An API for the MoonBoard website, allowing access to problems.
In the future it will allow creating of problems and accessing user information.
// Create a new session:
var session = MoonBoard{}
// Login - auth response will be stored as part of the session
err := session.Login("Username", "Password")
// Create a query using the builder
builder := query.New()
query, _ := builder.Filter(query.Benchmarks).MinGrade(query.SixAPlus).Build()
// Use the session and query to return a slice of Problems
problems, err := moonBoardSession.GetProblems(query)
Build the command line tool using:
go build .\cmd\cli\main.go
Then run it using the following, to list the options use the --help flag
.\main.go --help
.\main.go -login -user username -pass password -hs os,a,b -f Benchmarks
To run unit tests use the following command from the root directory, it will run all tests:
go test ./...
Run godoc:
godoc -http=":<port>"
Then visit localhost: and you can navigate to the docs for the package