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Finding Where Your Code Spends Time

Performance Troubleshooting and Profiling

Rules of Engagement


Activities where participants all actively work to foster an environment which encourages participation across experience levels, coding language fluency, technology choices*, and scientific disciplines.

*though sometimes we try to expand your options

Rules of Engagement

  • Avoid discussions between a few people on a narrow topic
  • Provide time for people who haven't spoken to speak/ask questions
  • Provide time for experts to share wisdom and discuss
  • Work together to make discussions accessible to novices
(These will always be a work in progress and will be updated, clarified, or expanded as needed.)

Zoom Specific

  • If comfortable, please keep video on so we can all see each other's faces.
  • OK to break in for quick, clarifying questions.
  • Use Raise Hand feature for new topics or for more in-depth questions.
  • Please stay muted if not speaking. (Host may mute you.)
  • We are recording. Link will be posted on #sciware Slack.
  • Please keep questions for the speaker in the Zoom chat.

Future Sessions

  • Suggest topics and vote on options in #sciware Slack

Today's agenda

  • Intro
  • Time
  • Python
  • Julia
  • C/C++

Profiling Intro

Dylan Simon


  • We always want everything to take less time
  • Need a way to define "less". And quantify "time".
  • It's easy to figure out how much time something takes... right?

"Wall time"

  • Useful baseline measure
  • Can compare changes (algorithms, dependencies, architectures, anything...)
  • What if it takes weeks? (Or milliseconds?)
    • Wall time is a noisy measure (system, scheduling, filesystem, network overhead)
  • Which parts take time?

Time units

  • "Wall time" = time
  • "CPU time" = cpu cores * time
    • Multiple threads
    • 1 core for 1 second + 8 cores for 5 seconds + 1 core for 2 seconds = 43 cpu seconds, 8 wall seconds
    • "CPU hours": cluster usage (allocated, may be idle), 130k cores = 1.1B cpu hours/year
  • \( \frac{\textsf{CPU time}}{\textsf{Wall time}} = \textsf{%CPU} \) (average number of cores used)


  • Tools to break down which parts of your code take time
    • Program: entire run of executable
    • Function: time how long each function takes, how many times
    • Line of code
    • Machine instruction
  • Each of these might run multiple times
    • total time, number of executions, average time/execution


  • Is this what I expected?
    • Is this part running too many times?
    • Do the counts make sense (think about loops, sanity check)?
    • Are unexpected parts slow?
  • Is this necessary?
  • Can this be faster?
  • Calculation has to take time...

Bite-sized pieces

  • Break calculations into smaller pieces
    • Smaller data sets, fewer iterations
  • Profiling doesn't require getting results, just running code
  • Can use smaller profiling results to infer longer run times (multiply!)
  • Code when observed... runs slower

Simple timing

Jeff Soules

Smallest and largest scales

  • time utility -- program timing
  • timeit (Python) -- testing small Python snippets
  • Rest of session focuses on tools in the middle


  • System utility installed in /usr/bin/time or /bin/time
    • NOT the same as time (a shell built-in)
  • Used to time whole program execution
  • Reports real, user, sys times
  • "The Beginning and End of profiling"

Calling time

  • Use as $ /usr/bin/time -p EXECUTABLE
  • Examples drawn from sciware repo sciware/19_Profiling/python_example/

So on my laptop:

$ /usr/bin/time -p src/sciware/19_Profiling/python_example/

What time shows

  • real = wall time
  • user = time executing YOUR code
  • sys = time in operating system calls
  • real likely isn't user + sys

What time doesn't show

  • Only measures your process, not child threads/processes
  • Does not tell you why
  • (More sophisticated tools exist to help with this)

Selected examples

  • Startup cost for first run of Python interpreter

Selected examples

  • Subprocesses not captured

- Workstation worse than laptop?

Understanding time

  • Need to look at context!
    • System load? (htop!)
    • Hardware issues? (iowait)
    • Memory? (garbage collection, swapping, cache...)
    • Concurrency/system interactions? (network latency...)
    • etc
  • Complexity does not go away just because you put it in a black-box


  • Python utility for testing small snippets of code
  • Command-line or in-script use
  • Runs small snippets until ~0.2 s has passed
    • Smooths out statistical anomalies or startup costs
  • Great for A/B testing, optimizing small decisions

How to timeit

timeit output

  • Number of times your code sample was run, per trial (100000 loops)
  • Number of trials (5, because best of 5)
  • The average speed per loop of the fastest trial (sec, msec, usec...)

