Test vectors of type AeadTest test authenticated encryption with additional data. The test vectors are intended for testing both encryption and decryption.
Test vectors with "result" : "valid" are valid encryptions. Test vectors with "result" : "invalid" are using invalid parameters or contain an invalid ciphertext or tag. Test vectors with "result" : "acceptable" are using weak parameters.
JSON schema: aead_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: AeadTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: AeadTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
aead_aes_siv_cmac_test.json | 828 | 180, 0, 648 | AEAD-AES-SIV-CMAC |
aegis128L_test.json | 462 | 350, 0, 112 | AEGIS128L |
aegis128_test.json | 469 | 361, 0, 108 | AEGIS128 |
aegis256_test.json | 464 | 352, 0, 112 | AEGIS256 |
aes_ccm_test.json | 510 | 366, 0, 144 | AES-CCM |
aes_eax_test.json | 171 | 78, 12, 81 | AES-EAX |
aes_gcm_siv_test.json | 155 | 88, 0, 67 | AES-GCM-SIV |
aes_gcm_test.json | 256 | 139, 30, 87 | AES-GCM |
chacha20_poly1305_test.json | 300 | 233, 0, 67 | CHACHA20-POLY1305 |
xchacha20_poly1305_test.json | 284 | 220, 0, 64 | XCHACHA20-POLY1305 |
Test vectors of type DaeadTest are intended for verifying encryption and decryption of deterministic authenticated encryption with additional data.
Unlike the test vectors for AEAD the tag is included in the ciphertext, since deterministic authenticated encryption frequently uses a synthetic IV (SIV) that is used both as IV and MAC, and since the position of the SIV often depends on the primitive.
JSON schema: daead_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: DaeadTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: DaeadTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
aes_siv_cmac_test.json | 442 | 118, 0, 324 | AES-SIV-CMAC |
Test vectors of type DsaP1363Verify are meant for the verification of IEEE P1363 encoded DSA signatures.
IEEE P1363 encoded signatures are the concatenation of the values r and s encoded as unsigned integers in bigendian order using a fixed size equal to the length of the field order. The tests expect that all signatures with other sizes (e.g. additional appended bytes) are rejected. (Though there are not a lot of test vectors verifying this).
Test vectors with "result" : "valid" are valid signatures. Test vectors with "result" : "invalid" are invalid. Test vectors with "result" : "acceptable" are signatures that may or may not be rejected. The reasons for potential rejection are described with labels.
JSON schema: dsa_p1363_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: DsaP1363TestGroup
Type of the test vectors: SignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
dsa_2048_224_sha224_p1363_test.json | 127 | 38, 0, 89 | DSA |
dsa_2048_224_sha256_p1363_test.json | 155 | 66, 0, 89 | DSA |
dsa_2048_256_sha256_p1363_test.json | 155 | 66, 0, 89 | DSA |
dsa_3072_256_sha256_p1363_test.json | 155 | 66, 0, 89 | DSA |
Test vectors of test DsaVerify are intended for checking the signature verification of DSA signatures.
Test vectors with "result" : "valid" are valid signatures. Test vectors with "result" : "invalid" are invalid. Test vectors with "result" : "acceptable" are signatures that may be rejected for a number of reasons: they can be signatures with valid values for r and s, but with an invalid or non-standard encoding. They can be signatures with weak or non-standard parameters. All the test vectors of this type have a label describing the abnomaly.
JSON schema: dsa_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: DsaTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: AsnSignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
dsa_2048_224_sha224_test.json | 330 | 39, 1, 290 | DSA |
dsa_2048_224_sha256_test.json | 358 | 67, 1, 290 | DSA |
dsa_2048_256_sha256_test.json | 358 | 67, 1, 290 | DSA |
dsa_3072_256_sha256_test.json | 358 | 67, 1, 290 | DSA |
dsa_test.json | 906 | 33, 3, 870 | DSA |
Test vectors of type EcdhWebTest are intended for testing an ECDH implementations where the public key is just an ASN encoded point.
