;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: Meta-aqua; Base: 10 -*-

(in-package :metaaqua)

;;;;	    The Meta-AQUA Introspective Multistrategy Learning System
;;;;				   Version 6
;;;;	     Copyright (C) 1996   Michael T. Cox   (mcox25@covad.net)
;;;;			       File: solver.lisp
;;;;	      *******************************************************
;;; This  program is  free  software; you can redistribute it and/or  modify it
;;; under the terms  of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;;; Software  Foundation;  either  version  1,  or  (at  your option) any later
;;; version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;;; ANY WARRANTY; without  even the  implied  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY  or
;;; FITNESS FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public  License for
;;; more details.
;;; You should  have received a copy of  the  GNU  General Public License along
;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675
;;; Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  In emacs type C-h C-w to view license.

;;;; RIPSAU (Robust Integrated Problem-Solving and Understanding)
;;;; VERSION 3 - Handles the Dog barks at an inanimate object anomaly.
;;;;              - Also Cops & Robbers as well as the LISP Programming
;;;               domain.
;;;; RIPSAU3 is not just a shell around McAQUA. It also redefines two of the
;;;; functions in file mcaqua4.lisp. These function are make-new-instance
;;;; instantiate-next.
;;;  This has since been revised. Function make-new-instance has long been
;;;  redesigned and put in frame.lisp as f.make-new-instance. Instantiate-next
;;;  is now only defined in this file. See old-fragments.lisp for the old versions
;;;  of the code. The old aqua4 is no longer intact. The system has merged and there
;;;  is no current code to run the story that had viewing one concept as another, etc.
;;;  [17Dec91]


;;; ||||| These really should not be dot-zero instances?
;;; These are usually attribute values. But we want them to be 
;;; constant so that when the program is run multiple times
;;; memories of a reasoner reasoning about a story refer to the
;;; same self.

(defconstant *criminal-actor* 'smuggler.0
  "The token for the terrorist smuggler.")

(defconstant *police-actor* 'authority.0
  "The token for the counter-terrorist authority.")

(defvar *current-character* nil
  "May be either the constants cop or robber.")

;;; The reasoning model for the cop.
;;; See comment for *Reasoning-Model* in file constants.lisp.
(defvar *Cop-Reasoning* nil)

;;; The reasoning model for the robber.
;;; See comment for *Reasoning-Model* in file constants.lisp.
(defvar *Robber-Reasoning* nil)

;;; The following queue is for police goals. Is copied into *Goal-Queue* when
;;; it is the officer's turn.
(defvar *Cop-Queue* nil
  "Queue of goals for the airport authorities.") 

;;; The following queue is for crook goals. Is copied into *Goal-Queue* when
;;; it is the robber's turn.
(defvar *Robber-Queue* nil
  "Queue of goals for the terrorist smuggler.")

;;; Example of an item that could be in this list is rain.
(defvar *World-Events* nil
  "List of events independent of the major characters.")


(defun toggle-current-agent-window ()
    (if (equal *aqua-window* *window1*)

;;; Function swap-perspective performs a kind of context switching
;;; between the cop and robber perspectives. If one of the queues is
;;; empty, then the swap is not  executed.
(defun swap-perspective (&optional over-ride)
  (cond ((equal *current-character* *criminal-actor*)
	   (get-model *Reasoning-Model*))
	   (list-queue *Goal-Queue*))
	 (cond ((or over-ride
		    (list-queue *Cop-Queue*))
		  (get-model *Cop-Reasoning*))
		  (list-queue *Cop-Queue*))
		(setf *current-character*
	((equal *current-character*
	   (get-model *Reasoning-Model*))
	   (list-queue *Goal-Queue*))
	 (cond ((or over-ride
		    (list-queue *Robber-Queue*))
		  (get-model *Robber-Reasoning*))
		  (list-queue *Robber-Queue*))
		(setf *current-character*
	   "ERROR: swap-perspective.")))
;;; (send *aqua-window*
;;;   :set-reverse-video-p t)  


;;; Initialize the authority's goals.
(defun init-police ()
  (f.put! *nil*
		   (,*domain-slot* (,*value-facet* ,*police-actor*))
		   (,*co-domain-slot* (,*value-facet* ,*criminal-actor*)))

