Real Time Project by Stefano Rossi and Riccardo Piccolo
Simulated Pool game where each ball is a preiodic task and where the user can decide direction and intensity of its throw using the mouse.
We have used Allegro (version 4) Library that is an open suource graphic library for games. To install Allegro under Debian-based distributions execute this command from the terminal :
$ sudo apt‐get install liballegro4.4 liballegro4.4‐dev
For other Unix-like systems refer to:
- Pthread:
- Ptask:
To compile and execute the program:
$ make
$ ./main
To recompile the program:
$ make clean
$ make
- classic pool game, where the player has to pocket the balls
- 16 periodic tasks corresponding to each ball in the game
- if the ball with the number 8 is pocketed, the game finishes
Main game screenshot:
Mouse Input:
- Mouse Movement: choose direction of the throw.
- Left Click: freeze direction and go to power selection mode, if clicked a second time the throw is performed.
- Right Click: if in power selection mode, go back to direction choice.
R: Restart game, available only after the ball number 8 has been pocketed.
ESC: Quit application.
- Each periodic task updates his position before the screen gets refreshed.
- Aperiodic task that is executed only if all the balls on the pool table are stopped.
- The task daws the stick and a trajectory according to the current mouse position.
- It handles the power selection of the throw.
- Periodic task that refreshes the screen. It re-draws the background and all the balls with their updated position.
- This task also handles the collision of the balls, the table borders and the holes.
The collisions in the game have been implemented in two ways: statically and dinamically.
We have a static collision when a ball hits the table borders or holes; instead a dinamic collision occurs when a ball hits another ball.
To compute dinamic collisions we have decided to simulate the movement of the balls involved to achieve an higher level of accuracy in the game
This repository has a precompiled x86-64 executable. For other architectures it is required to recompile the ptask library and the project.