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Releases: CJNE/ha-myenergi

Version 0.0.12

13 Sep 08:01
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  • Added two new sensors to the hub device: voltage_grid and frequency_grid
  • Updated pymyenergi version

Version 0.0.11

08 Sep 13:56
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  • Changed units of power sensors from Wh to kWh
  • Changed the term diverted to green (existing sensors will become stale, remove them manually)
  • Added CT group power sensors (for 3 phase installs)

Version 0.0.10

07 Sep 12:48
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Bugfix: tried to access eddi ct's that don't exist

Version 0.0.9

07 Sep 12:30
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  • Fetch history data from local day start (previously it was UTC day start)

Version 0.0.8

07 Sep 10:36
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Bugfix, fixed eddi bug.
New since 0.0.6:
This release brings in energy sensors that are directly useable in the energy dashboard!
For the hub device the following sensors has been added:

grid import today
grid export today
energy generated today
energy diverted today
For eddi and zappi the following sensors has been added:

energy used today
energy diverted today
for each CT attached that are not set to None there will be an energy sensor created
About the energy today sensors and how they work:
Theses sensors are reset every midnight at 00:00 UTC. This will work fine with the energy dashboard, it will keep track of counter reset for long term statistics.

Version 0.0.7

07 Sep 08:43
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This release brings in energy sensors that are directly useable in the energy dashboard!
For the hub device the following sensors has been added:

  • grid import today
  • grid export today
  • energy generated today
  • energy diverted today

For eddi and zappi the following sensors has been added:

  • energy used today
  • energy diverted today
  • for each CT attached that are not set to None there will be an energy sensor created

About the energy today sensors and how they work:
Theses sensors are reset every midnight at 00:00 UTC. This will work fine with the energy dashboard, it will keep track of counter reset for long term statistics.

Version 0.0.6

05 Sep 19:35
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  • Fixes a bug with eddi, status property was not defined (thanks @G6EJD )

Version 0.0.5

03 Sep 09:19
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  • Added entity for setting charge mode
  • Added entity for setting minimum green level
  • Fixed unit bug in grid power sensor

Version 0.0.4

02 Sep 21:34
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NOTE: This version requires Home Assistant version 2021.9 or above!

  • Added support for long term statistics
  • Added session energy sensors for Zappi and Eddi that will show in the energy dashboard
  • Improved home consumption sensor to work with batteries and ev charging
  • Added power_charging and power_battery to hub device
  • Changed entity name/id to include myenergi as prefix

Version 0.0.4-b1

02 Sep 07:40
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Version 0.0.4-b1 Pre-release

NOTE: This version requires Home Assistant version 2021.9 or above!

  • Added support for long term statistics
  • Added session energy sensors for Zappi and Eddi