A/B Testing

  • Compare two versions of the same code

- Left version (loops): ~80 microsec/loop - Right version (numpy): ~320 usec/loop - Numpy's not faster????


Vector manipuations with built-in arrays and explicit loops:

python -m timeit "
a = range(100)
b = range(99, -1, -1)
c = []
for x, index in enumerate(a):
  c.append(x + b[index])
d = []
for x in a:
  d.append(6 * x)
print(c, file=sys.stderr)
print(d, file=sys.stderr)


The same vector manipulations with numpy arrays:

python -m timeit "
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(100)
b = np.arange(99, -1, -1)
c = a + b
d = 6 * a
print(c, file=sys.stderr)
print(d, file=sys.stderr)

I/O Makes A Difference

print(d, file=sys.stderr)
" 2>/dev/null
  • Suppress screen printing by adding 2>/dev/null
    • loop version now: ~30 usec/loop (down from 80)
    • numpy version now: ~260 usec/loop (down from 320)
  • I/O time is non-negligible! (Observation affects results)

Use Representative Data

  • Increase the number ranges to 1 million instead of 100
    • loop version now takes ~300 msec/loop (vs 30 usec)
    • numpy version now takes ~3 msec/loop (vs 300 usec)
    • numpy now 100x faster than loop
  • Test cases need to be representative of data

Small Changes, Big Effects

  • Remove the print statements entirely?
    • loop version now ~17 usec/loop
    • numpy version now ~2 usec/loop (!)
    • (Converting numpy arrays to strings is really expensive!)

Complexity Never Goes Away

Complexity Never Goes Away

  • Basic tools are useful but tricky
  • Details count! (implementation & context)
  • Next up: some tools that help dive into complexity

Python profiling

Robert Blackwell (SCC)

  • Premature optimization is the root of all evil -- Donald Knuth


  • Example script is in sciware/19_profiling/python_example/
  • To follow along, you'll python3 with numpy, snakeviz, and line-profiler
  • A local display (or X forwarding) is needed for snakeviz, though this is a minor part
  • Due to the nature of profiling, your results may vary significantly from your local machine and the cluster used in this presentation
  • On an FI machine (or use conda/pip to install packages):
module load python
source ~rblackwell/envs/sciware_19/bin/activate

Python CPU profilers

Way too many to choose from, with different costs and benefits

  • cProfile/profile (built-in and our focus today)
  • line-profiler
  • scalene
  • pyFlame
  • py-spy
  • Palanteer

cProfile - a python staple

  • Deterministic (hits every function)
  • Typically moderate overhead
  • No programmer setup cost - just works
  • No full call stack information (hard to tell what called what)
  • Great for a quick overview of where your program is spending time

Let's try it out!

  • sciware/19_profiling/python_example/

Julia profiling

James Smith (CCQ)


  • All examples are in sciware/19_profiling/julia_example
  • To follow along you'll need Julia and the following Julia packages:
    • BenchmarkTools
    • PProf
    • FlameGraphs
    • FileIO
  • You can install them by running install_prereqs.jl

Using @time Pt. 1

  • Array/Matrix/Tensor memory access matters

function copy_cols(x::Vector{Float64})
    n = size(x, 1)
    out = zeros(Float64, n, n)
    for i = 1:n
        out[:, i] = x

function copy_rows(x::Vector{Float64})
    n = size(x, 1)
    out = zeros(Float64, n, n)
    for i = 1:n
        out[i, :] = x

Using @time Pt. 2

  • To run the comparison, we can do the following:
function main()
    N = Int(1e4)
    x = randn(N)

    println("Copying vector to columns")
    @time copy_cols(x)
    println("Copying vector to rows")
    @time copy_rows(x)

Using @time Pt. 3

➜  julia 01_timer.jl 
Copying vector to columns
  0.354818 seconds (2 allocations: 762.939 MiB, 1.12% gc time)
Copying vector to rows
  1.033734 seconds (2 allocations: 762.939 MiB, 3.08% gc time)

