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Installing Python 3 and Python ACT R on your Machine

githubjimmyd edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 14 revisions

Getting Python ACT-R Running on Your Computer

Running Python ACT-R with Google Colab (work in progress)

Check to see if you have Python3 installed on your machine

To check to see if you already have Python ACT-R on your computer, search for this file:

If it's there, you probably already have it installed. (To search for a file, on Windows hit the windows key, and on Mac hold down the command key and hit space. Then, type whatever filename you're searching for.)

Install Python on your system (Python is a programming language). Make sure it's Python 3. To do that, go to the command line (How do I get a command line?) and type

python3 --version

If it returns some version of Python 3, such as Python 3.9.1, then you already have the right version of Python installed on your machine, and you can skip to the installing Python ACT-R part. Please note that this version of Python ACT-R does not run on Python 3.11 or higher.

Installing Python3 on your machine.

There are two ways to do it. If you're an experienced programmer, use the pip instruction below. Else you can direct download, which will be described after.

Here is a link to instructions on how to install Python:

Installing Python on Windows

On Windows you can check to see if you have the right version or Python by going to the command prompt (How do I get a command line?) and typing

python --version

If the version is 2, you should upgrade to version 3.

If you go to the Python Windows download page, you can install the windows installer. You might have to restart the computer to get it to take.

Installing Python on a Mac

You can check to see if you have the right version or Python by going to the terminal (command-space; type 'terminal'; hit enter) and typing

python3 --version

If you only have version 2, you should upgrade to version 3.

If you go to the Python Mac download page, you can install the Mac installer. You might have to restart the computer to get it to take.

Now you're going to want to make Python3 your default python when you use the 'python' command. See instructions here

Installing Python ACT-R on Your Computer

There are two ways to install Python ACT-R on your computer: by using pip and by downloading the code to a directory.

Installing Python ACT-R with pip

Once Python 3 is installed, go to a command line (How do I get a command line?).


pip install python_actr

If that doesn't work, try

pip3 install python_actr

Installing Python ACT-R with a Direct Download

Make a folder on your hard drive for Python ACT-R. For safe backup, make sure it's in the cloud somewhere, like in your Dropbox folder.

Go to the github for Python ACT-R. or (Jim: Which one is better for the tutorial?)

Now you're going to download the zip file for the CCM Suite. CCM Stands for the "Common Cognitive Model."

  1. To do this, click the green “clone or download” button
  2. Select “download zip”
  3. Save it in the Python ACT-R folder you created. It can work on the desktop, too.
  4. Unzip the file (on a mac, Double-click; on Windows, right click and select unzip). A new folder will be created, Called ccmsuite-master.
  5. Drag the original zip file to the trash.

Now Python ACT-R should be installed. To make sure it works, we will download a simple "Hello World!" model and run it.

Next: Running "Hello World!" in Python ACT-R

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