This app is a CRM based on SpringBoot. The goal is to create a REST-API to manage customer data
This app uses:
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Non-Relational DB: MongoDB
- Identity Provider: Keycloak
If you want to know in details the functionality of the app, please check tis link []
The project is configured in such a way that just by running "mvn clean install" it will run:
- the building process
- the UnitTests
- the docker containers
- the health check to continue when the containers are running
- The Integration Tests
- the Sonar analysis (Reliability, Security, Maintainability and Coverage)
Before running the spring app we need to startup the environment (database and other services).
- Open a terminal and change the directory to src/main/resources/docker
- Run the command
docker-compose up
To be able to run the app, we need to startup the docker containers. You might need to:
- Install docker: