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Standards of Conduct (Code of Conduct)

Other short hand versions of this document exist elsewhere throughout the app and on Discord. This document is considered to be the ultimate authority guiding community conduct.

1. Respect for others, be ready to help & keep the peace

  • Treat everyone how you would want to be treated - BE NICE - NO DRAMA!
  • Don't talk down. Regardless of who you are in the organization or in the community and regardless of how long you have been around everyone needs help or has questions from time to time. Everyone should be ready to help everyone else. Every new player and our guests are as awesome as every veteran. No matter the question asked a respectful answer is always warranted.
  • BendroCorp will not at any time tolerate of any of its membership participating in activities which are intentionaly detrimental to the gameplay of others (ie griefing, pad ramming, straight up marauding, etc).
  • BendroCorp community members are expected to be respectful of all leadership within the organization. Members are expected to follow all reasonable instructions given to them by a person in leadership within the organization as long as those instructions pertain to activity within organization event or pertain to organizational resources or activites.
  • Any attempt by an member to sow seeds of discord between other BendroCorp members and the leadership of BendroCorp will result in an immediate discharge and permenant ban. Any member trying to create a “coup-d'etat” against organization leadership will be subject to immediate permanent discharge.

2. Keep the community friendly for all (applies to members and guests)

  • Swearing and profane language are strongly discouraged. Words slip and thats okay - repeats will be corrected and those with habitual problems will be removed from the community.
  • Further - BendroCorp members will refrain from posting content in organization communication spaces which is a.) factually inaccurate or misleading (unless it is satire), b.) might knowingly or unknowingly encourage self-harm, tangible injury or disability, c.) is intentionally bullying or harassing in nature to a specific societal group or individual person, d.) contains content which is or may be deemed “adult” content containing depictions of nudity, sexual acts or sexual content, e.) divisive political speech or rhetoric, f.) social or political activism or associated rhetoric, g.) continual non-constructive negative criticism of Star Citizen and Cloud Imperium Games, h.) any content which promotes or encourages illegal and/or unlawful activity within a given legal municipality, and any and all other behavior deemed overly negative, divisive and/or "toxic" by BendroCorp’s executive leadership and ultimately by the "CEO" of BendroCorp. This includes text, pictures, video and any other forms of content and verbal communication within official text and voice communication channels.
  • Our goal is to keep our organization and community friendly both to members new and old and also to guests who come from a variety of different backgrounds and worldviews.

3. Be Involved

  • Not so much a rule more like advice, be involved. Participate. Converse. Have fun!
  • Specific rules and policies apply to members in terms of attendance, which are seperately addressed, but no member will ever be removed from or lose their membership because of inactivity.

4. Age Limits

  • All members of the community are required to be 16+ years old.

5. The Rules are the Rules

  • By particpating in BendroCorp community spaces you agree to follow our Standards of Conduct regardless of whether or not you are a guest or formal member. Failure to follow this Standard of Conduct will result in a removal from the BendroCorp community.
  • BendroCorp members agree to follow and abide by all BendroCorp policies current and future. Non-agreement to the totality of all BendroCorp policies at any point during a person's membership is grounds for the termination of said membership.