JSON schema: ecdh_ecpoint_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: EcdhEcpointTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: EcdhEcpointTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ecdh_secp224r1_ecpoint_test.json | 96 | 77, 1, 18 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp256r1_ecpoint_test.json | 216 | 191, 1, 24 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp384r1_ecpoint_test.json | 182 | 163, 1, 18 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp521r1_ecpoint_test.json | 237 | 208, 1, 28 | ECDH |
Test vectors of type EcdhTest are intended for testing an ECDH implementations using X509 encoded public keys and integers for private keys. Test vectors of this format are useful for testing Java providers.
JSON schema: ecdh_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: EcdhTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: EcdhTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ecdh_brainpoolP224r1_test.json | 476 | 205, 219, 52 | ECDH |
ecdh_brainpoolP256r1_test.json | 522 | 253, 219, 50 | ECDH |
ecdh_brainpoolP320r1_test.json | 427 | 159, 219, 49 | ECDH |
ecdh_brainpoolP384r1_test.json | 366 | 85, 219, 62 | ECDH |
ecdh_brainpoolP512r1_test.json | 378 | 115, 217, 46 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp224r1_test.json | 340 | 77, 219, 44 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp256k1_test.json | 446 | 181, 219, 46 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp256r1_test.json | 460 | 191, 219, 50 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp384r1_test.json | 427 | 163, 219, 45 | ECDH |
ecdh_secp521r1_test.json | 480 | 208, 217, 55 | ECDH |
ecdh_test.json | 3100 | 2169, 128, 803 | ECDH |
Test vectors of type EcdhWebTest are intended for testing an ECDH implementations using jwk encoded public and private keys.
JSON schema: ecdh_webcrypto_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: EcdhWebcryptoTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: EcdhWebcryptoTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ecdh_webcrypto_test.json | 833 | 743, 0, 90 | ECDH |
Test vectors of type EcdsaVerify are meant for the verification of IEEE P1363 encoded ECDSA signatures.
IEEE P1363 encoded signatures are the concatenation of the values r and s encoded as unsigned integers in bigendian order using a fixed size equal to the length of the field order.
Test vectors with "result" : "valid" are valid signatures. Test vectors with "result" : "invalid" are invalid. Test vectors with "result" : "acceptable" are signatures that may or may not be rejected. The reasons for potential rejection are described with labels. Weak parameters such as small curves, hash functions weaker than the security of the curve are potential reasons.
JSON schema: ecdsa_p1363_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: EcdsaP1363TestGroup
Type of the test vectors: SignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ecdsa_brainpoolP224r1_sha224_p1363_test.json | 190 | 120, 3, 67 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP256r1_sha256_p1363_test.json | 220 | 149, 3, 68 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP320r1_sha384_p1363_test.json | 224 | 152, 3, 69 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP384r1_sha384_p1363_test.json | 251 | 180, 3, 68 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP512r1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 294 | 224, 3, 67 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha224_p1363_test.json | 187 | 117, 3, 67 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha256_p1363_test.json | 216 | 145, 3, 68 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 285 | 214, 3, 68 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha256_p1363_test.json | 211 | 141, 3, 67 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 281 | 210, 3, 68 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_p1363_test.json | 219 | 146, 4, 69 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 289 | 215, 4, 70 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384_p1363_test.json | 239 | 167, 3, 69 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 277 | 204, 3, 70 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512_p1363_test.json | 277 | 205, 3, 69 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_webcrypto_test.json | 362 | 270, 10, 82 | ECDSA |
Test vectors of type EcdsaVerify are meant for the verification of ASN encoded ECDSA signatures.
Test vectors with "result" : "valid" are valid signatures. Test vectors with "result" : "invalid" are invalid. Test vectors with "result" : "acceptable" are signatures that may or may not be rejected. The reasons for potential rejection are described with labels. Weak parameters such as small curves, hash functions weaker than the security of the curve are potential reasons. Non-standard BER encodings are other reasons.
