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D3D12 View Instancing Functional Spec

v0.4, 5/12/2017



This feature enables instancing of the graphics pipeline by "view", in a manner that is orthogonal to draw instancing. Looping of view instances can happen anywhere from before draw instancing to late in the graphics pipeline depending on the sophistication of the implementation. Meanwhile applications can write one codepath for driving multiple views that can target the breadth of hardware.

The view instance count is a fixed declaration in Pipeline State Objects. Graphics shaders can read system value SV_ViewID [0..view instance count] identifying the current view.

An obvious way for an app to use the feature is for the shader stage feeding the rasterizer to generate SV_Position position as a function of SV_ViewID. The render target and viewport that each view goes to is declared in the PSO. So a single draw call can send geometry to multiple output surface locations with different projections, such as left and right eye for stereo rendering. The view instance locations declared in the PSO can also be offset by shaders outputting existing system values SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex and/or SV_ViewportArrayIndex.

This is a replacement for the D3D12 Primitive Broadcast spec, which attempted to expose both multi position shaders as well as the ability for a given position going to the rasterizer to be broadcast in a fixed function way to a set of viewport/scissor/RTArrays. The per view broadcast portion proved difficult to align across IHVs, so instead the spec has been simplified to simply handle shaders instancing multiple views. In the future, more sophistication about what happens for a given view could be added.


View Instancing Declaration

View instancing is declared in PSOs via D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE:


The PSO subobject corresponding to this is D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_DESC below:

    UINT ViewportArrayIndex;
    UINT RenderTargetArrayIndex;


typedef struct D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_DESC
    UINT ViewInstanceCount;
    _Field_size_full_(ViewInstanceCount) const D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCE_LOCATION\* pViewInstanceLocations;

The reason the view instance count is fixed in the PSO is to allow whole pipeline optimization based on the desired view count.

The absence of a view instancing declaration or ViewInstanceCount set to 0 in a PSO means view instancing is disabled. What disabled really means is rendering behaves the same as having ViewInstanceCount set to 1. Shaders that input SV_ViewID will only see the value 0 and whether or not they input SV_ViewID, only one view instance is produced. In this way an application can author shaders that are view instancing aware that can function even in PSOs that have view instancing disabled. Drivers that support shader model 6.1 (which exposes SV_ViewID ) but which do not expose support for view instancing must still support running shaders that input SV_ViewID in PSOs that declare ViewInstanceCount as 0 (disabled) or 1 (the same).

View Instance Locations

A part of the view instancing declaration is an array of view instance locations of size equal to the view instance count. Each view instance location specifies a viewport array index (which selects both a viewport and paired scissor) and rendertarget array index to be used for the view.

The shader feeding the rasterizer can output RenderTargetArrayIndex and/or ViewportArrayIndex if desired (may or may not be dependent on SV_ViewID). These get added to the view instance locations in the PSO's view instancing declaration via 32 bit UINT arithmetic (which can wrap) to determine the final location to send primitives. Out of range values go to array index 0 for the relevant array.

If the shader will be dynamically selecting render target or viewport array index, a scenario that can make sense for an application is to set all the view instance locations in the PSO to the same values (such as 0), acting as uniform base value for all views.

View Instance Masking

The view instance declaration can include a flag for enabling view instance masking. The presence of this flag means that a bitmask can be set from the CommandList/Bundle to mask off individual view instances in the set 0...ViewInstanceCount-1 views -- see SetViewInstanceMask().

Maximum ViewInstanceCount

There may need to be an upper limit on ViewInstanceCount. If it would help keep hardware on fast paths, ViewInstanceCount could be limited to somewhere around 4 to 16 instances. Picking 4 for now:



ID3D12CommandList2::SetViewInstanceMask(UINT Mask);

Set a mask controlling which view instances are enabled for subsequent draws. If bit i starting from the LSB is set, view instance i is enabled. This enables coarsely culling draws from particular views that an application knows will not be covered.

The view instance mask is only honored by PSOs that have view instancing enabled and declare that they look at the view instance mask.

