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CM Messaging SDK

Packagist Packagist Travis

Note: This project is not maintained anymore. Please use instead.

PHP SDK for easy use of CM messaging services. Built with an easy syntax your SMS, Push and/or Voice messages and send them directly with the CM services.

Simple example


use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;

$message = (new \CM\Messaging\Message())
    ->setFrom('Your name/company name')
    ->setTo(['0031612345678', '0031623456789', '0031634567890'])
    ->setBody('Your message');

try {
    $adapter = new GuzzleAdapter(new GuzzleClient());
    $client  = new \CM\Messaging\Client($adapter, 'your-product-token');
    $result  = $client->send($message);
        // All messages were accepted
    } else {
        // Not all messages were accepted
} catch (\CM\Messaging\Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
    // The request failed because of an invalid value, all messages has not been send
} catch (\Http\Client\Exception\TransferException $e) {
    // Something unexpected happened



Run the following command in the root of your project to add the CM Messaging SDK to your project dependencies:

composer require cmtelecom/messaging-php


composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter

*When using an alternative HttpClient you don't have to add the Guzzle adapter dependency but it is recommended to use Guzzle. For advanced usage and other http clients you can look at


Instantiate client with your product token, which can be found on the Gateway app when you login to

$client = new \CM\Messaging\Client('your-product-token');

Building a messages

To create a message you can use an easy one-liner. The required properties are from, to and body. All others can be set optional.

use \CM\Messaging\Settings\AllowedChannel;

$message = (new \CM\Messaging\Message())
       ->setFrom('Your name/company name')
       ->setTo(['0031612345678', '0031623456789', '0031634567890'])
       ->setReference('Your message')
       ->setAllowedChannels([AllowedChannel::SMS, AllowedChannel::PUSH, AllowedChannel::VOICE])

Sending a message

After building a message you can send it as following.

$message = (new \CM\Messaging\Message())
        ->setFrom('Your name/company name')
        ->setBody('Message body');

try {
   $adapter = new GuzzleAdapter(new GuzzleClient());
   $client  = new \CM\Messaging\Client($adapter, 'your-product-token');
   $result  = $client->send($message);
} catch (\CM\Messaging\Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
   // The request failed because of an invalid value, all messages has not been send
} catch (\Http\Client\Exception\TransferException $e) {
   // Something unexpected happened

Sending a batch of messages

When you send a batch of messages, this is when you have multiple messages with different body's. You can send all of them in one request by making an array of messages. If the body is the same for all recipients you can simply add the array with the recipients phone numbers in the setTo(), you won't have to make multiple messages is this case (as shown in the simple example).

$message_1 = (new \CM\Messaging\Message())
       ->setFrom('Your name/company name')
       ->setBody('Message one');
$messages[] = $message_1;

$message_2 = (new \CM\Messaging\Message())
       ->setFrom('Your name/company name')
       ->setTo(['0031623456789', '0031634567890'])
       ->setBody('Message two');
$messages[] = $message_2; 

try {
   $adapter = new GuzzleAdapter(new GuzzleClient());
   $client  = new \CM\Messaging\Client($adapter, 'your-product-token');
   $result  = $client->send($messages);
} catch (\CM\Messaging\Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
   // The request failed because of an invalid value, all messages has not been send
} catch (\Http\Client\Exception\TransferException $e) {
   // Something unexpected happened

Handle response

After sending a message you get a response back that contains the accepted and failed messages. This way you can validate if the messages are processed as expected. You can do this for all messages or optionally add a phone number or an array of phone numbers to check those specific messages.

try {
   $result = $client->send($messages);
   // returns true if all messages are accepted
   // returns true if all messages are failed
   // returns an array with the accepted message responses
   // returns an array with the failed message responses 
} catch (\CM\Messaging\Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
   // The request failed because of an invalid value, all messages has not been send
   // Returns body contents of the response with detailed error message(s)
   $contents = $e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents());
} catch (\Http\Client\Exception\TransferException $e) {
   // Something unexpected happened

For more detailed error handling you can optionally catch RequestException, HttpException and/or NetworkException which are child's of the more generic TransferException exception.

It is also possible to retrieve the PSR-7 response, this can be done with getResponse(). The response body content can be retrieved with getResponse()->getBody()->getContents().

Advanced usage

Default properties

If you call multiple times the $client->send() method and you want certain properties for all messages send in your application you can set these properties on the $client. Properties set in the Message will still overwrite the properties set in $client.

$client = (new \CM\Messaging\Client('your-product-token'))
       ->setReference('Your reference')
       ->setAllowedChannels([AllowedChannel::SMS, AllowedChannel::PUSH, AllowedChannel::VOICE])


By default this SDK will remove duplicate phone numbers within the same message because it is assumed you don't wan't to send the exact same message twice to the same phone number at the same time. If you wan't to disable this strategy/behaviour you can add the following to you send() method.

$client->send($messages, ['strategy' => ['keep_duplicate_phone_numbers']]);

Configuration Exceptions

Exception thrown Description
InvalidConfigurationException The configuration is not valid
└ InvalidAllowedChannelException One or more AllowedChannel(s) is not a valid option
└ InvalidStrategyException One or more stratagie(s) is not a valid option

Http Exceptions

Status code Exception thrown Description
null TransferException Something unexpected happened
null RequestException The request is invalid
    └ 400-499 HttpException Client-side error
       └ 400 BadRequestException The request failed because of an invalid value, all messages has not been send
    └ 500-599 NetworkException Server-side error



Method Parameters Return
__construct() $productToken, HttpClient $httpClient void
send() array/Message $messages, array/null $parameters Response
getBodyType() BodyType
setBodyType() BodyType $bodyType $this
getDcs() int
setDcs() int $dcs $this
getReference() string
setReference() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping1() string
setCustomGrouping1() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping2() string
setCustomGrouping2() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping3() string
setCustomGrouping3() string $reference $this
getMinimumNumberOfMessageParts() int
setMinimumNumberOfMessageParts() int $minimumNumberOfMessageParts $this
getMaximumNumberOfMessageParts() int
setMaximumNumberOfMessageParts() int $minimumNumberOfMessageParts $this
getAppKey() string
setAppKey() string $appKey $this
getAllowedChannels() array
setAllowedChannels() array/AllowedChannel $allowedChannels $this
getProductToken() string


Method Parameters Return
getFrom() array
setFrom() string $from $this
getTo() array
setTo() array/string $to $this
getBody() string
setBody() string $body, BodyType/null $bodyType $this
getDcs() int
setDcs() int $dcs $this
getReference() string
setReference() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping1() string
setCustomGrouping1() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping2() string
setCustomGrouping2() string $reference $this
getCustomGrouping3() string
setCustomGrouping3() string $reference $this
getMinimumNumberOfMessageParts() int
setMinimumNumberOfMessageParts() int $minimumNumberOfMessageParts $this
getMaximumNumberOfMessageParts() int
setMaximumNumberOfMessageParts() int $minimumNumberOfMessageParts $this
getAppKey() string
setAppKey() string $appKey $this
getAllowedChannels() array
setAllowedChannels() array/AllowedChannel $allowedChannels $this
getProductToken() string


Method Parameters Return
getDetails() string
getAccepted() array/string/null $phoneNumbers array /null
isAccepted() array/string/null $phoneNumbers bool
getFailed() array/string/null $phoneNumbers array/null
isFailed() array/string/null $phoneNumbers bool
getResponse() PSR-7 Response


  • Custom grouping support