A few UIKit components that use blocks instead of target/actions or delegates. The following components are included:
- UIActionSheet
- UIAlertView
- UIBarButtonItem
You can see the sample project in the Demo folder.
Instantiate an action sheet with the following:
+ (id)actionSheetWithTitle:(NSString *)title;
Then use any of these methods to add buttons to the action sheet:
- (void)addButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
- (void)addCancelButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
- (void)addDestructiveButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title
action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
Show it the usual way.
The easier way is to instantiate an alert view with the following:
+ (id)alertViewWithTitle:(NSString *)title
cancelTitle:(NSString *)cancelTitle
confirmTitle:(NSString *)confirmTitle
You could use this method to add a button to an alert view that requires more than 2 buttons:
- (void)addButtonWithTitle:(NSString *)title action:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
Show it the usual way.
Instantiate a button with any of the following constructors:
+ (id)itemWithBarButtonSystemItem:(UIBarButtonSystemItem)systemItem
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithImage:(UIImage *)image
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithImage:(UIImage *)image
landscapeImagePhone:(UIImage *)landscapeImagePhone
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
+ (id)itemWithTitle:(NSString *)title
actionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
You could use this method to set a block to a bar button item (not recommended though):
- (void)setActionBlock:(void (^)(void))actionBlock;
WARNING: Do not set the target and action after you set an action block, the action block won't be called otherwise.
The code is taking advantage of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). If your project does not use ARC, you will need to update the code. If you do so, please do it nicely, fork the project and send a pull request.