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File metadata and controls

79 lines (72 loc) · 3.66 KB

github tarballs

when downloaded from the “tags” page, look like:


and unpack into:


That’s a bummer, I was hoping they’d be like “python-ed25519-0.4.tar.gz”

and unpack into python-ed25519-0.4/ .

git attributes –help:

add .gitattributes, with “ export-subst” then put $Format:XXX$ in the file, with XXX from git-log’s –pretty=format: $Format:%H$ -> commit hash %h -> abbreviated commit hash %d -> ref names, like git log –decorate also “filename export-ignore”: won’t be added to an archive

might be possible to get github’s ‘git archive’ to put the tag name into a file

first attempt at a plan:

in the source tree

  • commit a with a s=”$Format:%d$” and some massaging code
  • need to parse, strip boring refs, return highest non-boring one

when using archive from github

  • pulls massaged string from

when building from checkout for testing

  • ‘ build’ does git-describe and replaces with a one-line variable set
  • trouble: modifying a committed file, VCS will complain
    • avoid by subclassing ‘build’, only modify build/lib../../

when building sdist from checkout

  • ‘ sdist’ does git-describe and replaces
  • less trouble with modifying a committed file, if we always do sdist from a clean checkout (which is probably a good idea anyways)

when running from source from checkout

  • ?? need to do git-describe from, eww


modifying during ‘ build’ (for testing), leaves tree

in modified state, and you don’t want to accidentally replace that

really we want to modify a file in build/, not in the source tree

  • might be possible for ‘ build’, since we can get control after the superclass method has run
    • ‘ build’ uses distutils.command.build_py build_py.build_module to copy things into the build directory, can use to figure out the to modify. Check for hardlinks. Hm, looks like build doesn’t use hardlinks, although sdist does.
  • probably not so possible for ‘ sdist’. But maybe that’s ok.
    • actually, cmd.sub_commands=[] is a list of (name,runp) that are invoked after self.filelist is created (but not populated), could be used to invoke extra commands
    • self.make_release_tree() is what creates the tree that will be archived.. could override that, modify on the way out
      • good to know: make_release_tree() creates hardlinks if possible. If ‘ build’ does this too, that would explain why it’s not always necessary to rebuild when source files are changed.
      • need to delink before changing it
      • make_release_tree(base_dir, files) creates os.path.join(base_dir,f) for f in files

let’s investigate this:

  • ‘ build’ runs superclass, looks for .git, if present:
    • use git-describe
    • locate build/STUFF/../
    • replace it with one-line string variable set
  • if no .git, assume the version number is already good, leave it alone
  • ‘ sdist’ looks for .git first, modifies in source tree, then runs superclass

could modify a different file, one which is in .gitignore

  • will need to import that build

current problems

running ‘ build’ from a git-archive tree

  • need version_from_expanded_variable() in too, not just