The view instance mask defaults to 0 (all views disabled). The reason the default is 0 is if an application declares in PSO(s) that it wants to use the view instance mask, it must actually use the mask, otherwise nothing will be rendered to any views. If the default were the opposite, all bits set, an application might forget to change the mask as intended, resulting in draws wasting vertex processing by being sent to views that will not be covered.

Bundles do not inherit the view instance mask in from the caller, and the state starts at the default of 0. The reason for this is if the mask setting affects how an implementation records draws, it must be known when the bundle is recorded. View instance mask state set by a bundle does leak back out to the caller after the bundle completes. These inheritance semantics are similar to PSOs.

Referencing Views in Shaders


Graphics shaders in shader model 6.1+ can input unsigned 32-bit integer system value SV_ViewID identifying the current view. These inputs don't appear in shader input or output signatures for the purpose of shader linkage, and shaders can't output them (as system values).

If a shader references SV_ViewID, that reference and its dependencies logically/implicitly become instanced by ViewInstanceCount.

If the Pixel Shader inputs SV_ViewID, one of the input vertex data scalars is reserved (taken away from the amount of data the application can put in its vertices) to allow some implementations to pass the SV_ViewID through vertex data. Applications don't need to bother outputting SV_ViewID to the Pixel Shader from the upstream shader -- only the implementations that need to will do it when compiling the PSO.

View Dependent Vertex Storage

Any shader output that is a function of SV_ViewID implicitly costs ViewInstanceCount scalars (as opposed to just 1 without instancing) towards the 128 scalar limit on vertex size between any two shader stages. Not all implementations have this limit but it is enforced for uniformity.

There is nothing the application has to indicate in its shader output declaration about which attributes are view dependent. The HLSL compiler does annotate, in the bytecode it generates, which outputs could have been influenced by an SV_ViewID reference based on code flow. Regardless of whether the actual computed values end up being view varying or not, any output with a possible SV_ViewID dependency is assumed to vary per view by implementations. This annotation is used during PSO creation to enforce the vertex size cost function based on the PSO's declared ViewInstanceCount.

Validation/Enforcement of View Dependent Storage

The HLSL compiler generates metadata in shader bytecode to assist with validation of vertex size as a function of ViewInstanceCount at PSO creation time. There are three components to the metadata:

(1) A bit for every scalar output of a shader indicating if it could be influenced by a reference to ViewID in that shader

(2) A bit vector that describes for every scalar output from a shader which inputs influence it

(3) Arrays in shader inputs or outputs have a bit indicating whether they are dynamically indexed

When a PSO is created with a pipeline of shaders, any data passing between shader stages that depends on ViewID needs to be costed as ViewInstanceCount scalars towards maximum data size between shader stages. (1) above provides the most obvious indication of direct dependency. (2) above allows a dependence on ViewID from an output from one shader to be propagated through to the outputs of the next shader and so on. Subsequent shaders may inherit a ViewID dependence from an output of the previous stage.

(3) above helps with the following: Suppose interstage data contains arrays and the producing shader stage computes some part of the array as a function of ViewID. If either the producing shader stage or the consuming stage use dynamic indexing to address the array, then for costing purposes the entire array is considered to be dependent on ViewID. On the other hand if both the producing shader stage and the consuming stage only statically index the elements of the array, then any ViewID dependence is costed only against the specific entries in the array that are ViewID dependent. The reason dynamically indexed arrays take a conservative approach to propagating ViewID dependency is to give implementations an obvious solution to how to handle the dynamic indexing -> just replicate the entire array knowing it will certainly fit within interstage storage limits.

At PSO creation, the runtime uses (1) (2) and (3) to generate an updated version of the view ID dependency bits (1) taking account all the shaders in the PSO. This is what is validated against storage limits. Drivers must do the same if they need to determine unambiguously what might depend on ViewID.

If developers show interest over time, the debug layer could report this dependency information for PSOs back to applications during development.

