A plugin in Unity that let you easily create scroll views with unlimited items. See in asset store.
Step 1: Add “UI/Scroll View” from Add GameObject menu.
Step 2: Add UnlimitedScroller with your desired auto layout type.
Step 3: Drag and drop the scroll view to Scroll Rect
field. Set initial cell cache count.
If you use grid scroller, you can also change its alignment.
Step 4: Prepare a cell prefab that has the RegularCell
script or your custom script that implements the ICell
Step 5: To test it out immediately, add a ScrollerTest
script below Unlimited Scroller
, reference to your cell and set total count.
Please go to this website for full reference: https://brian-jiang.github.io/UnlimitedScrollUI/api/UnlimitedScrollUI.html
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Or email me directly at: bjjx1999@live.com
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