;;; Initialize the smuggler's goals.
(defun init-smuggler ()
  (f.put! *nil*
		   (,*domain-slot* (,*value-facet* (explosives)))
		   (,*co-domain-slot* (,*value-facet* (nation))))

;;; Initialize the previous smuggling plan.
;;; Called by init-aqua.
;;; |||||Note that by calling f.make-new-instance the frame
;;; is NOT marked as being a predefined instance as would
;;; f.instantiate-instance.
(defun init-smuggling-plan (mode)
  (let ((old-plan (f.make-new-instance
    (f.unify (f.get old-plan *actor-slot*)
	     (if (action-mode-p mode)
    (f.unify (f.get old-plan 'object)
	     (f.instantiate-instance explosives))
;    (f.put! 'true.0
;	    old-plan
;	    'success)

(defun init-bust-plan (mode)
  (let ((old-plan (f.make-new-instance
    (f.unify (f.get old-plan *actor-slot*)
	     (if (action-mode-p mode)
    (f.unify (f.get old-plan 'object)
	     (f.instantiate-instance smuggler))
;    (f.put! 'true.0
;	    old-plan
;	    'success)

;;;           (will become three, right?)

;;;; Problem Identification Phase

;;; Function to notice opportunities to carry out a previously
;;; suspended plan or action because favorable conditions have
;;; arisen, or the goal has already been satisfied. This function
;;; also notices when implicit goals to understand an event in the
;;; world (perception-goals) and explicit goals to understand whether
;;; actions meet one's expectations (feedback-goals) are the same. If
;;; so, unify the two. It also needs to be able to recognize the
;;; conditions under which background or adjunct plans apply. Thus
;;; when anonymity is in danger of being lost (in the cops & robber
;;; domain), the noticer (smuggler) must trigger a response (by
;;; raising the priority of the goal?).
;;; ||||| Maybe this should be called by a potential-solution-p predicate.
;;; See function do-plan.
(defun notice (concept current-goal world-model)
  ;; Dumb kludge of unification mentioned in above comments.
  (cond ((equal
	     (f.get current-goal
	     (f.get (second (list-queue *Goal-Queue*))
	 (remove-item *Goal-Queue*)		; The first item IS current-goal
	 (remove-item *Goal-Queue*)		; Remove the equivalent goal.
	 (add-item current-goal *Goal-Queue*))	; Put current-goal back on as first.
	(t  nil))

(defun go-thru-motion (concept id-node w-goal)

(defun formulate-problem (concept w-goal)
  ;; Post goal to generate a solution.
    (make-goal-state 'generate
    ;; ||||| NOTE that this is not really an achievement-goal
    ;; but it is in the service of one. If we make it a knowledge-
    ;; acquisition-goal the control passes to do-understand. Fix later.

(defun exists-primitive-p (concept)

;;; If the goal-state can be accomplished by a trivial (primitive)
;;; action, then perform the action without much "thought".
;;; Otherwise pose a problem by forming the goal to solve it.
;;; NOTE that the logic is backwards compared to the strategy-
;;; decision for question-identification. If there is a primitive the
;;; system lightly processes the concept, whereas in the question-
;;; identification if there does not exist a reason the system skims.
(defun pr.strategy-decision (decision-basis concept)
  (let ((primitive (exists-primitive-p concept))
	(k-state (f.instantiate-frame
    (f.put-all!					; Note that believed-item slot is bound to co-domain.
      (or primitive		  
	  (list 'noprimitive nil))
      (list k-state)
    (if primitive

(defun pr.runstrategy (id-node choice concept w-goal)
  (f.unify (f.get id-node 'main-result)
	 (f.instantiate-frame outcome))
  (case choice
      (f.put! (list (formulate-problem
	      (f.get id-node 'main-result)
      (go-thru-motion concept id-node w-goal)
    ( t (format *aqua-window* "ERROR: unknown pr-strategy - ~s." choice)))

(defun identify-problem (w-goal id-node)
  (f.unify (pr.runstrategy
	   (f.unify (f.get id-node 'strategy-choice)
		    (return-decision-basis id-node)
		    (goal-state w-goal)))
	   (goal-state w-goal)
	 (f.get id-node 'strategy-execution))

