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Releases: BIMK/PlatEMO

PlatEMO v4.1 (2023/01/30)

30 Jan 15:24
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  • Automated function creation is supported. Users can input a dataset as an objective function or constraint function when solving user-defined problems, where a function will be automatically fitted according to the dataset.

  • Add two large-scale multi-objective evolutionary algorithms FLEA and LERD, one expensive multi-objective optimization algorithm SMOA, and one constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm C3M. There are currently 220 algorithms in the platform.

  • Add 16 constrained multi-objective benchmark problems ZXH_CF1-ZXH_CF16. There are currently 448 problems in the platform.

PlatEMO v4.0 (2022/10/13)

13 Oct 07:55
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  • Dynamic optimization, multitasking optimization, bilevel optimization, and robust optimization are now supported in PlatEMO.

  • Hybrid encoding is now supported in PlatEMO, where a problem can include real variables, integral variables, label variables, binary variables, and permutation variables simultaneously.

  • Maximum runtime is provided as a new termination criterion, which can be set instead of maximum number of function evaluations.

  • More algorithms and problems for single-objective optimization, multi-objective optimization, constrained optimization, sparse optimization, expensive optimization, multimodal optimization, dynamic optimization, multitasking optimization, bilevel optimization, and robust optimization. There are currently 216 algorithms and 432 problems in the platform.

  • More efficient and powerful GUI, where the execution of algorithms in the test module and application module is highly accelerated.

  • More performance metrics for different types of optimization problems, and the metrics are also tagged with labels. Different metrics will be shown in the dropdown lists when selecting different labels in the GUI.

  • Gradient based search is now supported in PlatEMO, where users can define gradient functions to accelerate the convergence via mathematical programming algorithms and gradient assisted evolutionary algorithms.

PlatEMO v3.5 (2022/4/23)

23 Apr 10:38
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  • Enhance the application module, where users can define problems and save results more easily.
  • Add three decomposition based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MOEA/D-DCWV, MOEA/D-PFE, and MOEA/D-VOV and a surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithm MCEA/D. There are currently 180 algorithms in the platform.

PlatEMO v3.4 (2022/1/15)

15 Jan 03:53
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  • Remake the application module, a more powerful and friendly interface enables users to define problems more easily. The defined problems can also be saved into files and solved in other modules.

  • Add two multi-objective evolutionary algorithms MOEA/D-DYTS and MOEA/D-UR, two surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithms PB-NSGA-III and PB-RVEA, a constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm DSPCMDE, three large-scale multi-objective evolutionary algorithms FDV, IM-MOEA/D, and LMOEA-DS, two sparse multi-objective evolutionary algorithm SLMEA and SparseEA2, and four single-objective mathematical programming methods Adam, Nelder-Mead, RMSProp, and SD. There are currently 176 algorithms in the platform.

PlatEMO v3.3 (2021/8/14)

14 Aug 09:27
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  • Add four multi-objective evolutionary algorithms DEA-GNG, ICMA, PeEA, and RVEA-iGNG. There are currently 162 algorithms in the platform.

  • Add five constrained multi-objective optimization problems FCP1-FCP5 and a sparse multi-objective optimization problem Sparse_KP. There are currently 345 problems in the platform.

  • When solving user-defined problems, the objective and constraint functions can be either @(x,d) or @(x).

PlatEMO v3.2 (2021/5/17)

17 May 04:30
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  • Add four surrogate-assisted multi-objective evolutionary algorithms AB-SAEA, EDN-ARMOEA, HeE-MOEA, KTA2, and a constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm c-DPEA. There are currently 158 algorithms in the platform.

PlatEMO v3.1 (2021/3/22)

22 Mar 07:38
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  • Add two multi-objective optimization algorithms CCGDE3 and NSGA-II+ARSBX and one single-objective optimization algorithm OFA. There are currently 153 algorithms in the platform.

  • Fix some minor bugs in algorithms and the GUI.

PlatEMO v3.0 (2021/2/12)

12 Feb 05:26
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  • 20+ algorithms and 100+ problems for single-objective optimization. There are currently 150 algorithms and 339 problems in the platform, including single-objective optimization, multi-objective optimization, many-objective optimization, combinatorial optimization, large-scale optimization, constrained optimization, multimodal optimization, expensive optimization, sparse optimization, and preference optimization.

  • A totally new GUI with more powerful functions, which contains a test module, an application module, and an experiment module.

  • A novel filter system based on hybrid labels, which facilitates the selection of suitable algorithms for solving different types of problems.

  • More convenient interfaces for solving user-defined problems, where no file needs to be written by users.

  • A better visualization of populations, where the true Pareto fronts and feasible regions can be shown in the plots.

PlatEMO v2.9.0 (2020/10/11)

12 Oct 10:08
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  • Add one algorithm for constrained optimization (i.e., CMOEA-MS), one algorithm for large-scale optimization (i.e., DGEA), one algorithm for expensive optimization (i.e., MESMO), and one algorithm for feature selection (i.e., DAEA). There are currently 122 algorithms in the platform.

PlatEMO v2.8.0 (2020/07/02)

02 Jul 13:03
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  • Add three algorithms for constrained optimization (i.e., CCMO, MOEA/D-DAE, and TiGE-2) and an algorithm for many-objective optimization (i.e., PREA). There are currently 118 algorithms in the platform.

  • Fix some minor bugs in the Pareto front sampling methods in LIR-CMOP and MW problems.