Implementation Flexibility

It is up to an implementation how much redundant shading work can be saved by only instancing view dependent portions of code, while executing non view dependent portions only once. On one extreme, a basic implementation could loop draw calls at the top of the pipeline even before draw instance looping, even if SV_ViewID is only referenced far downstream shader such as in the Domain Shader. On another extreme, an implementation might choose to (and be able to) instance as late as the first shader stage that references SV_ViewID, and even then, possibly only instancing the portions of the code that are dependent on view.

If a shader stage has external side effects, such as UAV accesses, this can reveal implementation differences in terms of how different implementations choose to implement instancing.

If a shader stage that is not last before rasterizer compute outputs based on SV_ViewID, downstream shaders are logically instanced such that each logical downstream shader instance sees inputs that appear to be for its single view instance. The downstream shaders can choose to input SV_ViewID or not and either way they are effectively instanced logically already due to the upstream SV_ViewID dependency. Despite the logical instancing, in practice an advanced implementation might only instance/loop over the SV_ViewID dependent work throughout all downstream shader stages, minimizing redundant work for non-SV_ViewID dependent code.

Input Assembler Interaction

With draw instancing, Input Assembler vertex fetches can be made to be dependent on the current instance, but with view instancing the Input Assembler doesn't perform any SV_ViewID dependent work -- that is left for shader code. Said another way, view instancing doesn't interact with the Input Assembler. If a naïve implementation of view instancing looped entire draw calls, the IA work gets done per view. But in a smarter implementation, IA work is only done once for all views.

Rasterizer Interaction

If the rasterizer is active, view instancing results in rasterization of each view's primitives using the selected viewport/scissor and render target array index. The array index selections come from the PSO view instancing declaration. On higher tier hardware the array indices in the view instan7cing declaration get added to any viewport and/or render target array index outputs the shader feeding the rasterizer might produce (which could be a function of SV_ViewID if desired).

ExecuteIndirect Interaction

Lower tier hardware that loops draws to implement view instancing is permitted to loop over an entire execute indirect buffer per view rather than looping each individual draw in the execute indirect buffer.

Degenerate Instancing

If a PSO defines a ViewInstanceCount > 1 but no shader computes any view dependent outputs, and all view locations in the PSO are identical, a valid implementation is repeating a completely identical draw call ViewInstanceCount times. Since an implementation can choose to only instance shader code that is dependent on view, another equally valid implementation is to execute this draw's shaders only once (not per view). While this entire scenario isn't likely useful, it is stated merely to give perspective on how the system works.

Shader Awareness of View Instancing

It is intentional that shaders authored without instancing in mind can be combined with shaders that are aware of instancing. To minimize the impact on an application's shader assets for supporting view instancing, SV_ViewID does not factor into valid linkage between shaders.

That said, it is certainly possible that if a given shader gets used with PSOs that use view instancing as well as PSOs that do not use view instancing, drivers may need to compile the shader separately for each use case. Even ignoring view instancing, however, drivers have the freedom to perform such per-PSO specialization of shaders if they want to anyway. So there's nothing unique about View Instancing in this context.

UAV Accesses

It is fine for UAV accesses to have their address and/or the data involved be dependent on SV_ViewID.

Depending on hardware tier, implementations may or may not treat the result of a UAV read before the rasterizer as a quantity that is dependent on SV_ViewID. This applies regardless if it may or may not be obvious that somewhere earlier in a shader an SV_ViewID dependent value was written to the same UAV address now being read. An implementation that loops draws to implement view instancing will run all UAV memory accesses per-view. But at Tier 3, implementations must assume the results of UAV reads before the rasterizer are not SV_ViewID dependent.

About Tessellation

When View Instancing is used with Tessellation, an application may want the same tessellation factor selections to apply to all views so that topology is consistent across views (such as for stereo rendering -- matching triangles to allow for stereo fusion). This can be accomplished by computing tessellation factors without referencing SV_ViewID, such as basing the calculations on view 0 for instance (therefore shared for all views). Then only using SV_ViewID for other patch related calculations as needed, even if it may result in some redundant work between the fixed/shared view 0 based calculations mentioned and SV_ViewID based calculation when SV_ViewID is 0.

