The command to manage YunoHost from the command line:
usage: yunohost [-h] [-v]
positional arguments:
domain Manage domains
monitor Monitor the server
service Manage services
firewall Manage firewall rules
backup Manage backups
app Manage apps
hook Manage hooks
dyndns Subscribe and Update DynDNS Hosts
user Manage users
tools Specific tools
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-v, --version Display moulinette version
yunohost domain [-h] {info,add,list,remove}
info Get domain information
add Create a custom domain
list List domains
remove Delete domains
yunohost monitor [-h] {enable,network,show-stats,update-stats,disk,system,disable}
enable Enable server monitoring
network Monitor network interfaces
show-stats Show monitoring statistics
update-stats Update monitoring statistics
disk Monitor disk space and usage
system Monitor system information and usage
disable Disable server monitoring
yunohost service [-h] {status,start,enable,log,stop,disable}
status Show status information about one or more services
(all by default)
start Start one or more services
enable Enable one or more services
log Log every log file of a service
stop Stop one or more services
disable Disable one or more services
yunohost firewall [-h]{installupnp,checkupnp,list,stop,disallow,reload,allow,removeupnp}
installupnp Add uPnP cron
checkupnp Check if uPnP is installed or not (0 yes 1 no)
list List all firewall rules
stop Stop iptables and ip6tables
disallow Disallow connection
reload Reload all firewall rules
allow Allow connection port/protocol
removeupnp Remove uPnP cron
yunohost backup [-h] {init} ...
init Initialize Tahoe-LAFS configuration
yunohost app [-h]
map List apps by domain
ssowatconf Regenerate SSOwat configuration file
install Install apps
checkport Check availability of a local port
listlists List fetched lists
removelist Remove list from the repositories
info Get app info
upgrade Upgrade app
service Add or remove a YunoHost monitored service
fetchlist Fetch application list from app server
checkurl Check availability of a web path
list List apps
remove Remove app
removeaccess Revoke access rights to users (everyone by default)
setting Set or get an app setting value
initdb Create database and initialize it with optionnal
attached script
addaccess Grant access rights to users (everyone by default)
yunohost hook [-h] {callback,add,check,remove,exec} ...
callback Execute all scripts bound to an action
add Store hook script to filesystem
check Parse the script file and get arguments
remove Remove hook scripts from filesystem
exec Execute hook from a file with arguments
yunohost dyndns [-h] {subscribe,update,installcron,removecron} ...
subscribe Subscribe to a DynDNS service
update Update IP on a DynDNS platform
installcron Install IP update cron
removecron Remove IP update cron
yunohost user [-h] {info,create,list,update,delete} ...
info Get user information
create Create user
list List users
update Update user information
delete Delete user
yunohost tools [-h] {postinstall,maindomain,ldapinit,adminpw} ...
postinstall YunoHost post-install
maindomain Main domain change tool
ldapinit YunoHost LDAP initialization
adminpw Change admin password