;;;; Plan Generation Phase

;;; Function get-plan-from-node retrieves the plan using the index
;;; stored in the decision-basis. It unifies it with the item wanted
;;; in the trace-meta-xp. (REWRITE).
(defun get-plan-from-node (problem plan-node w-goal)
  (let* ((first-belief
	     (return-decision-basis plan-node)))
    (f.unify (f.chase-path

;;; Function remember-plan is akin to memory-based planning.  Since the
;;; system has already decided on this strategy, the plan is assumed to
;;; be located on the d-c-node passed to the function. Function
;;; get-plan-from-node is called to retrieve it. Support goals are
;;; added to the goal queu if there exist any in the gen-goals slot of
;;; the plan. Then the individual plan steps are marked as HVQs as if
;;; the plan represents an answer to the question 'What is the solution
;;; to the problem?' Finally a goal is spawned to evaluate the plan.
;;; ||||| Problem will always be a goal-object?
(defun remember-plan (problem plan-node w-goal)
  (let ((new-plan (get-plan-from-node problem plan-node w-goal)))
    ;; When we set these additional goals,
    ;; we need to establish the backpointers 
    ;; to the new-plan.
;    (with-character-style (*Style*)
	"~%~%Retrieving plan for concept ~s~%"
	"~%Produced plan: ~s.~%"
;      )
;    ;; For each scene in the list, post a plan to want it accomplished.
;    (dolist (each-scene (f.get new-plan 'scenes))
;      (spawn-goal *current-character*
;		  (make-goal-state 'wants
;				   *current-character*
;				   each-scene)
;		  'achievement-goal
;		  'seven.0))
    (dolist (each-goal (f.get new-plan 'gen-goals))
      (add-item each-goal *Goal-Queue*))
    ;; Make each step of the plan a HVQ on the proposed anwser to the problem.
    (let ((plan-steps (f.get new-plan 'scenes)))
      (dolist (each-step plan-steps)
	(add-hvq each-step new-plan)
      (f.put plan-steps new-plan *hvqs-slot*)))
    (mark-as-question new-plan *hypothesized-in*)
    ;; Post goal to verify plan/solution.
      (goal-actor w-goal)
	(goal-actor w-goal)

(defun plan-from-scratch (problem w-goal)
    "~%Dummy execute of function plan-from-scratch.~%")

(defun p.strategy-decision (decision-basis problems)
  (do-break p.strategy-decision)
  (let ((new-plan (first (retrieve-memory
    (cond (new-plan
	   (let ((k-state (f.instantiate-frame
	     (f.unify (f.instantiate-frame
			`(index			;|||||| Need to add memory-item etc.?
			   (type (,*value-facet* plan-type.0))
			   (domain (,*value-facet* ,problems))
			   (co-domain (,*value-facet* ,new-plan))
			   (relation (,*value-facet* ,problems))
			   (memory-item (,*value-facet* ,new-plan))))
	     (f.put! (list k-state)

(defun p.runstrategy (plan-node choice problem w-goal)
  (f.unify (f.get plan-node 'main-result)
	 (f.instantiate-frame outcome))
  (case choice
      (f.put! (list (plan-from-scratch problem w-goal))
	      (f.get plan-node 'main-result)
      (f.put! (list (remember-plan
	      (f.get plan-node 'main-result)
      (suspend-task problem w-goal)
    ( t (print "ERROR: unknown p-strategy." )))

(defun generate-plan (w-goal plan-node)
  ;; ||||| The following code is currently dependent on the order of parameters.
  (f.unify (p.runstrategy
	     (f.unify (f.get plan-node 'strategy-choice)
			(return-decision-basis plan-node)
			(goal-state w-goal)))
	     (goal-state w-goal)
	   (f.get plan-node 'strategy-execution))
  ;; ||||| The following comes from generate-hypothesis. Will we need something similar?
  ;; Do we need a main-plan slot in a Trace-Meta-XP?
    (car (return-result plan-node))
    (processing-trace w-goal)

;;;; Evaluation Phase

;;; To evaluate a plan, Meta-AQUA currently (12 Jul 93) tries to run it.
;;; To run it the system calls do-action on the plan. This function
;;; calls function perform-next-scene on each plan step, spawning a new
;;; goal to understand the resultant action at each step's execution.

