A simple .NET 6 Scrapper tool, using Serilog, SixLabors.ImageSharp, Selenium WebDriver.
This project is in development and it's not stable yet, if there are people who want to help me, I am fully open 😊
./DotScrapper -out (output) -query (query) -use (Bing, ...)
./DotScrapper -o (output) -q (query) -u (Bing, ...)
# Will scrap 'raccoon' images in 'raccoon\\' from Bing
./DotScrapper -oq raccoon -u Bing
Argument | Small argument | Description |
-out | -o | Change the output directory to use, by default DotScrapper will use 'Out//'. |
-query | -q | The text to query, It depends on the scrapper you are using too, for example with Bing you can use the advanced search |
-use | -u | The scrapper to use, for example Bing, ... |
-autoclean | -a | Auto close all 'msedgedriver' that have not been closed from previous executions, it will be removed on future stable versions of this program. |