JSON schema: ecdsa_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: EcdsaTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: AsnSignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ecdsa_brainpoolP224r1_sha224_test.json | 359 | 121, 2, 236 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP256r1_sha256_test.json | 389 | 150, 0, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP320r1_sha384_test.json | 393 | 153, 1, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP384r1_sha384_test.json | 420 | 181, 0, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_brainpoolP512r1_sha512_test.json | 462 | 225, 0, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha224_test.json | 356 | 118, 1, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha256_test.json | 385 | 146, 0, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha3_224_test.json | 384 | 146, 2, 236 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha3_256_test.json | 393 | 154, 2, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha3_512_test.json | 458 | 219, 2, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp224r1_sha512_test.json | 454 | 215, 1, 238 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha256_test.json | 380 | 142, 1, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha3_256_test.json | 388 | 150, 1, 237 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha3_512_test.json | 454 | 215, 1, 238 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256k1_sha512_test.json | 450 | 211, 1, 238 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_test.json | 387 | 147, 1, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha3_256_test.json | 395 | 155, 1, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha3_512_test.json | 461 | 220, 2, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp256r1_sha512_test.json | 457 | 216, 1, 240 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha384_test.json | 408 | 168, 1, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha3_384_test.json | 418 | 178, 0, 240 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha3_512_test.json | 450 | 209, 2, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp384r1_sha512_test.json | 446 | 205, 2, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp521r1_sha3_512_test.json | 449 | 210, 0, 239 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_secp521r1_sha512_test.json | 447 | 206, 0, 241 | ECDSA |
ecdsa_test.json | 1575 | 1011, 5, 559 | ECDSA |
Test vectors of type EddsaVerify are intended for testing the verification of Eddsa signatures.
JSON schema: eddsa_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: EddsaTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: SignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
ed448_test.json | 86 | 17, 0, 69 | EDDSA |
eddsa_test.json | 145 | 84, 0, 61 | EDDSA |
Test vector of type HkdfTest are intended for the verification of HKDF.
HKDF differs from other key derivation function because the function accepts more parameters. I.e. the input for HKDF is a tuple (ikm, salt, info, size).
JSON schema: hkdf_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: HkdfTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: HkdfTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
hkdf_sha1_test.json | 106 | 103, 0, 3 | HKDF-SHA-1 |
hkdf_sha256_test.json | 105 | 102, 0, 3 | HKDF-SHA-256 |
hkdf_sha384_test.json | 102 | 99, 0, 3 | HKDF-SHA-384 |
hkdf_sha512_test.json | 102 | 99, 0, 3 | HKDF-SHA-512 |
Test vectors of type IndCpaTest are intended for test that verify encryption and decryption of symmetric ciphers without authentication.
JSON schema: ind_cpa_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: IndCpaTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: IndCpaTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
aes_cbc_pkcs5_test.json | 183 | 72, 0, 111 | AES-CBC-PKCS5 |
Test vectors of type Keywrap are intended for tests checking the wrapping and unwrapping of key material.
Invalid test vectors may contain vectors with invalid sizes, or invalid paddings. This is not ideal for testing whether unwrapping allows some padding oracle. If there are key wrapping primitives that can be attacked when padding oracles are present then we might add additional files just for checking against padding attacks.
JSON schema: keywrap_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: KeywrapTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: KeywrapTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
kw_test.json | 162 | 36, 0, 126 | KW |
kwp_test.json | 254 | 20, 60, 174 | KWP |
Test vectors of type MacTest are intended for testing the generation and verification of MACs.
Test vectors with invalid MACs may contain vectors that contain invalid tags, invalid parameters or invalid formats. Hence they are not ideal for testing if an implementation is susceptible to padding attacks. Future version might include separate files to simplify such tests.
JSON schema: mac_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: MacTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: MacTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
aes_cmac_test.json | 308 | 60, 0, 248 | AES-CMAC |
hmac_sha1_test.json | 170 | 66, 0, 104 | HMACSHA1 |
hmac_sha224_test.json | 172 | 66, 0, 106 | HMACSHA224 |
hmac_sha256_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA256 |
hmac_sha384_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA384 |
hmac_sha3_224_test.json | 172 | 66, 0, 106 | HMACSHA3-224 |
hmac_sha3_256_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA3-256 |
hmac_sha3_384_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA3-384 |
hmac_sha3_512_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA3-512 |
hmac_sha512_test.json | 174 | 66, 0, 108 | HMACSHA512 |
MacWithIvTest is intended for testing MACs that use an IV for randomization.