;;; Function execute-in-world simulates the world independently of the
;;; agents expectations, knowledge (agents know only subset of the
;;; world, and some of that is perhaps incorrect), or desires (goals).
;;; Note that the results of the event may not all be apparent to the
;;; agent, even after the event.
;;; |||||Very hacked right now. [29 may 93]
;;; The world itself gives the agent the goal of comprehending changes
;;; and actions that occur. Careful though since this is a situated
;;; point of view.
;;; ||||| But how to notice when the world produces a different result
;;; than expected??? The goal the world spawns will be simply to
;;; understand the next input, and the input will be different.
(defun execute-in-world (event)
      (goal-actor w-goal)
	(goal-actor w-goal)
;;; 			   w-goal
;  (if (f.get scene 'main-result)
;      (set-model
;	*World-Model*
;	(cons (f.get scene 'main-result)
;	      (get-model *World-Model*))))
  (cond ((equal (frame-type event)
	 (let ((alternative-solution
		 (f.instantiate-frame recursive-add1nums-defun)))
;	   (with-character-style (*Style*)
	       "~%LISP simulator provides alternative solution ~s~%"
;	     )
	       (get-model *World-Model*)))))
;  (case mode
;    (act-out-story
;      )
;    (read-story
;      )
;    (LISP-programming
;      (case (frame-type event)
;	(run-program
;	  )))
;    )

;;; Kludge for the moment.  
(defun do-scene (scene w-goal)
  (do-break do-scene)
  (let ((goal-agent (goal-actor w-goal)))
;    (with-character-style (*Style*)
	"~%Actor ~s performs act ~s~%"
	"~%and expects result ~s~%"
	(f.get scene 'main-result))
;      )
    (execute-in-world scene)

;;; Any scene already performed will have its success slot
;;; marked true or false by the understanding task. Of
;;; course this depends on their being no value when the
;;; scene is initially instantiated.
(defun has-performed-scene-p (scene)
  (let ((success-val
	  (f.get scene 'success)))
    (or (equal

;;; To perform the next scene we find the first scene in
;;; the scene-list which has not already been executed and
;;; then call do-scene.
(defun get-next-unexecuted-scene (scene-list)
  (do-break get-next-unexecuted-scene)
  (cond ((null scene-list)
	   (first scene-list))
	   (rest scene-list))))

;;; Perform each scene with their preconditions met until reaching
;;; one not met. For each scene performed, post a goal to understand
;;; the outcome of the action. Finally it does it. Check that it
;;; meets the actions expectations, i.e, it produces the main-result
;;; if the action is a mop.
;;; ||||| What should the function be returning?  Whatever it is will
;;; be placed in the main-result slot of the verify d-c-node.
;;; However, we will not know if the plan was successful until we
;;; know whether or not the main plan goal was successful. There will
;;; be lots of baggage to do this, but it will be somewhat like was
;;; done with the main-results slot of the generate d-c-node after
;;; the suspended goal was resumed during understanding. Do not
;;; forget that the main-result slot will have to be made *nil*
;;; before the f.unify is called
(defun do-action (plan w-goal)
  (do-break do-action)
  (let* ((current-step
	     (f.get plan 'scenes))))
    (cond (current-step
	   ;; |||||The following is a temporary kludge. 24 May 93
	   ;; Should do this later when sure that step was successful.
	   (f.put! 'true.0
	   ;; Need to include the larger context.
	       (goal-actor w-goal)
		 (goal-actor w-goal)
;;; 			   w-goal
	   ;; Here is where the system should verify that the expected main-result of the
	   ;; plan was indeen the actual result in the world.
	   ;; |||||Mark action as successful or not? Clean-up rituals anyhow.
	   (f.get plan 'main-result))))

;;; No replanning yet.
(defun replan (plan w-goal)

(defun preconditions-met (plan)

;;; At the current time (12 Jul 93) all plans will be enabled for
;;; execution; no preconditions will not be met since the predicate
;;; will always return true.
(defun e.strategy-decision (decision-basis plan)
  (if (preconditions-met plan)