View Instancing Work Ordering Semantics

The implementation may perform view instancing anywhere earlier than the first dependency on SV_ViewID in the shaders provided by an application, including before or after draw instancing, with the possibility of with varying levels of redundancy in shader invocations to get the requested job done. That all said, there are some properties about primitive ordering that must hold:

Suppose a draw is submitted that contains multiple primitives, possibly with draw instancing, but without considering any view instancing yet. Consider any two of those primitives, p, and p', where p' > p in the draw workload.

Without view instancing, recall that it is guaranteed that p and any primitives descended/expanded from it (such as from tessellation) are guaranteed to be retired by the rasterizer / output merger before p' and its descendants retire. The order of shader invocations in this workload earlier than the rasterizer is not strictly defined, and may include redundant shader invocations depending on the implementation.

Now consider adding view instancing. Consider any two of the views in a workload, having SV_ViewIDs v, and v', where v' > v. Factoring in the draw described above, consider also primitives p and p' (sent to each view instance now), where p' > p.

With view instancing, primitive p for view v is guaranteed to be processed at the rasterizer before primitive p' for view v. However primitive p for view v' is not guaranteed to be processed before p' for view v.

In other words, an implementation may complete the entire draw instance for a given view instance before moving to the next view instance. Or it may go through a subset of primitives (or parts of a given primitive in the case of tessellation) for each view instance before advancing to the next subset of primitives (or part of a given primitive in the case of tessellation) for each view instance. Regardless, when looking at a particular view, all primitives are retired by the rasterizer in order.

Overlapping Viewport/Scissors

If multiple view instances go to overlapping viewport/scissor regions on the same renderTargetArrayIndex, rendering results in the overlapping area are undefined given the flexibility implementations have in progressing through work over separate views.

Capability Exposure

Tier 0 View instancing not supported.
Tier 1 View instancing supported by draw level looping only. The shader feeding the rasterizer cannot output viewport array index or render target array index. View instance locations come from the view instancing declaration in the PSO.
Tier 2

Functionally no different than Tier 1 within work order tolerances allowed by spec.

View instancing supported by draw level looping in the worst case, but in certain cases can run more efficiently. Specific fast path cases could be called out if interesting, though they would likely be specific to individual hardware architectures.

As an example, one possible hardware implementation can do better than draw level looping if the shader feeding the rasterizer satisfies the following:

View instance locations {RenderTargetArrayIndex,ViewportArrayIndex} are defined as: {n,0}, {n+1,0}, {n+2,0}... where n is any value.

Perhaps there will be a universal fast path that works for this tier that falls out of the intersection of the fast paths on various implementations.

Tier 3

Functionally the same as Tier 1 within work order tolerances allowed by spec, with the following improvement:

The implementation of view instancing always occurs at the first shader stage that references SV_ViewID (or rasterizer, whichever is earliest). This indicates that redundant non SV_ViewID dependent shader work across view instances is relatively minimal. Redundant shading is limited to just the first SV_ViewID dependent shader stage's code, if not avoided completely.


typedef struct D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS3

    D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER ViewInstancingTier;

// The above is the capability reporting data structure used with
CheckFeatureSupport() and

// the feature set: D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS3


Pipeline State

A view instancing desc is added to pipeline state.

    UINT ViewportArrayIndex;
    UINT RenderTargetArrayIndex;


    UINT ViewInstanceCount;
    _Field_size_full_(ViewInstanceCount) const D3D12DDI_VIEW_INSTANCE_LOCATION* pViewInstanceLocations;

