : ["<dns of the public IP created>:5000"]

and then restart docker with sudo service docker restart.

Could also run below command to config the insecure registry settings in docker for each k8s nodes:

$ bash ./ -r <registry_fqdn> -m <k8s_master_fqdn> -u <k8s_ssh_user> -k <path_to_id_rsa>

B. Deploy a TLS enabled registry with a self-signed certificate

To be more secure than plain HTTP solution, you can deploy with a self-signed certificate.

  1. Generate your own certificate following the link above, and replace certs/server.crt and certs/server.key.
  2. Edit cloud-config-template.yml, and un-comment the lines below
- REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/server.key
  1. Edit azuredeploy.parameters.json, and run command below
$ bash ./ -n <resource_group_name> -l <location> -m
  1. Once deployment completed, on each machine that wants to access the registry, following the instruction. E.g. for linux, copy server.crt file to /etc/docker/certs.d/< dns of the public IP created >:5000/server.crt

C. Deploy a TLS enabled registry with a CA certificate

This is the secure way to deploy a TLS enabled registry in production. Similar to self-signed certification solution, without the last step on each client to access the registry.