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Merge pull request #1389 from ashishsingh18/PerfusionPCATrain
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Perfusion PCA updates
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ashishsingh18 authored Jan 11, 2021
2 parents 0de24ae + ca7bc7b commit 9597bad
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Showing 10 changed files with 971 additions and 263 deletions.
455 changes: 323 additions & 132 deletions src/applications/PerfusionPCA.cpp

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

167 changes: 142 additions & 25 deletions src/applications/PerfusionPCA.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ std::vector<std::map<CAPTK::ImageModalityType, std::string>> LoadQualifiedSubjec

int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::cout << "This functionality has been removed from this CaPTk release, and we are actively working on an optimized robust implementation that should enable generalization in multi-institutional data. We expect this to be released in our next patch release, in Q4 2020.\n";
cbica::CmdParser parser = cbica::CmdParser(argc, argv, "PerfusionPCA");
parser.addRequiredParameter("i", "input", cbica::Parameter::STRING, "", "The input directory.");
parser.addRequiredParameter("t", "type", cbica::Parameter::INTEGER, "", "The option of preparing a new model (=0), and for testing on an existing model (=1)");
parser.addRequiredParameter("n", "number of PCAs", cbica::Parameter::FLOAT, "", "The number of principal components.");
parser.addOptionalParameter("m", "model", cbica::Parameter::STRING, "", "The directory having PCA models");
parser.addRequiredParameter("t", "type", cbica::Parameter::INTEGER, "", "The option of extracting a new PCA parameters (=0), and for applying existing PCA parameters (=1)");
parser.addOptionalParameter("n", "number of PCAs", cbica::Parameter::FLOAT, "", "The number of principal components.");
parser.addOptionalParameter("m", "model", cbica::Parameter::STRING, "", "The directory having PCA parameters");
parser.addOptionalParameter("vt", "variance threshold", cbica::Parameter::FLOAT, "", "The variance threshold");
parser.addOptionalParameter("dif", "dump intermediate files", cbica::Parameter::BOOLEAN, "", "Write intermediate file containing perfusion data for whole population.");
parser.addRequiredParameter("o", "output", cbica::Parameter::STRING, "", "The output directory.");
parser.addOptionalParameter("L", "Logger", cbica::Parameter::STRING, "log file which user has write access to", "Full path to log file to store console outputs", "By default, only console output is generated");
parser.addExampleUsage("-t 0 -i C:/properly/formatted/inputDir -o C:/outputDir -n 5", "Trains a new model based on the samples in inputDir");
parser.addExampleUsage("-t 1 -i C:/input -m C:/model -o C:/output -m C:/modelDir -n 5", "Tests an existing model for inputs in 'C:/input' based on 'C:/modelDir' ");
parser.addExampleUsage("-t 0 -i C:/properly/formatted/inputDir -o C:/outputDir -n 5", "Extracts new PCA parameters based on the samples in inputDir");
parser.addExampleUsage("-t 1 -i C:/input -o C:/output -m C:/modelDir -n 5", "Tests existing PCA parameters for inputs in 'C:/input' based on 'C:/modelDir' ");
parser.addApplicationDescription("Perfusion PCA Training and Prediction application");

// parameters to get from the command line
Expand All @@ -71,12 +71,43 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
applicationType = 0;

float inputPCs = 0;
float varianceThreshold = 0.0;
std::string inputFileName, inputMaskName, outputDirectoryName, modelDirectoryName;
bool nPCsDefined = false;
bool varianceThresholdDefined = false;
bool dif = false;

//get params supplied by user
parser.getParameterValue("i", inputFileName);
parser.getParameterValue("n", inputPCs);
parser.getParameterValue("o", outputDirectoryName);
parser.getParameterValue("t", applicationType);

parser.getParameterValue("dif", dif);
dif = false;

if (parser.isPresent("n"))
nPCsDefined = true;
parser.getParameterValue("n", inputPCs);

if (parser.isPresent("vt"))
varianceThresholdDefined = true;
parser.getParameterValue("vt", varianceThreshold);

//if user provides both n and vt, then don't run app
//put a msg to provide any one
if (nPCsDefined && varianceThresholdDefined)
std::cout << "Please provide either the number of principal components or the variance threshold and re-run the application." << std::endl;

if (parser.isPresent("m"))
Expand All @@ -89,43 +120,61 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)

std::cout << "Input File:" << inputFileName << std::endl;
std::cout << "Output Directory:" << outputDirectoryName << std::endl;

//check if input dir exists
if (!cbica::isDir(inputFileName))
std::cout << "The input directory does not exist:" << inputFileName << std::endl;