In some cases the MAC is only secure if each MAC computation uses a distinct IV. Reusing the same IV multiple times may leak key material. Examples are GMAC and VMAC.
JSON schema: mac_with_iv_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: MacWithIvTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: MacWithIvTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
gmac_test.json | 449 | 102, 0, 347 | AES-GMAC |
vmac_128_test.json | 764 | 424, 0, 340 | VMAC-AES |
vmac_64_test.json | 764 | 508, 0, 256 | VMAC-AES |
Test vector of type PrimalityTest are intended for testing primality tests.
JSON schema: primality_test_schema.json
Type of the test group: PrimalityTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: PrimalityTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
primality_test.json | 280 | 66, 8, 206 | PrimalityTest |
Test vectors of type RsaOeapDecrypt are intended to check the decryption of RSA encrypted ciphertexts.
The test vectors contain ciphertexts with invalid format (i.e. incorrect size) and test vectors with invalid padding. Hence the test vectors are a bit inconvenient to detect padding oracles. One potential plan is to generate separate, new files that only contain ciphertexts with invalid paddings.
JSON schema: rsaes_oaep_decrypt_schema.json
Type of the test group: RsaesOaepTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: RsaesOaepTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha1_mgf1sha1_test.json | 34 | 17, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha224_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha224_mgf1sha224_test.json | 33 | 17, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha256_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha256_mgf1sha256_test.json | 35 | 18, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha384_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha384_mgf1sha384_test.json | 32 | 16, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha512_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_2048_sha512_mgf1sha512_test.json | 31 | 14, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_3072_sha256_mgf1sha1_test.json | 30 | 13, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_3072_sha256_mgf1sha256_test.json | 35 | 18, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_3072_sha512_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_3072_sha512_mgf1sha512_test.json | 31 | 15, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_4096_sha256_mgf1sha1_test.json | 30 | 13, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_4096_sha256_mgf1sha256_test.json | 35 | 18, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_4096_sha512_mgf1sha1_test.json | 29 | 13, 0, 16 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_4096_sha512_mgf1sha512_test.json | 34 | 17, 0, 17 | RSAES-OAEP |
rsa_oaep_misc_test.json | 775 | 460, 315, 0 | RSAES-OAEP |
Test vectors of type RsaesPkcs1Decrypt are intended to check the decryption of RSA encrypted ciphertexts.
The test vectors contain ciphertexts with invalid format (i.e. incorrect size) and test vectors with invalid padding. Hence the test vectors are a bit inconvenient to detect padding oracles. One potential plan is to generate separate, new files that only contain ciphertexts with invalid paddings.
JSON schema: rsaes_pkcs1_decrypt_schema.json
Type of the test group: RsaesPkcs1TestGroup
Type of the test vectors: RsaesPkcs1TestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
rsa_pkcs1_2048_test.json | 65 | 42, 0, 23 | RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_pkcs1_3072_test.json | 65 | 41, 0, 24 | RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_pkcs1_4096_test.json | 65 | 41, 0, 24 | RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 |
Test vectors of class RsassaPkcs1Generate are intended for checking the generation of RSA PKCS #1 v 1.5 signatures.
The test vectors only provide limited coverage for signature verification, since a frequent flaw in implementations is to only check the padding partially.
JSON schema: rsassa_pkcs1_generate_schema.json
Type of the test group: RsassaPkcs1GenTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: SignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
rsa_sig_gen_misc_test.json | 158 | 80, 78, 0 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
Test vectors of class RsassaPkcs1Verify are intended for checking the verification of RSA PKCS #1 v 1.5 signatures.
RSA signature verification should generally be very strict about checking the padding. Because of this most RSA signatures with a slightly modified padding have "result" : "invalid". Only a small number of RSA signatures implementing legacy behaviour (such as a missing NULL in the encoding) have "result" : "acceptable".
