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Prepare for Tutorial

At the workshop, we will provide pre-provisioned SSH-able machines for convenience. However, to get the most out of the tutorial, we recommend to install with your local computer.

Note to Mac M-Chip Users

If you plan to use laptop with Apple M-chip or any specialized hardware, we recommend to use our pre-provisioned Cloud VM or using Ubuntu Virtual machine with VMware Fusion or Parallel Desktop.


Install Docker Desktop (if not already installed). Select the appropriate link below and follow the instructions. For Mac and Windows, this amounts to following the download link, and installing the software.

For this bootcamp, we recommend following the instructions below from your home directory. It should work from other places, but you'll have to do all the path conversions on your own.

Step 1: Clone Github Repository below your home directory

cd ~
git clone

If you do not have git, you can go to, then hit the green "code" button, and then "download zip". Once you have the zip downloaded, extract the files so that CloudRobotics_tutorial is in your home directory.

cd ~
unzip ~/Downloads/
mv CloudRobotics_tutorial-main CloudRobotics_tutorial

Step 2: Configure AWS

In the workshop, we will use AWS cloud machines, but FogROS2 and CloudGripper are not fixed by AWS. We will provide AWS credentials at the tutorial. If you wish to register your own account, please refer to

Step 3: Build docker image and start the docker container

First set the credentials in your environment for authentication with the CloudGripper API and AWS.

export CLOUDGRIPPER_API_KEY="your_api_key_here"
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="your_aws_credential_id_here"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your_aws_credential_access_key_here"

For those who don't get access to some of the variabes yet (which we will distribute at the workshop), you can fill in placeholder values.

From the checked out directory, run:

MacOS / Linux

cd ~/CloudRobotics_tutorial


cd CloudRobotics_tutorial

This process may take a few minutes, and you'll see a lot of information scroll by. If there is no error message, move on to the next step. If there was an error message, it can usually be resolved by waiting a minute and running ./ again until it works--most common problems are related to internet connections, either on your computer/wifi or on the server from which docker is downloading software.

To test if the docker build worked, try running:


cd ~/CloudRobotics_tutorial



You should get the following output similar to the following:

$ ./ 
Starting with USER: jeffi, UID: 501, GID: 20

If you got that, congrats! Everything is working. At this point, type CTRL-D to exit.

If you get:

docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?.

Then it means you need to start Docker Desktop and wait until the Docker Deskop window shows that it has started.