(defun e.runstrategy (eval-node choice plan w-goal)
  (f.unify (f.get eval-node 'main-result)
	 (f.instantiate-frame outcome))
  (case choice
      (f.put! (list (do-action plan w-goal))
	      (f.get eval-node 'main-result)
      (f.put! (list (replan plan w-goal))
	      (f.get eval-node 'main-result)
      (suspend-task plan w-goal)
    (t (print "ERROR: unknown e-strategy." ))))

(defun evaluate (w-goal eval-node)
  ;; ||||| The following code is currently dependent on the order of parameters.
	(f.get eval-node 'strategy-choice)
	  (return-decision-basis eval-node)
	  (goal-state w-goal)))
      (goal-state w-goal)
    (f.get eval-node 'strategy-execution))


;;; ||||| Check to see whether the spawning of goals are done right.
;;; On input the calling function, dispatch-world-goal, assures that
;;; the w-goal is for the system to want some state.
;;; Function boot-wanting is the routine to handle world goals in the
;;; dispatch call of function plan-about. It spawns a goal to
;;; identify any problems concerning the desired goal-state of the
;;; w-goal if there is no plan yet, otherwise it spawns a goal to
;;; test the plan.
(defun boot-wanting (w-goal)
  (let ((current-actor (goal-actor w-goal)))
    (if (or
	  (equal (frame-type (f.get w-goal 'backptr))
	  (equal (frame-type (f.get w-goal 'backptr))
		 'plan))			; then this plan is not instantiated yet.	
	;; Post goal to identify the problem.
	    (goal-state w-goal))
	  ;; ||||| NOTE that this is not really an achievement-goal but it is in the
	  ;; service of one. If we make it a knowledge-acquisition-goal the control
	  ;; passes to do-understand. Fix later.
	;; Otherwise post goal to test the instantiated plan.
	  (make-goal-state 'test
				 (processing-trace w-goal)
		    ;; (goal-state w-goal))
	  ;; ||||| NOTE that this is not really an achievement-goal either.

;;; Function dispatch-world-goal calls particular reasoning functions
;;; depending on the type of goal-object in the knowledge goal.  It
;;; returns a phase identifier that corresponds to the goal-object
;;; type. The counterpart function in the understanding process is
;;; dispatch-knowledge-goal.
(defun dispatch-world-goal (w-goal d-c-node)
  (case (frame-type (goal-object w-goal))
      (boot-wanting w-goal)
      (identify-problem w-goal d-c-node)
      (generate-plan w-goal d-c-node)
      (evaluate w-goal d-c-node)
      ;; A f.unify is performed on goal-target internally to function review.
      ;; Thus we need to make sure that it remains bound to the proper frame.
      (learn w-goal d-c-node)
    ( t
       "ERROR: unknown goal type in function dispatch-world-goal.")

;;; Old Control:
;;; (defun plan-about (concept)
;;;   (p.learn-about    
;;;     (evaluate 
;;;       (generate-plan 
;;;         (identify-problem concept)))))
(defun plan-about (w-goal)
  (let* ((d-c-node (gen-d-c-node w-goal)) 
	 (phase (dispatch-world-goal
    (if (and phase
	     (not (equal phase 'wants)))
	(let ((which-tmxp
		(if (equal phase 'review)
		    (goal-state w-goal)
	    (f.get which-tmxp phase))
	  (f.put! (f.make-relation
		    which-tmxp phase)

;;; Function solve-old-problems is the parallel of function
;;; answer-old-questions. The new input has signalled an object which may
;;; potentially aid in the achievement of an old suspended world-goal.
;;; |||||| This remains to be worked on.
(defun solve-old-problems (solution problems)
    "~%Entering solve-old-problems with nothing in it.~%")

;;; Look for opportunities to resume previously suspended planning
;;; tasks. If the opportunity does not exist then we call plan-about.
;;; This parallels the function do-understand.  Or, on the other
;;; hand, do we call the Noticer here?
(defun do-plan (w-goal)
  (let* ((goal-target (goal-state w-goal))
	     (is-goal-object-p 'wants w-goal)
	     ;; ||||| Should have potential-solution-p predicate calling notice instead?
	     (notice goal-target
		     (get-model *World-Model*)))))
    (cond (old-problems
;	   (with-character-style (*Style*)
	       "~%~%Input triggers reminding of old problem:~%  ~s~%"
;	     )
	   (plan-about w-goal)