This repository contains a python package for analysing social behaviour and rhythmicity in honey bee colonies.
The goal of this package is to provide a comprehensive implementation of methods for studying and analyzing behavioral rhythmicity in bees. The repository is offering a toolkit for data acquisition, preprocessing, and analysis, focusing on the following key objectives:
- Data Acquisition and Preprocessing: Implement methods for collecting trajectory data of marked bees using the BeesBook system.
- Cosinor Model of Individuals’ Activity: Develop algorithms for fitting cosine curves to individual bee movement speeds to analyze rhythmic expression and detect 24-hour activity patterns.
- Interaction Modeling: Implement techniques for detecting and analyzing interactions between bees based on trajectory data, including timing, duration, and impact on movement speed.
- Statistical Analysis and Validation: Conduct statistical tests to validate the significance of observed behavior patterns and interactions compared to null models and simulated data.
- Visualization and Interpretation: Provide visualization tools to interpret and present the results of the analysis.
- Weather Api and Time: Provide functionality and an api to get data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst and for converting suntime and utc-time.
The source code is provided in the bb_rhythm folder. It contains several python submodules for creating data structures, data models, but also for analysing the data. Further functionality and use of the scripts can be found in Usage.
The package can be installed using pip
pip3 install git+
The scripts are
More usage examples can be found in the speedtransfer repository.