diff --git a/addons/versioning/XEH_postInit.sqf b/addons/versioning/XEH_postInit.sqf index 8746369d6..fb984461c 100644 --- a/addons/versioning/XEH_postInit.sqf +++ b/addons/versioning/XEH_postInit.sqf @@ -26,7 +26,12 @@ if (!SLX_XEH_DisableLogging) then { _mod = _x select 0; _dependencyInfo = _x select 1; _class = (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> (_dependencyInfo select 0)); - missionNamespace setVariable ["_dependencyIsPresent", _dependencyInfo select 2]; + private _dependencyIsPresent = call compile format ["%1", (_dependencyInfo select 2)]; + if ((isNil "_dependencyIsPresent") || {!(_dependencyIsPresent isEqualType false)}) then { + //https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74516 - The code could return non-bool, if "true" is converted to "1" durring binarization + WARNING("Versioning conditional return is bad" + str _x); + _dependencyIsPresent = true; + }; if (_dependencyIsPresent) then { if !(isClass(_class)) then { format["WARNING: %1 requires %2 (@%3) at version %4 (or higher). You have none.", _key, _dependencyInfo select 0, _mod, _dependencyInfo select 1] spawn _f;