Fourth exam project of the Start2Impact University - A simple meditation application made with React ⚛️ 🧠 📚
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The exam track:
Meditating is important and several people recommend it because of the benefits it brings. Therefore, in this project you will need to create a site that facilitates meditation. The prerequisite is a timer that the user can set, to determine the duration of the activity.
Look at similar apps to better guide you, and you can add other features such as background sounds.
The special functions that i added are:
- Some blogpost-like content retrieved from the Contenful CMS API
- A simple bullettin board with links about the mindfulness culture
- A series of playlists made with spotify embed iframe as background music
- A hero component created randomly with images and quotes from the CMS
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Set the timer using the + and - buttons and start the timer with the start button. You can set a background music with the random generated playlist from spotify. Now open Awaca, breath and start your path to awareness.
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🤝🏻 My portfolio/Personal Website made with ⚛️.js -
👽 Brian Atzori - @AtzoriBrian -
📖 Meet me @
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- Vanessa Missale as content manager ⌨️
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