Using @profile Pt. 1

function add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
    x_new = x .+ 3.0
    return x_new

function add_prealloc!(x::Vector{Float64})
    x .+= 3.0

Using @profile Pt. 2

  • To run the comparison, we can do the following:
function main()
    x = zeros(10)

    println("\nShowing the profiling info")
    @profile (
        for i = 1:1e7
    Profile.print(format = :tree, maxdepth = 12)


Using @profile Pt. 3

Showing the profiling info
Overhead ╎ [+additional indent] Count File:Line; Function
   ╎398 @Base/client.jl:495; _start()
   ╎ 398 @Base/client.jl:292; exec_options(opts::Base.JLOptions)
   ╎  398 @Base/Base.jl:418; include(mod::Module, _path::String)
   ╎   398 @Base/loading.jl:1253; _include(mapexpr::Function, mod::Module, _path::String)
   ╎    398 @Base/loading.jl:1196; include_string(mapexpr::typeof(identity), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
   ╎     398 @Base/boot.jl:373; eval
 12╎    ╎ 12  ...ojects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:5; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
  4╎    ╎ 4   ...ojects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:7; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
  1╎    ╎ 1   ...ojects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:10; add_prealloc!(x::Vector{Float64})
   ╎    ╎ 381 ...ojects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:38; main()
   ╎    ╎  381 ...k-src/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Profile/src/Profile.jl:28; macro expansion
  7╎    ╎   332 ...jects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:40; macro expansion
  3╎    ╎    3   @Base/simdloop.jl:0; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
 10╎    ╎    10  ...jects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:5; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
   ╎    ╎    311 ...jects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:6; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
  1╎    ╎    1   ...jects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:7; add_no_prealloc(x::Vector{Float64})
  2╎    ╎   49  ...jects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:41; macro expansion
   ╎    ╎    41  ...ects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:11; add_prealloc!(x::Vector{Float64})
  6╎    ╎    6   ...ects/sciware/19_Profiling/julia_example/02_profiling.jl:12; add_prealloc!(x::Vector{Float64})
Total snapshots: 800

Using PProf Pt. 1

function complicated_func()
    # Pick parameters for our function
    p = [0.1, -0.5, 0.42, -3, 0.01, -0.2]
    n = 2000000
    # Setting up our data
    x = LinRange(0, 10, n)
    y = zeros(length(x))
    for i = 1:length(p)
        y .+= p[i] * x .^ i
    # Add some noise
    y .+= rand(n) * 0.01
    # Setup X for solving
    X = zeros(Float64, (length(x), length(p)))
    for i = 1:length(p)
        X[:, i] = x .^ i
    # Solve  Xβ=y
    β = X \ y
    error = (β - p) / norm(p)
    println("Relative error in coefficients ", error)

Using PProf Pt. 2

  • Use @profile to collect information about our function of interest (complicated_func())
  • Save to a file _03_profile_data.jlprof
function main()

    @profile complicated_func()
    Profile.print(format = :tree, maxdepth = 9)

    # Save the data for later
    save("_03_profile_data.jlprof", Profile.retrieve()...)


Using PProf Pt. 3

  • Open the Julia REPL (like a shell)
  • Load the data
  • Using pprof() to analyze the profiling data
julia> using PProf, FlameGraphs, FileIO
julia> data = load("_03_profile_data.jlprof")
julia> g = flamegraph(data[1]; lidict=data[2])
julia> pprof(g)

Using PProf Pt. 3

Using PProf Pt. 4

  • Now we can examine the lines one-by-one!

Julia Wrap-Up

  • Check out the examples in the sciware repo for even more details!

C/C++ profiling

with gprof

Dylan Simon


  • Compile and link all files with -g -pg
  • Better to disable optimization (no -O)
  • Works with gcc, g++, gfortran, clang, clang++


  • Run your program normally to produce gmon.out
  • GMON_OUT_PREFIX=foo ./myprog produces foo.PID
  • Program must not be killed/crash
  • Analyze with: gprof myprog gmon.out


  • Two implementations of a table (selected by #define):
    • Dense array
    • Sparse unordered_map



  • Only functions compiled with profiling included in report, timing
  • Consider memory vs. time tradeoffs
    • Sometimes using more memory can allow faster approaches
    • (Our nodes have a lot of memory)


  • oprofile (full system)
  • vtune (processor stats, Sciware 2020-Jun-18 recording)
  • ...
  • what do you use?

