Migrate away from Reabklocks to Chadcn - RadixUI - https://reablocks.dev/docs
- Start using Chadcn components
- Remove reablocks dependency
add search to restaurants page
let user like restaurants
Make website accessible
Make readme.md prettier and better
Deploy to Next.js fullstack app and Pocketbase database
- Open instagram account
- Make 1 post
- 1 Linkedin post
- Landing page
- hero section
- CRUD for restaurants
- Create a restaurant
- Update a restaurant
- Delete a restaurant
- Login - Create a login session
- Create a login page
- Login w. email & password - get a session
- Login w. google - get a session
- Store session
- Error handling login/signup
- Logout Button
- Add navbar with logout button.
- Add welcome page
- Welcome page, with text saying you can get full access once the app is ready
- Restrict access to CUD
- Create a login page
- Create a Restaurant page
- Show map of restaurant
- Style map
- Move map handling to backend.
- Add pin for current location of user on map.
- Figure out solution for, "Open now"
- Show multiple tags in list
- Tag should be showned with amount of ratings, bsed on reviews of the restaurant - Eg. Carnivore friendly 10 reviews = (10 Carnivore friendly)
- Show tags in image
- Show Multiple Images - As a user I want to see multiple images of a restaurant as a slideshow
- Add multiple images to ui and send to db
- Handle multiple images in db
- Add multiple types/tags - As a user I want to add multiple tags for a restaurant
- Add multiple tags - Input & Db
- Restaurants list
- List all restaurants
- Default images
- Search by any field
- Filter by type
- Filter by price
- Filter by location
- Pagination
- Food quality badges select