JSON schema: rsassa_pkcs1_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: RsassaPkcs1TestGroup
Type of the test vectors: SignatureTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
rsa_signature_2048_sha224_test.json | 241 | 7, 1, 233 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha256_test.json | 240 | 7, 3, 230 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha384_test.json | 252 | 7, 1, 244 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha3_224_test.json | 249 | 7, 1, 241 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha3_256_test.json | 248 | 7, 1, 240 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha3_384_test.json | 249 | 7, 1, 241 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha3_512_test.json | 249 | 7, 1, 241 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha512_224_test.json | 252 | 7, 1, 244 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha512_256_test.json | 251 | 7, 1, 243 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_2048_sha512_test.json | 240 | 7, 2, 231 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha256_test.json | 239 | 7, 2, 230 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha384_test.json | 239 | 7, 1, 231 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha3_256_test.json | 248 | 7, 1, 240 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha3_384_test.json | 249 | 7, 1, 241 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha3_512_test.json | 249 | 7, 1, 241 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha512_256_test.json | 251 | 7, 1, 243 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_3072_sha512_test.json | 240 | 7, 2, 231 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_4096_sha384_test.json | 239 | 7, 1, 231 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_4096_sha512_256_test.json | 251 | 7, 1, 243 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_4096_sha512_test.json | 239 | 7, 1, 231 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
rsa_signature_test.json | 377 | 84, 63, 230 | RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 |
Test vectors of class RsassaPssVerify are intended for checking the verification of RSASSA-PSS signatures.
RSA signature verification should generally be very strict about checking the padding. Because of this RSASSA-PSS signatures with a modified padding have "result" : "invalid".
JSON schema: rsassa_pss_verify_schema.json
Type of the test group: RsassaPssTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: RsassaPssTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
rsa_pss_2048_sha1_mgf1_20_test.json | 82 | 0, 42, 40 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_2048_sha256_mgf1_0_test.json | 100 | 61, 0, 39 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_2048_sha256_mgf1_32_test.json | 103 | 63, 0, 40 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_2048_sha512_256_mgf1_28_test.json | 50 | 9, 0, 41 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_2048_sha512_256_mgf1_32_test.json | 49 | 9, 0, 40 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_3072_sha256_mgf1_32_test.json | 103 | 63, 0, 40 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_4096_sha256_mgf1_32_test.json | 103 | 63, 0, 40 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_4096_sha512_mgf1_32_test.json | 171 | 132, 0, 39 | RSASSA-PSS |
rsa_pss_misc_test.json | 150 | 120, 30, 0 | RSASSA-PSS |
Test vectors of type XdhComp are intended for tests that verify the computation of and Xdh key exchange.
Public and private keys are ASN encoded.
JSON schema: xdh_asn_comp_schema.json
Type of the test group: XdhAsnTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: XdhAsnTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
x25519_asn_test.json | 535 | 265, 253, 17 | XDH |
x448_asn_test.json | 527 | 253, 257, 17 | XDH |
Test vectors of type XdhComp are intended for tests that verify the computation of and Xdh key exchange.
Both public and private key in the test vectors are just raw bytes. There are separate files, where the keys are ASN.1 encoded or use the webcrypto encoding.
JSON schema: xdh_comp_schema.json
Type of the test group: XdhTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: XdhTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
x25519_test.json | 518 | 265, 253, 0 | XDH |
x448_test.json | 510 | 253, 257, 0 | XDH |
Test vectors of type XdhComp are intended for tests that verify the computation of and Xdh key exchange.
The public and private keys in these test vectors use the webcrypto encoding.
JSON schema: xdh_jwk_comp_schema.json
Type of the test group: XdhJwkTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: XdhJwkTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
x25519_jwk_test.json | 531 | 265, 253, 13 | XDH |
x448_jwk_test.json | 523 | 253, 257, 13 | XDH |
Test vectors of type XdhPemComp are intended for verifying XDH.
Public and private keys are PEM encoded. The tests inlcude vectors generated for edge cases, arithmetic overflows, points on twists and public keys for the wrong curve. The tests do not include invalid PEM formats, though such tests may be added in the future.
JSON schema: xdh_pem_comp_schema.json
Type of the test group: XdhPemTestGroup
Type of the test vectors: XdhPemTestVector
name | tests | validity | algorithm {.sortable} |
x25519_pem_test.json | 518 | 265, 253, 0 | XDH |
x448_pem_test.json | 510 | 253, 257, 0 | XDH |