    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hComputeShader;
    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hVertexShader;
    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hPixelShader;
    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hDomainShader;
    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hHullShader;
    D3D12DDI_HSHADER hGeometryShader;
    D3D12DDI_HROOTSIGNATURE hRootSignature;
    D3D12DDI_HBLENDSTATE hBlendState;
    UINT SampleMask;
    D3D12DDI_HRASTERIZERSTATE hRasterizerState;
    D3D12DDI_HELEMENTLAYOUT hElementLayout;
    D3D12DDI_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE PrimitiveTopologyType;
    UINT NumRenderTargets;
    DXGI_FORMAT RTVFormats[8];
    DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC SampleDesc;
    D3D12DDI_VIEW_INSTANCINC_DESC ViewInstancingDesc;
    UINT NodeMask;
    D3D12DDI_LIBRARY_REFERENCE_0010 LibraryReference;

## CommandList


typedef struct D3D12DDI_COMMAND_LIST_FUNCS_3D_0033
    PFND3D12DDI_SETVIEWINSTANCEMASK_0033 pfnSetViewInstanceMask;

Capability Reporting


typedef struct D3D12DDI_D3D12_OPTIONS_DATA_0033
    D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER ViewInstancingTier;

Change History

v0.4 5/2/2017

  • Clarified the behavior of ViewInstanceCount set to 0 (or not part of PSO): works the same as ViewInstanceCount set to 1. In fact even drivers that do not support view instancing but otherwise support shader model 6.1 must support shaders inputting SV_ViewID, as long as ViewInstanceCount in the PSO has been declared as 1 (or 0 / disabled), so the driver compiler can just replace references to SV_ViewID with 0. This lets applications author shaders that are SV_ViewID aware that can be used with or without view instancing being used

  • Picked 4 for MaxViewInstanceCount, at least for now. We could choose to allow larger values but say that even on the current highest tier, going above 4 means the implementation can fall back to draw looping.

  • Fleshed out DDIs. Still need to add DDI for input->output and viewID->output dependency graphs for shaders within a PSO.

  • Added UAV Accesses section to discuss their interaction with SV_ViewID dependent data.

  • Allow SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex and SV_ViewportArrayIndex to be written by any tier (was limited to Tier 3 only before). These get added with UINT32 arithmetic to the corresponding view instance location declared in the PSO for each view, and if the result of the add is out of range it clamps to 0 (like the standard behavior for these SV_ values).

v0.3 4/17/2017

  • Removed SV_ViewInstanceCount. If apps need this in shaders they can just pass it themselves.

  • Added section: "Validation/Enforcement of View Dependent Storage", detailing metadata that the HLSL compiler will generate to help with vertex size validation (when a function of ViewID) at PSO creation time. Computed ViewID dependencies for shader outputs, including propagating them across shaders in a PSO, will be passed to the driver to be concrete about exactly what in any given PSO is ViewID dependent.

  • Added SetViewInstanceMask(UINT mask) state to the command list. This determines which view instances for a draw are enabled (enabling view culling from the command list). PSOs that want to honor the mask must indicate it in their view instancing declaration.

  • Added array of view instance locations, {RenderTargetArrayIndex, ViewportArrayIndex} pairs, to the PSO view instancing declaration. For lower tier hardware, the shader feeding the rasterizer cannot output RTAI/VPAI and the view instance locations simply come from the PSO declaration. Higher tier hardware supports the shader feeding the rasterizer to export RTAI/VPAI and it gets added to the instance locations declared in the PSO.

  • Allowed SV_ViewID input in the Pixel Shader again, at the cost of reserving one scalar slot in the input vertex data to allow implementations to manually pass ViewID to the Pixel Shader if needed.

  • Refined Tier definitions to discuss view instance location flexibility.

v0.2 3/9/2017

  • More crisp definition of which outputs HLSL compiler will mark as SV_ViewID dependent (doesn't matter if the actual calculated result would vary based on view).

  • Clarified that implementations may not need to instance all work downstream of an SV_ViewID dependency -- perhaps only limiting the looping/instancing to just the SV_ViewID dependent code.

  • Clarified that the IA does not interact with view instancing

  • Disallowed SV_ViewID input at the Pixel Shader, given a conceptual model that views are ultimately manifested at the rasterizer. That said, if an application need SV_ViewID in the Pixel Shader for some reason it can manually pass the value through vertex data.