//check if output dir exists
if (!cbica::directoryExists(outputDirectoryName))
if (!cbica::createDirectory(outputDirectoryName))
std::cout << "The output directory can not be created:" << outputDirectoryName << std::endl;

std::vector<std::map<CAPTK::ImageModalityType, std::string>> QualifiedSubjects = LoadQualifiedSubjectsFromGivenDirectoryForPCA(inputFileName);
PerfusionPCA object_pca; //pca algorithm object

if (QualifiedSubjects.size() == 0)
//sort and arrange input data

//check if input has valid subjects
std::cout << "There is no subject with the required input in the given directory." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of subjects with the required input: " << QualifiedSubjects.size() << std::endl;
PerfusionPCA object_pca;

//load the input dataset
std::string inValidSubject;
if (object_pca.LoadData(inValidSubject) == PerfusionPCA::MismatchedTimePoints)
std::string msg = "Could not load data. Please check that all input data has the same number of time points. Look at file: " + inValidSubject;
std::cout << msg << std::endl;

if (applicationType == CAPTK::MachineLearningApplicationSubtype::TESTING)
std::cout << "Model directory name:" << modelDirectoryName << std::endl;
//check if PCA parameter dir exists
if (!cbica::directoryExists(modelDirectoryName))
std::cout << "The model directory does not exist:" << modelDirectoryName << std::endl;
if (!cbica::fileExists(modelDirectoryName +"/PCA_PERF.csv") || !cbica::fileExists(modelDirectoryName + "/Mean_PERF.csv"))

//check if PCA parameter dir contains the required files
if (!cbica::fileExists(modelDirectoryName +"/PCA_PERF.csv") ||
!cbica::fileExists(modelDirectoryName + "/Mean_PERF.csv") ||
!cbica::fileExists(modelDirectoryName + "/PCCumulativeVariance.csv"))
std::cout << "The model files PCA_PERF.csv and Mean_PERF.csv do not exist in the model directory:" << modelDirectoryName << std::endl;
std::cout << "The required files PCA_PERF.csv, Mean_PERF.csv and PCCumulativeVariance.csv do not exist in the PCA parameter directory:" << modelDirectoryName << std::endl;

// check if version is compatible
if (cbica::isFile(modelDirectoryName + "/VERSION.yaml"))
if (!cbica::IsCompatible(modelDirectoryName + "/VERSION.yaml"))
Expand All @@ -134,18 +183,86 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
object_pca.ApplyExistingPCAModel(inputPCs, inputFileName, outputDirectoryName, QualifiedSubjects,modelDirectoryName);

//when both number of PCA images and variance threshold are not provided by the user,
//ask the user to provide any one
if (!nPCsDefined && !varianceThresholdDefined)
std::cout << "Please provide either the number of principal components or the variance threshold and re-run the application." << std::endl;

//pass params to object
if (nPCsDefined)
else if (varianceThresholdDefined)

//call the algorithm
std::cout << " Applying extracted PCA parameters." << std::endl;
PerfusionPCA::ErrorCode code = object_pca.ApplyExistingPCAModel(inputPCs, inputFileName, outputDirectoryName/*, QualifiedSubjects*/,modelDirectoryName);
if (code == PerfusionPCA::ErrorCode::MismatchedTimePoints)
std::cout << "Number of time points in the input does not match with the pca parameters. Cannot proceed." << std::endl;
else if (code == PerfusionPCA::ErrorCode::NoError)
std::cout << "principal components have been saved at the specified locations.\n";
std::cout << "Finished successfully.\n";
else if (applicationType == CAPTK::MachineLearningApplicationSubtype::TRAINING)
object_pca.TrainNewPerfusionModel(inputPCs, inputFileName, outputDirectoryName, QualifiedSubjects);
//if user doesn't provide n or vt, give a msg stating that we will provide only PCA parameters
// and not the PCA images and that the run may take quite some time and request for confirmation
// press y to continue or n to exit(and provide n or vt).
if (!nPCsDefined && !varianceThresholdDefined)
std::cout << "You did not provide the number of principal components or the variance threshold. \
We will provide only the PCA parameters and not any PCA images. The application will take a long time to run. \
Do you want to continue? Press 'y' to contine or 'n' (and press Enter) to exit and provide either of the parameters.";
char ch = cin.get();
if (ch == 'y')
nPCsDefined = true;
inputPCs = 0; //we don't provide any PCA images
std::cout << "Please provide either the number of principal components or the variance threshold and re-run the application." << std::endl;

//pass params to object
if (nPCsDefined)
else if (varianceThresholdDefined)
//we won't have a situation here that both nPCsDefined and varianceThresholdDefined
//are defined. This is handled upstream.

