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Poster Example 2
This is an example from this poster.
Obtaining the data for this isn't as straight-forward as the other example. The data is available at the UCSC Genome Browser's Table Browser page. Make the following selections there:
Then click "get output". Then on the next page, you'll make the following selections:
and click "get custom track in file". Finally, you'll massage the data slightly, make it into a bigWig, then run the bwtool. In order to make it a bigWig file, you'll need a file with the chromosome sizes. This can be found in the UCSC download server (although it's among the "Annotation database" tables in a file in this directory called chromInfo.txt.gz). This will also need to be modified slightly.
zcat schnurri.wig | sed '/^track/d;/^#/d' > schnurri.wig
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/dm3/database/chromInfo.txt.gz
zcat chromInfo.txt.gz | cut -f-2 > dros-chroms.sizes
wigToBigWig schnurri.wig dros-chroms.sizes schnurri.bw
bwtool chromgraph schnurri.bw schnurri.cg
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $0; print $1, $2+1, "0.0";}' schnurri.cg > schnurri.p1.cg
At this point, it's ready to upload at the UCSC Genome Graphs page. Here, you will click "upload", fill in the form, go to "Choose file", then finally click "submit":