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EPAi (Extensive Python & PyTorch for AI) - Phase I

programming language programming language

Advanced python series by

Phase I of the course comprises 16 sessions each focused on a particular topic and corresponding assignment. Each assignment is designed very thoughtfully making one go to the depth all the associated technical concepts. Assignment evaluation is carried out with comprehensive pytest scenarios executed with Github workflow. The first phase of the course is concluded with a capstone project by building next generation AI-based Learning Management Studio - XMS using Django web development framework in collaborative fashion.

The Course structure:

Basics: Python Type Hierarchy, Multi-line statements and strings, Variable Names, Conditionals, Functions, The While Loop, Break Continue and the Try Statement, The For Loop and Classes

Object Mutability and Interning: Variables and Memory References, Garbage Collection, Dynamic vs static Typing, Variable Re-assignment, Object Mutability, Variable Equality, Everything is an Object and Python Interning

Numeric Types I: Integers, Constructors, Bases, Rational Numbers, Floats, rounding, Coercing to Integers and equality

Numeric Types II: Decimals, Decimal Operations, Decimal Performance, Complex Numbers, Booleans, Boolean Precedence and Comparison Operators

Functional Parameters: Argument vs Parameter, Positional and keyword Arguments, Unpacking Iterables, Extended Unpacking, _*args, Keyword Arguments, _**kwags, Args and Kwargs together, Parameter Defaults and Application

First Class Functions Part I: Lambda Expressions, Lambdas and Sorting, Functional Introspection, Callables, Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehension

First Class Functions Part II: List Comprehension, Reducing functions, Partial Functions, Operator Module, Docstrings and Annotations.

Scopes and Closures: Global and Local Scopes, Nonlocal scopes, Closures, and Closure Applications

Decorators: Decorators and Decorator applications (timers, logger, stacked decorators, memoization, decorator class and dispatching)
Tuples and Named Tuples: Tuples, Tuples as data structures, named Tuples, DocStrings, and Application

Modules, Packages and Namespaces: Module, Python Imports, importlib, import variants, reloading modules, main, packages, structuring, and namespaces

fStrings, Timing Functions and Command Line Arguments: Dictionary Ordering, kwargs, tuples, fStrings, Timing Functions and Command Line Arguments

Sequence Types I: Sequence Types, Mutable Sequence Types, List vs Tuples, Index Base and Slice Bounds, Copying Sequence and Slicing

Sequence Types II and Advanced List Comprehension: Custom Sequences, In-place Concatenation and Repetition, Sorting Sequences, List Comprehensions + Small Project

Iterables and Iterators: Iterating Collections, Iterators, Iterables, Cyclic Iterators, in-built Iterators, iter() function and iterator applications

Generators and Iteration Tools: Yielding and Generator Functions, Generator Expressions, Yield From, Aggregators, Chaining and Teeing, Zipping and their applications

Context Managers: Context Managers, Lasy Iterators, Generators and Context Managers, Nested Context Managers and their application

Data Pipelines: Data Pipeline and application

Phase-II on advanced OOPs and Pytorch is starting early August and the assignments will be updated in another repo.