Table of contents CIT Python Cloud Software Engineering week one What is Python Python Syntax variables Numbers / Integers week Two Control Flow Statements If Statements For Loops While Loops Break and Continue Statements Operators Assignment Operators Arithmetic Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators Relational Operators Bitwise Operators Identity Operators Membership Operators Data Types Strings Numbers Booleans Lists Dictionaries Tuples Sets Week 3 Functions Function Arguments Python Recursion Python Anonymous/Lambda Function Object Oriented Programming Classes Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation Python Modules Python Packages Python Built-in Modules Python Standard Library Python Third Party Modules Python Exceptions Python Try Except Python Raise Python Assert Python User-defined Exceptions Week 4 Python File Handling Week6 Data Structures and Algorithms DSA Introduction What is an Algorithm? Data Structures and Types Stack Queue Linked List Bubble Sort Algorithm Selection Sort Algorithm Insertion Sort Algorithm Merge Sort Algorithm Quick Sort Algorithm Week8 Cryptography Reverse Cipher Caesar Cipher Hash Functions Applications of Hash Functions Examples of Hash Functions Assignments and Solutions Loops