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154 lines (114 loc) · 6.41 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (114 loc) · 6.41 KB

Changelog for nxtools

The format is based on and uses the types of changes according to Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Fixed nxPackage crashing when yum is picked as the package manager.
  • Fixed nxPackage crashing when dpkg is picked as the package manager and the package is not installed.
  • Fixed nxPackage not handling packages with status deinstall.

[1.3.0] - 2023-10-12


  • Fixed nxFile not able to delete files.
  • Fixed nxService crashing when auditing a service that does not exist.
  • Fixed nxUser failing if any users in /etc/passwd have uppercase letters in their username.

[1.2.0] - 2023-09-08


  • Fixed nxService causing an unknown propertyName error.

[1.1.0] - 2023-07-18


  • DscResource:
    • nxScript: Simple resource for executing scripts in PowerShell 7.


  • Fixed nxUser Set function failure when FullName and Description are populated.

[1.0.0] - 2023-05-25


  • Added PS DSC module dependency and release notes to, including Microsoft copyright.


  • Fixed HQRM style non-compliance.
  • Fixed issue with nxTools when reporting compliance but package version issue (thanks to Jan Egil Ring).
  • Fixed an issue with the nxFile Test function where it was always returning False.
  • Fixed nxFileLine causing an unknown propertyName error.

[0.4.0-preview0001] - 2023-03-16


  • Added KitchenCI tests for the packages on ubuntu-18.04, debian-10, and centos-7.5.

  • Added the Functions test suite for Kitchen-Pester.

  • Added [nxFileLine] and [nxFileContentReplace] DSC Resources to manage file content.

  • Added examples for DSC Resources.

  • Added GC Packages to the GitHub release publish step.

  • Added cmdlets for Packages:

    • Get-nxPackageInstalled: Getting the installed package basic info, automatically finding the Package Manager.
    • Get-nxYumPackageInstalled: Getting the installed yum/rpm package basic info.
    • Get-nxDpkgPackageInstalled: Getting the installed dpkg/apt package basic info.
    • Get-nxPackage: Getting the installed package detailed info, automatically finding the Package Manager.
    • Get-nxYumPackage: Getting the installed yum/rpm package detailed info.
    • Get-nxDpkgPackage: Getting the installed dpkg/apt package detailed info.
  • Added the DSC Resources classes

    • nxUser
    • nxGroup
    • nxFile
    • nxArchive
    • nxPackage
    • nxFileLine
    • nxFileContentReplace
  • Added GC policy config for creating GC packages

    • InstalledApplicationLinux
    • NotInstalledApplicationLinux
    • linuxGroupsMustExclude
    • linuxGroupsMustInclude
    • msid110
    • msid121
    • msid232


  • Fixed the issue on centos/red hat where the MODE contains a trailing ..
  • Relying on ModuleVersion from Module manifest.


  • Setting up official pipeline.


  • Disabling changelog tests because of the way the private repo fetches and errors on the git diff.

[0.2.0] - 2021-05-25


  • Initial addition of commandd:

    • Get-nxKernelInfo: A simple wrapper around uname -a.
    • Get-nxLSBRelease: A quick wrap of lsb_release -a command (this lsb_release must be present on the system).
    • Get-nxDistributionInfo: Parsing information found in /etc/*-release.
    • Get-nxItem: Similar to Get-Item for file system provider but on Linux using ls -d.
    • Get-nxChildItem: Similar to Get-ChildItem for the FileSystem provider but on Linux, this will use the ls command.
    • Compare-nxFileSystemMode: An easy way to compare two sets of unix file system permissions.
      You can use a Symbolic notation (rwxrwxrwx), or the numericla permission (777 or 0777).
    • Get-nxLocalUser: Read and parse local users from /etc/passwd.
    • New-nxLocalUser: Create a new Local User using useradd.
    • Set-nxLocalUser: Set the properties of a Local User using usermod.
    • New-nxLocalGroup: Create a new Local Group using groupadd.
    • Get-nxLocalGroup: Read and parse local groups from /etc/group.
    • Set-nxLocalGroup: Set the properties of an existing local group using gpasswd.
    • Get-nxLocalUserMemberOf: Get the groups ([nxLocalGroup[]]) a Local user is member of.
    • Add-nxLocalGroupMember: Add users to a group using gpasswd.
    • Set-nxGroupOwnership: Set the group owning the files and folders using chgrp.
    • Add-nxLocalUserToGroup: Add user to groups using usermod.
    • Set-nxMode: Set files and folder mode (permisisons) using chmod.
    • Set-nxOwner: Set the owner for files and folders (and optionally the group ownership) using chown.
    • Set-nxLocalGroupMember: Set (and replace) the members of an existing group using gpasswd.
    • Remove-nxLocalUser: Delete a Local user using userdel.
    • Remove-nxLocalGroupMember: Removes users from a local group using gpasswd.
    • Remove-nxLocalGroup: Delete a local group using groupdel.
    • Get-nxEtcShadow: Get a user's /etc/shadow entry if it exists.
    • Disable-nxLocalUser: Lock a user's password, Expire its account and replace its Shell to /sbin/nologin.
    • Enable-nxLocalUser: Unlock a user's password, can set the ExpireOn date and replace the Shell from a value from /etc/shells.
    • Compress-nxArchive: Compress files and folders using the tar command.
    • Expand-nxArchive: Uncompress or read files and folder from an archive using the tar command.
  • Supporting Enums and Classes for File System permissions.

    • In order to make interpretation, Comparison, and manipulation of File system permissions easier, the module implements a few classes and enum to make that work.
  • DscResource:

    • nxUser: Simple resource to manage [nxLocalUser] accounts.
    • nxGroup: Simple resource to manage [nxLocalGroup] and group members.
    • nxFile: Simple resource to manage [nxItem] (file or directory).


  • Moved source in subfolders per categories (File/Folders, User/Groups).
  • Testing using Git Tools task (the new GitVersion).


  • Fixed the main branch to release from to be main instead of master.
  • Removing the 'Configure winrm' tasks (as we're only running on linux).
  • Added the DocGenerator tasks to build.yaml.
  • Fixed casing to nxtools because I can't change PSGallery package casing.
  • Removing dupplicate files.