object_pca.RequestPerfusionDataWholePopulation(dif);//dump intermediate files or not

//calling the algorithm
std::cout << " Extracting PCA parameters." << std::endl;
if (object_pca.TrainNewPerfusionModel(inputPCs, inputFileName, outputDirectoryName))
std::cout << "principal components have been saved at the specified locations.\n";
std::cout << "Finished successfully.\n";
std::cout << "Something went wrong during the calculation. Please contact \n";

std::cout<<"principal components have been saved at the specified locations.\n";
std::cout << "Finished successfully.\n";

61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions src/applications/PerfusionPCA.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ class PerfusionPCA

enum ErrorCode
IncorrectInputStructure = 0,

cbica::Logging logger;
//! Default constructor
Expand All @@ -60,19 +68,64 @@ class PerfusionPCA
/*template<class ImageTypeFloat4D, class ImageTypeFloat3D>
std::vector<typename ImageTypeFloat3D::Pointer> Run(typename ImageTypeFloat3D::Pointer maskImagePointerNifti, typename ImageTypeFloat4D::Pointer perfImagePointerNifti);

bool TrainNewPerfusionModel(const int number, const std::string inputdirectory, const std::string outputdirectory,std::vector<std::map<CAPTK::ImageModalityType, std::string>> QualifiedSubjects);
bool ApplyExistingPCAModel(const int number, const std::string inputdirectory, const std::string outputdirectory, std::vector<std::map<CAPTK::ImageModalityType, std::string>> QualifiedSubjects,const std::string ModelDirectoryName);
\brief Load Perfusion and Segmentation images into Perfusion Data Map
\return ErrorCode Indicating the status of load operation
\return inValidSubject If unable to load, path of the invalid subject
ErrorCode LoadData(std::string &inValidSubject);

//Extract PCA Parameters
bool TrainNewPerfusionModel(const int number, const std::string inputdirectory, const std::string outputdirectory);

//Apply extracted PCA paramters
ErrorCode ApplyExistingPCAModel(const int number, const std::string inputdirectory, const std::string outputdirectory,const std::string ModelDirectoryName);

//Load perfusion data into vector and matrix
template<class PerfusionImageType, class ImageType>
VariableSizeMatrixType LoadPerfusionData(typename ImageType::Pointer maskImagePointerNifti, typename PerfusionImageType::Pointer perfImagePointerNifti, std::vector< typename ImageType::IndexType> &indices);

PerfusionMapType CombineAndCalculatePerfusionPCA(PerfusionMapType PerfusionDataMap, VariableSizeMatrixType &TransformationMatrix, VariableLengthVectorType &MeanVector, vtkSmartPointer<vtkTable> &ReducedPCAs);
PerfusionMapType CombineAndCalculatePerfusionPCA(PerfusionMapType PerfusionDataMap, VariableSizeMatrixType &TransformationMatrix, VariableLengthVectorType &MeanVector, vtkSmartPointer<vtkTable> &ReducedPCAs, vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> &variance);
VariableSizeMatrixType ColumnWiseScaling(VariableSizeMatrixType inputdata);

PerfusionMapType CombineAndCalculatePerfusionPCAForTestData(PerfusionMapType PerfusionDataMap, VariableSizeMatrixType &TransformationMatrix, VariableLengthVectorType &MeanVector);

//write vtk array
void WritevtkArray(vtkDoubleArray* inputdata, std::string filepath);

//determine # PCs
int DetermineNumberOfPCs(vtkSmartPointer<vtkDoubleArray> variance);

//setter for Variance theshold
void SetVarianceThreshold(float threshold);

//setter for number of PCA images to produce
void SetNumberOfPCs(int pcs);

//setter to request intermediate perfusion data for whole population
void RequestPerfusionDataWholePopulation(bool request);

//sort and arrange valid input data
void SortValidSubjectsFromGivenDirectory(const std::string directoryname);

//check if there are any valid subjects in input data
bool HasValidSubjects();

int m_TotalTimePoints = 0;

//map of subject id to tuple of vector of mask indices and matrix of perfusion pixel data
//size of perfusion data map is equal to the number of subjects
PerfusionMapType m_PerfusionDataMap;

float m_VarianceThreshold = 0.0;
int m_NumberOfPCs = 0;
bool m_VarianceThresholdDefined = false;
bool m_NumberOfPCsDefined = false;
bool m_PerfusionDataForWholePopulationRequested = false;

//vector of valid subjects in input
std::vector<std::map<CAPTK::ImageModalityType, std::string>> m_ValidSubjectList;

template<class PerfusionImageType, class ImageType>
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