Releases: BirdeeHub/nixCats-nvim
v5.4.3 Debug info commands overhaul
NixCats plugin user command improvements and naming consistency.
Note: some deprecations have been made. Warnings have been provided that the removal of the old version of these old commands is set for 2024-09-01
Fixed a bug where lazy wrapper ignored wrapRc setting (without changing the luaUtils template downloaded by the user)
Combined all the debug info user commands into the single NixCats command, which has been given arguments (and autocomplete for those arguments)
Made the naming scheme of the user commands and things in nixCats plugin match the name of the value in the nixCats plugin.
This means all remaining instances of included
in the nixCats plugin have been replaced by pawsible
No further breaking changes are planned. The design of nixCats allows them to be rare, as most things can simply be added as new options or categories that can be simply ignored.
However, this was necessary for fixing the original ad-hoc naming scheme of things within the nixCats plugin, which was confusing. They are now much more consistent.
In exchange, I give you a much more capable command for obtaining debug information, and time to adjust.
Apologies for the changes, (and the mess I made of git in the day or so it took me to do them) but hopefully you will enjoy the improved user command and fixes!
v5.3.2: fixes and new settings
Added a new setting unwrappedCfgDir allowing you to specify an absolute path to the unwrapped config directory instead of just the name within .config (only active when wrapRc = false)
Added the ability to wrap the python3 executable with arbitrary wrapper arguments
the users pack/ dir within their actual configuration was not being sourced correcty. This has been fixed.
Updates to help and templates for better illustration.
Internal readmes for anyone who gets curious about the parts that actually make nixCats nixCats
v5.2.5: utils.makeOverlay to replace utils.mkOverlay due to failing checks
utils.mkOverlays being depreciated in favor of utils.makeOverlays due to not passing checks. overlays now accessible via outputs.overlays.packageName instead of outputs.overlays.${system}.packageName
new function is called differently and in a slightly different spot, but achieves the same end goal
devShell output changed to devShells.${system}.default due to devShell output being an old way to do it.
Overlays output change:
Dev shell change:
v5.2.0: stable (with an important fix)
hosting programs could cause collision before. nvim-python3 is now <packagename>-python3, same with others
nvim resolves these via vim.g.python3_host_prog/vim.g.node_host_prog variables, this is the same way the pkgs.wrapNeovimUnstable wrapper added them, just with a different name than the one they chose.
v5.1.3 stable
nixCats-nvim has had all the nix features it could need since 5.0.0 release.
Oil has been added, some help updated, a better error message added, and some readme edits have occurred since the 5.0.0 release.
These are not major changes, you should be using your own lua and plugins anyway.
The best way to get started is to use a template!!! see :help nixCats.installation_options
The template will add an empty nix template for you to put your plugins into, either a flake, module, or expression depending on which you choose. They are interchangeable, and it is easy to move your configuration to a different style if desired later, so if in doubt, start with the flake template.
The template imports the nix directory directly from nixCats via the exported utils set, as it is not needed in your configuration.
All options from the pkgs.wrapNeovimUnstable function (and some new ones!) are accessible from the flake.nix file.
Once you add your plugins to the nix file, in lua swap out your package manager for raw require('pluginname').setup() calls (if required by the plugin) OR use the luaUtils template and the help to integrate your old package manager into your nix configuration to allow it to still work without nix!
Using the template will allow you to continue receiving upgrades to the help.
The builder has no planned updates. However if something major changes within nix that requires one (VERY unlikely), using the template would allow you to receive a fix for something like that as well.
No updates to the readme, lua, or plugins imported in nixCats-nvim will affect your configuration.
Because of this, using the templates is encouraged over directly cloning the repository.
Future planned updates: possible help and readme updates, and once a week or so, nix flake update will be ran on this repo.
Nix code and luaUtils have all required features, the lua nvim configuration itself in nixCats is simply an example, so neither require updates for anything beyond breaking changes.
This repo is both the thing you import to use nixCats, and also an example configuration to demonstrate some of its features! It also gives you a working configuration to use to begin with to edit your new flake as you set it up, and to access the in-editor help.
nixCats v5.0.0
RELEASE OF nixCats 5.0.0 branch
Lazy.nvim wrapper utility
Can now ACTUALLY install multiple versions of nvim via modules without collision error
slightly better handling of things in flake.nix
modules can recieve system overlays
If you are migrating, you may want to start from a new template and copy paste your inputs, packageDefinitions and categoryDefitions sets into the new flake.nix. The sets work the same way, but the format of importing the builder is slightly different.
pckr + mason
Follow example and help to download via pckr and mason on a non-nixos system without using nix.