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File metadata and controls

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Configuration of the Styra Controller

This document describes the different configuration options for the Styra Controller. The configuration options are defined in api/config/v2alpha2/projectconfig_types.go. The configuration options are assigned in config/default/config.yaml. For the ease of reference the configuration options are listed here:

  • controllerClass
  • deletionProtectionDefault
  • enableDeltaBundlesDefault
  • readOnly
  • disableCRDWebhooks
  • enableMigrations
  • gitCredentials
  • logLevel
  • leaderElection
  • notificationWebhooks
  • sentry
  • sso
  • styra
  • systemPrefix
  • systemSuffix
  • systemUserRoles
  • decisionsExporter


Local Logging

The controllers logs are written to stdout. If the logs should be persistent an external system should be configured to scrape and store the logs. The verbosity of the controller logs is configured by setting logLevel to an integer. A log level above 0 should only be set for debugging purposes.

Logging to Sentry

To configure Sentry there exists four configuration options: sentry.dsn, sentry.environment, sentry.debug, and sentry.httpsProxy. sentry.dsn is the DSN to the Sentry instance. sentry.environment specifies the Sentry environment that the log should be categorized under in Sentry. sentry.debug toggles whether information sendt to Sentry should also be sent to stdout. If Sentry can only be reaches through a proxy set sentry.httpsProxy to the proxy URL.

In internal/sentry is a sentry reconciler that wraps the other reconcilers. The sentry reconciler simply calls the reconcilers. If the reconcilers return an error and Sentry has been configured, the sentry reconciler will send the error to Sentry.


The Styra Controller exposes the standard go and controller runtime metrics. In addition, the controller exposes the controller_system_status_ready metric that counts the amount of Systems whose status are Ready.

Notification Webhooks

System Datasources

Currently the controller can register a custom notification webhook that will POST the system ID and datasource ID to a URL when a system's datasource is created or updated. The webhook is implemented in internal/webhook. The URL is configured by setting notificationWebhooks.systemDatasourceChanged and the data is formatted like this:

  "systemId": "system ID", 
  "datasourceId": "datasource ID"

Library Datasources

The controller also can register a custom notification webhook that will POST the datasource ID of a Library Datasource to a URL when a library's datasource is created or updated. The webhook is implemented in internal/webhook. The URL is configured by setting notificationWebhooks.libraryDatasourceChanged and the data is formatted like this:

  "datasourceID": "datasource ID"


Access to Styra can be given based on emails and SSO claims. The access rights given to the users are defined in systemUserRoles. For giving access based on SSO claims set the sso.identityProvider to the SSO providor used to login to Styra. Which claim in the JWT to give access upon is define by setting sso.jwtGroupsClaim. As an example, assume systemUserRoles is [SystemViewer, SystemInstall], sso.identityProvider is AzureAD, and sso.jwtGroupsClaim is companies. Then if .spec.subjects are:

  - name:
  - kind: group
    name: mycompany

Then the user with the email has access to the system with the access rights defined above. If Styra has been configured with SSO login then users will have access to the system with the same rights if the token from the identity provider has a claim called companies that contains mycompany. NOTE: The kind: group element has no functional consequences it is just to distinquish between users and SSO claims.

Default Git credentials

Styra needs a set of credentials for fetching the Systems policies the Git repository. The controller can be configured with a set of Git credentials for different domains. This is done by setting the gitCredentials. For example, if gitCredentials is:

  - user: "default mydomain user"
    password: "secret password"
  - user: "default myotherdomain user"
    password: "secret password"

then the first set of credentials will be used for systems that fetch policies from and the second set of credentials for systems that fetch policies from

Multiple instances of the Styra Controller

This section describes how to handle the scenario where multiple controller instances are running in the same cluster and/or are hooked up to the same Styra DAS instance. This is useful when testing a new version of the controller.


The controller can be configured to only reconcile resources that has the styra-controller/class label set to a specific value. This is configured by setting controllerClass. For example, if controllerClass is set to dev the controller will only reconcile resources with the styra-controller/class: dev label. And as default, when no controllerClass is configured for the controller, the controller will only reconcile resources that do not have the styra-controller/class label.

Disabling webhooks

Only one controller per cluster should have webhooks (default and validating) enabled. Therefore, when running multiple controllers in the same cluster set disableCRDWebhooks on one of them. Usually, it is the least stable version of the controller that has webhooks disabled.

Configure prefix and suffix on Systems

The controller can be configured to add a prefix and a suffix to the Systems names when created in Styra. This is achieved by setting systemPrefix and systemSuffix.

Delete Protection

Custom Resources can have delete protection, which means that they will not be deleted by the controller in Styra. The default can be configured by setting deletionProtectionDefault.

Delta Bundles

Styra Systems can have enable Delta Bundles, which means Styra will upload the change between two bundles to the SLP/OPA rather than uploading the entire bundle. The default can be configured by setting enableDeltaBundlesDefault. This is recommended to be set to true if all opas are version 0.44.0 or higher.

Read Only

Styra Systems can be read-only, meaning they cannot be changed in the Styra GUI. This can be configured by setting readOnly.


An annotation that allows configuring Systems in Kubernetes to link to a specific system in Styra. The ID that the system in Kubernetes should link to is configured by setting styra-contoller/migration-id: [styra system id] annotation on Kubernetes system resource. Should only be set while migrating.

Leader Election

If multiple instances of the controller are running together, leader election can be configured by setting leaderElection.leaseDuration, leaderElection.renewDeadline, leaderElection.retryPeriod.

Decisions Exporter

It is possible to configure all decisions to be exported to a Kafka cluster. This is achieved by setting the decisionsExporter in the controller configuration. For example, if decisionsExporter is set to this:

  interval: 30s
    requiredAcks: WaitForAll
    topic: bd-styra-opa-dev
      clientCertificateName: kafka-client-cert
      clientCertificate: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Client Certificate
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      clientKey: |
        -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
        Client Key
        -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
      rootCA: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        Root Certificate
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

It will configure Styra to export all decisions to the brokers and connect via mTLS using the provided certs and key. The decision exporter configuration will be uploaded to Styra each time the controller boots.